[02:17] shotgun: i have an idea
[02:17] EarthQuake: [edit: OH NOES] yeah?
[02:17] shotgun: how about a "babble thread"?
[02:18] shotgun: all forums have a general discussion forum, but there isnt an actual general discussion thread
[02:18] shotgun: you can't just babble randomly to yourself, you must have a topic
[02:18] shotgun: see my point?
[02:19] EarthQuake: uhhh
[02:20] EarthQuake: dunno, might work
[02:20] shotgun: a babble thread, you can say anything you'd like, just random funny mumbo jumbo
[02:21] EarthQuake: yeah i understand
[02:21] shotgun: what do u think?
[02:22] EarthQuake: that you would look sexy with a jewfro.
and that, my friends, is what it really comes down to in life. a jewfro.
too bad im getting bald

i think he's on to something, tho.
some shit, man.
And how the fuck do you counterfeit money? I thought it was really hard...
There was a special on TV a while back about this.
The conterfeiter would print out small bills usually no larger than a 20, and use it to buy cheap items at a store. They would pay with the 20 and pocket the change. It doesn't seem much, but it can build up quickly.
God I miss that Penguin!
Twice the pudding, tango monkey octopi insect pants, toaster shakin's!
"Too much peanut butter produces obnoxious gas."
Speaking of gas, I ate a whole bunch of BBQ baked beans the other day (the big can was cheaper!). I completely expected some awful gas. Instead I woke up with some of the worst diarrhia of my life. Has anyone else had this gas into diarrhia alchemy happen to them?
it was quite funny when someone pointed out that was the new 50 pence piece, released by the Royal Mint that very day.
Christ, she really was a useless, evil bitch. If anyone ever visited the Dirty Duck in Stratford when she was in charge (for over 30 years until about 5 years ago i think) i pity you.
-Amsterdam Museum of Art
-anatomy fo dogs
-bar code
-Hunters with shotgun
-ingredient list
-Kelvin value of sunlight
-Lux of sunlight
-Pictures of donekys
-tv series Spooks
-Whey 100
Just highlights from my latest Saved Form Information in Mozilla Firefox
They are, like Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones, irreplaceable and they're getting pretty old now.
I'm realizing that it won't be so long now until these legends of cinema pass on and I can't help but consider that the big screen will be dimished in size again because of their departure.
More than that even, these guys occupy this weird cinematic real estate where they are surrogate, alternate grandfather figures to thousands, and they're going to die!!!!
Who will replace them?
Someone will, someone always does, but if they're the one you have grown up with, its doubtful that they can truly be replaced and any attempt to do so will only further alienate those of us that at are already at an age where they are becoming comfortable with being alienated from the generations before us and the current gen's notions of cool.
So yeah, Million Dollar Baby, great film, depressing ending, but more depressing to me is that those involved are far closer to their ending than I had considered until now.
Tank Busting rocket launcher or BFG
why would you want a mom and pop hardware store?
[/ QUOTE ]
Well it was because they had warmth to them, haha.
oh, and if you want something completely random, and fucking creepy to boot, go here:
good show.
Rooster: You sure that isn't faked? I mean, how come most of the time the exact country name they listed was printed on Australia and how likely is it that someone doesn't notice they're putting the pin on freaking Oz? Or India, in the case of those two girls?
What's even stranger is that people leave comments of encouragement.
...how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!
[/ QUOTE ]
You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!
ive been listening to bob dylan a lot today, more than normal. i have no idea why.
last week i had an interview for a 100,000 dollar scholarship to college, and they were sending out the letters today to tell you if you got in for the second interview of if you didnt get in, you get a letter either way. everyone else who went got letters but me. therefore i must simultaneously presume i got in and didnt get in at the same time.
im going to call my girlfriend now that i get free minutes.
Oh man, Oxy, what is the link to that thing that makes those random messes of words?! I was just talking to my girlfriend about that, and I couldn't remember for the life of me.
why couldnt he have died like 20 years later and made a larger body of work damnit.
Rooster: You sure that isn't faked? I mean, how come most of the time the exact country name they listed was printed on Australia and how likely is it that someone doesn't notice they're putting the pin on freaking Oz? Or India, in the case of those two girls?
[/ QUOTE ]
Its from a pisstake TV news show called CNNNN, from australia. Hence why its always Australia they are wanting to be invaded (also hence the accent on the dude). As for it being fake, I dunno, they probably talked to heaps of poeple and just showed the idiots.
I also like the 'foreign movie star loves australia' bit at the bottom - reminds me of when Jerry Seinfeld came here and this dumb reporter asked as he was getting off the plane 'have you been enjoying it here in Aust?' and he replies 'This Airport is pretty good but I'll have to wait to see the rest before I comment' or something like that..
You buy TWO dishwashers. And only enough dishes to fill 1.5 of them. No shelfs. You rotate between the two as 'dirty' and 'clean'
Do they give Nobel prizes in sloth?