It was well done, nice. But it dragged out a bit. The repetition of shots could have been cut out, although they were zoomed differently. Overall a great piece of CG.
Too much movement, especially on the earlier shots. Makes it look way too mechanical. Less and slower movement would have made these things look more believable. And I think I spotted some environment mapping where it doesn't belong.
Is there a .mov lying around there?
Oh and so far everyone that has posted here is Canadian...
Anyhow Inspiring!!!
All thats playing for me is the music...
Is there a .mov lying around there?
Oh and so far everyone that has posted here is Canadian...
[/ QUOTE ]
oXYnary: syncing is easy these days, just choose a point on the screen. Still, clever stuff, must have taken ages.
There are some shots that made it look very realistic, while others were very noticabley edited in.
very fun if not somewhat disturbing stuff, thanks for the link.