The makers of this great 2d vector illustrating programm just announced that they will open up their program, and also release Linux and Mac versions soon (a test Linux version is already available).
Hmm, windows version is $80 though Guess I'll see if I can compile it for windows or something. I'll definitely be grabbing it for my linux install though. The program looks very nice.
Xara, developer of popular Windows graphics software, is making a move to defend themselves against Microsoft moving into their market
Sounds like we have to thank Microsoft for that one.
The "Windows 80$, Linux GPL" idea sounds damn stupid. Perhaps they'll drop the fee when it's opensource, they didn't say when that'll happen. After all, a Windows build could easily be made from the Linux one and since you cannot forbid redistribution when you GPL your software (well, that's the point) they'd have a hard time making people pay the fee.
Sounds like we have to thank Microsoft for that one.
The "Windows 80$, Linux GPL" idea sounds damn stupid. Perhaps they'll drop the fee when it's opensource, they didn't say when that'll happen. After all, a Windows build could easily be made from the Linux one and since you cannot forbid redistribution when you GPL your software (well, that's the point) they'd have a hard time making people pay the fee.