so even though I was supposed to get it "for Free" by buying the "Gold Edition" of HL2, I now have to pay money.... again for DOD? Is this accurate, or not? steam gives me hives.
I should have also gotten it for free but they want me to pay for it. I'm thinkin I'm not going to do that. I never really trusted steam to keep my unback upable copies of software safe for me. At least if I pre-order something in the store they are less likely to come back later and say "oh yeah that, well you need to pay us for it... again..."
I feel like calling, but I think my not paying and playing will speak louder than a phone call would.
ur mad, I got gold while hl2 came out, and I just played dod source no problem, it was free.
And sure vig, Im sure ur not playing will affect them lol, OH YEAH! I CAN SEE THAT ! rofl
Its nice so far, Guns are fun, maps are nice looking, Classic dod maps thats cool, players are sweet to, and gun anims are cool.
Servers seem a bit un-stable just yet tho, Well see how it goes tho
I have the Silver Package and it was free here.
Something that kinda ircs me though is it plays like cack unless you have a quite powerful computer.
Sadly the new 'optimisations' seem to have done the exact opposite on my working/everyday system. So can only play on my beasty.
Something else that irks me is that sadly Valve haven't learnt from ID's mistakes of tieing Framerate to Network Speed.
Multi-Threading isn't just for Multi-Core, Multi-Processor, or Hyper-Threading Systems. Would be nice if the industry leaders aren't trailing the budget developers in common sense.
I mean wouldn't be so bad, but it's basically segregating online gamers now. Just silly really. Also would like it if you could turn off HDR.. not just turn off the Bloom and Full Post-Processing.
Also it's not just my imagination but after those 'optimisations' who else has noticed the Flashlight now cuts your frame-rate in half?
Guess there's no way to have sneaky playing at lunchtime like I do with Counter-Strike: Source.
Alright so i got it with the silver package and played it...
Thank god I didn't buy the silver package for DoD... I played it, its fun and all... but its the same old crap. Why can't valve create something new for a change? all they do is recreate... uhg... so tired of them trying to live off of mods for halflife...
Oh yeah, and they broke everything else for all of the modders when they released the patches so the mod i'm working on is at a total stand still untill they fix crap... again.
on the other hand the audio (every gunshot you hear is happening in the level, not canned) and the HDR make for a pretty engaging experience. i had a lot of fun as a Wehrmacht gunner in today's play sessions... i'll definitely be enjoying it for a while to come. doesn't really compete with the greater overall scope of say BF2, but then i don't think it means to compete.
also yes unless you bought package, you get DOD:S free.
n30g3n3s1s - it's the same for any 'remake', usually. If they changed anything, the fans would NOT tolerate it. Clans who play the game in tournaments and whatnot, would raise hell over it.
Don't get me wrong here though, I agree with you. There are a lot of things they can change, which would increase gameplay. It's unfortuneate they have to be so closed minded about it.
DoD:S is still fun to play though
Well, it doesn't have vehicles, and it doesn't have a large terrain system that battlefield has. It's more geared towards close combat squadbased fighting.
That's why I liked in back in 2000. Cause it was far more strategic than Counter-Strike.. You really had to fight with a bit of common sense, rather than being able to own with a quick connection.
Turret Points, Prone, Stamina, Greater Weapon Variety (which they've added about 8 new weapons from the original 12.. a bit of a bonus), Capture Point, More Realistic Objectives.
I dunno the levels also are built in a way that just allow for so much varying gameplay styles without it actually feeling like some cocky ass is better than anyone else.
You have camping points, terrain to play duck'n'run tactics, or just to run around aimlessly. Because of the level designs there often were little issues with Spawn Campers, or getting killed before really getting too far from your base. It's also odd that on such small maps you can support quite large numbers of people without feeling like it's crowded.
How much power does the X-Box really have?!
About as much as Cheapy's PC.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah you'd think so.
According to a number of online sources though the NV21A is capable of easily out-performing my 5200. Seems wrong when a GF3 Ti 200 is about half the speed.
This said, how come I can only just run Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Halo are 'playable' framerates when the X-Box plays them smoothly? I've never been able to grasp the whole, power-difference between them.
and my experience developing for consoles is limited to the Playstation2 (which is a pain) and the X-Box 360 which is basically equal speed to an X850 XT.
