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Need help :-/

polycounter lvl 18
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hamburghannes polycounter lvl 18
Hi there.

First of all, I am a newbie concerning 3DSMAX, so please answer as detailed as possible.

Working through several tutorials, I came across 2 problems:

[ 1 ]

I created two different objects, a cylinder a modified box.
I placed them next to each other, selected both and converted the selection to an editable mesh.
After that I wanted to create faces between some vertices of the different objects.
This seems to be impossible. I can only choose vertices belonging to one object while creating faces - at least, that's how it seems...
On the picture you can see the face I wanted to create ( red line ).


[ 2 ]

When trying to create a UV map, I selected two different objects, converted those to an editable mesh and chose the modifier "unwrap uvw". Unfortunately I can't press the "edit" button and the sub-menu which should say "select faces" does not show up either ( red circle in picture )
The only way I can make the submenu and the edit button accessible is by selecting only one object before using the "unwrap uv" modifier.
This is definately wrong I think, I saw people selecting their whole model built up of several groups before unwraping it, and it worked. what did I do wrong?


Thanks a lt in adcance!

Regards, hamburghannes


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    These problems are occuring because you are not physically Attaching the objects together.

    Converting 2 selected objects to Editable Mesh does not make them one object, it makes them into two separate Editable Mesh objects.

    What you should do is select only one object, convert that to Editable Mesh, then use the Attach button in the Editable Mesh rollout to select the 2nd object, this will actually make it into one single object.

    Then you will find you can connect vertices, and use the Unwrap UVW modifier without problems.

    Good luck! smile.gif
  • hamburghannes
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    hamburghannes polycounter lvl 18
    Errr.. I am german, that's why I am using the german version ;-)
  • hamburghannes
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    hamburghannes polycounter lvl 18
    First of all thanks to MoP for your help, it solved my problems.

    Unfortunately I noticed something strange while working on the uv maps for my model.

    In perspective view, the bitmap material i put on my model looks blurry.
    In (quick) rendering mode it looks the way its supposed to do - sharp and precise.


    I tried switching from DirectX to OpenGL and Software, but that made it even worse.

    Is there some sort of option in the material editor or in the general preferences i did not find yet?

    Thanks in advance!

    Regards, hamburghannes
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, look for a setting in this menu (you may have to translate these into German, I don't know if the names are the same):

    Customize -> Preferences -> "Viewports" tab, then click "Configure Driver" (DirectX is usually better) down at the bottom.
    Set the "Download Texture Size" section to "512", and check the "Match Bitmap Size as closely as possible" checkbox just below it.

    Then if you Reload your texture in the material editor, it should look sharp and good in the viewport. smile.gif
  • hamburghannes
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    hamburghannes polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks to MoP again :-)

    I even tried to do that, but didn't reload the texture before setting all options to default again.

    I wonder if I'll come across more problems - if so, I know where to ask now :-D

    Regards, hamburghannes
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