I'm a huge fan of the Quake series, Quake3 being my favorite. Quake2 I dig, but they really went in a slow direction, gameplay-wise. The physics so far (multiplayer) seem to be identical to Quake3 so that makes me a happy camper. I thought the RL was a little weak in the feedback dept. and the reload anim looks a little weird because it's so quick. The nay-nay launcher is very Q1-ish, but not nearly as quick. I don't really like the design of the shotgun but it has excellent feedback.
I'm really impressed at the scalability of the engine (again). It's totally playable on a 9600 mobile with low settings and looks outstanding on a 9800Pro. This one makes me want to get a 512MB card.

The menu is still classically easy to navigate and quick. I'm looking forward to PPM support.
I nv you sledgy
Delivery estimate: October 19, 2005 1 of: Quake 4: Special Edition [CD]
if it hasn't shipped by 7:30 PM on the 18th how in the hell can the estimated delivery be the 19th.
I ordered it on the 2nd. Paid for next day air. I really feel like if I don't have it tomorrow they can keep it >:(
I never pre-order. Most retail places have their business together enough to order a few extra copies on top of the preorders and if I don't get it the day of release, oh well I get it 2 days later.
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But then you miss out on the extra shit like the XXXL T-shirt that came with Quake 4!!!
As far as quake 4 goes... wow... I can honestly say i'm so happy with the way they took it. I can't think of a more prfect way for them to go. Instant classic in my eyes.
like the XXXL T-shirt that came with Quake 4!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I would pay to see a pic of you wearing a XXXL T-shirt Astro.
I get a BSOD after 1-5 minutes.
scoob, did you check your sound/video drivers? Usualy when its takes a while like that its usualy the sound drivers. *shrug* Good luck.
but i begrudge payin £40-45 for it, so i've ordered it off net.
The single player game is pretty interesting so far. I really like how the engine was used so that there are areas that are wide open and are not just long corridors of tech stuff.
bleh...gotta wait until friday to get it
cochtl : I noticed the same problem with doom3 regarding weapon sounds...they sound like toys...
Can't wait to get my hands on it and convert my doom3 models to quake4...hate to see them sitting like this on my HD
like the XXXL T-shirt that came with Quake 4!!!
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I would pay to see a pic of you wearing a XXXL T-shirt Astro.
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How much? BIOS here in the office pre-ordered it so he should be getting the t-shirt
Bummed that the Strogg dissipate when they die ala the doom demons. Seems like Raven didn't even TRY to come up with a different way to fade them out.
I HATE the machinegun sound, especially in multiplayer when EVERYONE is using it at the same time...makes me wince.
Levels look amazing, seemingly higher texture detail then Doom. I don't care much for the vehicle based levels. Turret on top of a rail gameplay or the anti-grav tank bit. Alot of the stretches of road are wastes...especially with such powerful weapons. I just don't feel threatened in the tank. They feel like time filler levels.
Monster behavior is pretty simple thus far. I typically kill enemies before I can even see how they react. I mean, should I make it a point to NOT kill guys just to see how they react to things?
Raven has doen an excellent job (re)creating the quake universe, from the tech to the uniforms on the USS Hannibal...great stuff. I wanted to just run around the ship and talk to all the marines on board. There are only 4 types of guys though, Asian, White, Black, and mixed...so I will spen a couple minutes listening to dialogue from Black guy B, turn a corner at a corridor and talk to the same black guy only now he is black guy C. At this point, I've not seen a single female...hmm, I hear them in voiceovers coming from Ops transmissions but that is it.
more to come
I think I'll buy Q4 next week, got too much stuff to do this week to waste any time playing games.
I got a quick exchange and should be installing it tonight. I hope.
I have heard of people having problems with the cd's.
Mine is sitting on my front porch while I'm languishing at work. Hopefully it will still be on my porch when I get home
Cool game.
I've ordered Quake4 yesterday so if all goes well it should be at my door in the mornin. Can't wait, everyone I've spoken to seem to rave about it bein the better game of quake4/doom3, and I think I was one of the few that loved doom3..
More once I get ahold of it tomorrow *fingers crossed*.
got it to work first shot at home, i almost returned the game the instant it didnt work on the 8th try.
Its pretty fun, i dont hate it, i dont love it, but i like it.
Cholden, what doom3 optimizations would those be?
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scroll down where it talks about making an autoexec.cfg file specific to your card size. Made a huge impact for me.
I was hoping for something like this:
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me too
AstrobZombie is loooooong
The textures and some skins look like their artists didn't take the time to experiment with the new texhnology to find out what looks good. They just made good old JK2 quality textures and slapped a meh normalmap and a bland spec map on them.
Worst use of next gen tech i've seen in a while.
gameplay is molasses
feedback on weapons is poor
Quake 4 MP = suck, play Quake III instead.
Quake 4 SP = stupid, play F.E.A.R. instead.