Seems that graphically either X-Box developers are weaning performance that PC owners unfortunately never see; or that is one hell of a GPU. More so from the CPU because I remember trying to run Doom3 on a P3 1GHz, 512MB, GF4.. it didn't like that at all. Had to upgrade the CPU to a 1.5GHz before it started seeing reasonable framerates. Yet since the X-Box Doom release, and this new Half-Life update both games don't seem to have gained any speed.
According to a number of online sources though the NV21A is capable of easily out-performing my 5200.
A GeForce 4 will outperform a 5200. The 5200 is considered a low point for NVidia.
This said, how come I can only just run Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Halo are 'playable' framerates when the X-Box plays them smoothly? I've never been able to grasp the whole, power-difference between them.
The console versions are seriously scaled down. Smaller textures, less polygons, often fewer enemies, etc. They are specifically optimized for the consoles.
actually the largest difference would be the fact that windows and alot of other background stuff isn't running to bog it down. when they made it for the console they didn't have to worry about a zillion different system configurations to work with.
I like it very much - but the only problem is the lack of maps. Im getting a little bored with it already, but I would love to play with some fellow polycounters!
Too bad no one is in the server right now...I feel like owning people!
Okay I played it, and you all know I am all about WW2, I played this and...
...didn't like it. it was a little choppy but that may be driver issues, but it felt very cramped, the player models looked kind of bad. The weapons were great, and the Mauser was nice and accurate, if you took your time with it, but that was the problem the game was too fast, and the rounds felt like ball posession in an NFL game. with each flag being a "down". I'll give it another play, but my initial imressions are not good.
n30g3n3s1s - it's the same for any 'remake', usually. If they changed anything, the fans would NOT tolerate it. Clans who play the game in tournaments and whatnot, would raise hell over it.
Don't get me wrong here though, I agree with you. There are a lot of things they can change, which would increase gameplay. It's unfortuneate they have to be so closed minded about it.
DoD:S is still fun to play though
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh man, you totaly misunderstood me! I mean they should stop trying to make a profit off of mods that were for halflife1... come on. If there is a big enough want for a game they mod community will pick it up. After all who did DoD in the first place?
They did change some things like iron sights and the bash button. Which is already getting complaints but I accualy kind of like those things hehe.
Its just not my style of game. I'm glad someone's enjoying it though so its not a total flop. It dosn't deserve to be a flop.
Well, I got it for free. Anyone who got HL2 gold/silver on STEAM got it for free. So they aren't profiting off of everyone for it.
I like the iron sights, I just wish every weapon had them. They also need to nerf the accuracy of the Kar98 a bit. I don't care how good of a shot you are, you can't hit a running target while walking/running yourself
Is it me or does the game look completely washed out with virtualy no contrast. Reminds me a bit of BiA that way.. I really dont care for that. I wish it looked more like CS:S or HL2 in that respect.
Gameplay wise.. I hate it. Sounds are great, guns are fun, models are so-so but overall its close quarters death match with a poor sense of realism. I'll play CS:S for this. I wish it had a Wolfentstien: ET gameplay with open maps and medics. Pfft.. oh well. glad some people are enjoying it, but for me I'll pass.
$20 isn't bad.
I feel like calling, but I think my not paying and playing will speak louder than a phone call would.
And sure vig, Im sure ur not playing will affect them lol, OH YEAH! I CAN SEE THAT ! rofl
Its nice so far, Guns are fun, maps are nice looking, Classic dod maps thats cool, players are sweet to, and gun anims are cool.
Servers seem a bit un-stable just yet tho, Well see how it goes tho
Something that kinda ircs me though is it plays like cack unless you have a quite powerful computer.
Sadly the new 'optimisations' seem to have done the exact opposite on my working/everyday system. So can only play on my beasty.
Something else that irks me is that sadly Valve haven't learnt from ID's mistakes of tieing Framerate to Network Speed.
Multi-Threading isn't just for Multi-Core, Multi-Processor, or Hyper-Threading Systems. Would be nice if the industry leaders aren't trailing the budget developers in common sense.
I mean wouldn't be so bad, but it's basically segregating online gamers now. Just silly really. Also would like it if you could turn off HDR.. not just turn off the Bloom and Full Post-Processing.
Also it's not just my imagination but after those 'optimisations' who else has noticed the Flashlight now cuts your frame-rate in half?
Guess there's no way to have sneaky playing at lunchtime like I do with Counter-Strike: Source.
Thank god I didn't buy the silver package for DoD... I played it, its fun and all... but its the same old crap. Why can't valve create something new for a change? all they do is recreate... uhg... so tired of them trying to live off of mods for halflife...
Oh yeah, and they broke everything else for all of the modders when they released the patches so the mod i'm working on is at a total stand still untill they fix crap... again.
also yes unless you bought package, you get DOD:S free.
I just find it amusing these optimisations have actually caused the games to become unplayable.
How much power does the X-Box really have?!
About as much as Cheapy's PC.
password: polycount
nicht spielen der DoD!
Don't get me wrong here though, I agree with you. There are a lot of things they can change, which would increase gameplay. It's unfortuneate they have to be so closed minded about it.
DoD:S is still fun to play though
Turret Points, Prone, Stamina, Greater Weapon Variety (which they've added about 8 new weapons from the original 12.. a bit of a bonus), Capture Point, More Realistic Objectives.
I dunno the levels also are built in a way that just allow for so much varying gameplay styles without it actually feeling like some cocky ass is better than anyone else.
You have camping points, terrain to play duck'n'run tactics, or just to run around aimlessly. Because of the level designs there often were little issues with Spawn Campers, or getting killed before really getting too far from your base. It's also odd that on such small maps you can support quite large numbers of people without feeling like it's crowded.
How much power does the X-Box really have?!
About as much as Cheapy's PC.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah you'd think so.
According to a number of online sources though the NV21A is capable of easily out-performing my 5200. Seems wrong when a GF3 Ti 200 is about half the speed.
This said, how come I can only just run Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Halo are 'playable' framerates when the X-Box plays them smoothly? I've never been able to grasp the whole, power-difference between them.
and my experience developing for consoles is limited to the Playstation2 (which is a pain) and the X-Box 360 which is basically equal speed to an X850 XT.
Seems that graphically either X-Box developers are weaning performance that PC owners unfortunately never see; or that is one hell of a GPU. More so from the CPU because I remember trying to run Doom3 on a P3 1GHz, 512MB, GF4.. it didn't like that at all. Had to upgrade the CPU to a 1.5GHz before it started seeing reasonable framerates. Yet since the X-Box Doom release, and this new Half-Life update both games don't seem to have gained any speed.
Thats it, I dont know what u are expecting? its a port is all
New graphis, sound , anims and shit, Same idea, same game.
WTF is wrong with u people
A GeForce 4 will outperform a 5200. The 5200 is considered a low point for NVidia.
This said, how come I can only just run Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Halo are 'playable' framerates when the X-Box plays them smoothly? I've never been able to grasp the whole, power-difference between them.
The console versions are seriously scaled down. Smaller textures, less polygons, often fewer enemies, etc. They are specifically optimized for the consoles.
Too bad no one is in the server right now...I feel like owning people!
Anyone wanna play tonight?
...didn't like it. it was a little choppy but that may be driver issues, but it felt very cramped, the player models looked kind of bad. The weapons were great, and the Mauser was nice and accurate, if you took your time with it, but that was the problem the game was too fast, and the rounds felt like ball posession in an NFL game. with each flag being a "down". I'll give it another play, but my initial imressions are not good.
n30g3n3s1s - it's the same for any 'remake', usually. If they changed anything, the fans would NOT tolerate it. Clans who play the game in tournaments and whatnot, would raise hell over it.
Don't get me wrong here though, I agree with you. There are a lot of things they can change, which would increase gameplay. It's unfortuneate they have to be so closed minded about it.
DoD:S is still fun to play though
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh man, you totaly misunderstood me!
They did change some things like iron sights and the bash button. Which is already getting complaints but I accualy kind of like those things hehe.
Its just not my style of game. I'm glad someone's enjoying it though so its not a total flop. It dosn't deserve to be a flop.
I like the iron sights, I just wish every weapon had them. They also need to nerf the accuracy of the Kar98 a bit. I don't care how good of a shot you are, you can't hit a running target while walking/running yourself
Gameplay wise.. I hate it. Sounds are great, guns are fun, models are so-so but overall its close quarters death match with a poor sense of realism. I'll play CS:S for this. I wish it had a Wolfentstien: ET gameplay with open maps and medics. Pfft.. oh well. glad some people are enjoying it, but for me I'll pass.