I just finished watching it twice.
For you FF7 fans, I'm sure you will not be

For you general 3d nuts, I'm sure you will not be

The rendering in this movie is just too good.
The camera moves too much at times, but still, the action scenes were so much fun. They kicked physics out the door, but that just made the fights so much better.
This is what Spirits Within should have been. Stylized and action packed. It's too easy to pick apart CG when you try and go for photo-realism. The materials were fantastic, the special effects were awesome.
This makes me want to go through FF7 again.
Anyways, I'm sure you guys can track it down on your own. Watch it and give us your thoughts.
I can't wait for the DVD release.
I can't get over the quality of it, down-right stunning really.
And, as usual, the sound track kicks ass.
From what I heard it's not worth it if you haven't played FF7 because there's no backstory given? All I know about FF7 is that Aeris is dead.
From what I heard it's not worth it if you haven't played FF7 because there's no backstory given? All I know about FF7 is that Aeris is dead.
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I can see that.
There were alot of references to FF7. Still though, worth watching for the beautiful lighting and rendering.
"We are artists, we respect other people's Intellectual Property"
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I don't recall ever saying that. I'll be seeing it in theaters when it comes out and buying the DVD as well, so I don't think they'll lose anything by me wanting to see it a year in advance without dubbing.
Yeah it's a straight to DVD/UMD Release, awesome film; while the refferences throughout would mean playing the game would help. The main story still revolves around Cloud and Sephiroth's rivalry.
I don't agree that this is what Spirits Within should've been. Personally I found that to be a stunning film too, providing the concept behind the Final Fantasy in a way that people who've never played the game would relate to.
Unfortunately it was still pitched far too in-depth, so adverage people thought it was boring .. and many die-hard fans hated it because it had nothing to do with the Final Fantasy universe they came to know. Not that if you tried to explain to any of these people that every damn final fantasy has been in an entirely self contained universe (with the exception of Final Fantasy X and X-2 but they were released after TSW)
In my mind Advent Children is the movie that the fans wanted, very clearly what they wanted. It's also one of those films that people will love because it is for the most part pure action.
Just think about how much Square-Enix would clean up if they did re-make a Playstation 3 Final Fantasy VII. I mean you see the reaction from E3, they would be stupid not to cash in. That said if they don't then you can respect them more than Capcom (:coughResidentEvil4cough:)
I look forward to seeing the English translation. Hope they lip-sync better than Final Fantasy X/X-2 though
So much for "We are artists, we respect other people's Intellectual Property" but I guess if it isn't software we don't care, eh?
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I very much doubt there isn't one of us who isn't going to buy the DVD ..I know I will for the making of stuff alone plus better resolution ..etc etc
So much for "We are artists, we respect other people's Intellectual Property" but I guess if it isn't software we don't care, eh?
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Hah! Yeah, because I DON'T want an uncompressed quality film and or making of features to display along with all my other DVDs.
I support what I like. In this day and age, I download before I buy. Too much crap out there. And yes, I actually go out and buy the stuff if I like it.
Note i havent seen it, but now i know to buy it when it comes out because of this. So they just got a sale they were otherwise not going to get.
My new "Favorite Movie" Of all times.
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Roger that!
Just finished watching it too. Twas amazing!! The action scenes never stopped, I was tense throughout the entire film
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NOOOOO!!! I did not KNOW!!!
Just kidding!
The camera moves too much at times,
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That was a last minute fix so you wouldn't notice that they forgot to animate the faces again.
lighting is gorgeous, cloth simulation seems very good vor the most part. animation ... first thing that struck me was that you can tell instantly in almost every scene which parts were mo-capped and which hand-animated (kids were sometimes horribly animated). still, looks good all in all, especially some of the facial stuff on tifa.
but what is the point of showing fights like those in AC? you never feel like there's any sort of threat to the life of the combatants, they do not seem to feel pain, regardless if they just have been crushed into a wall or fell a hundred meters. after a while, the fight scenes became pretty annoying to me but that might also be because of that matrix-style everywhere.
now, having played some FF titles, i do understand that they captured the style of video game fights and translated them onto the big screen, but for me that doesn't work too well.
breaking the rules of physics is okay, but that requires careful execution. having a character effortlessly jumping around in the air in one scene and having him hanging on a cliff with one hand, desperately trying to pull up - doesn't work at all for me.
also, it's probably just me but your typical RPG party with all the sterotypical characters united looks really cheesy in a movie (especially that reddish four legged creature when it's talking, lol).
at least they should tell the backstory in more detail.
That's par for anime. Your complaints sound like you aren't used to anime-style "selective physics" or didn't expect them in a seemingly realistic context.
as for anime, i have seen several of the more famous ones (ghost in the shell, jin roh, some others). there clearly was pictured that fights are dangerous in those movies. in AC it's more like sport - jumping and kicking and reflecing bullets all over the place.
Just think about how much Square-Enix would clean up if they did re-make a Playstation 3 Final Fantasy VII. I mean you see the reaction from E3, they would be stupid not to cash in.
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I read an interview with Yasumi Matsuno, and he said after getting such amazing feedback from the FF7 E3 trailer he finds the idea of remaking FF7 for the PS3 intriguing, but admits that it is too late to get started on something like that. Personally I think ever every man woman and child that can wield a mouse should be working on (re)making FF7 for the PS3. I bet it happens but it will be 2-5 years from now when everyone is burned out on FF7. The hype just won't last that long.
Too bad Square/sony didn't have a master plan, which included making FF7(ps3) a launch title. FF7 is the reason I bought a PS, FF7(ps3) is the reason I would by a PS3.
the 3D is incredible, and the fan service is, in automobile terms, like getting a complete oil change, tires and engine replaced. but that's what it's about... i haven't finished watching the second half because it just doesn't hold my attention. i bought FF7 back in the day to see what the fuss was about, but i still don't have any real attachment to these characters, so i'm definitely not the target audience.
the bit in the beginning with the jenova recap, where you see the oil or whatnot streaming out of her face is an incredible image. and i did enjoy the humor related to cell phones. that's about all
but yes, if you're a fan, be sure to see it. it's sure to be an ecstatic viewing experience
Such an amazing moving. I'm definantly buying this one.
...when everyone is burned out on FF7. The hype just won't last that long.
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You see, FF7 is like a cult movie. People don't get burned out on it, they just play it for the rest of their lives. The hype will last for as long as they do. I mean the game is just 1 or 2 years shy of being a decade old.
Personally, I'm not a Final Fantasy fan at all. I havn't played any of them, except Final Fantasy 11, but that's because I like pretty MMOs...
Though this movie, it looks fun, I'm sure it will be on adult swim anyway, seeing how there's like 45 million anime fan kids on it, they'll want to see it on. I just can't see myself buying it though.
Finally found an english subtitle version.
apparently this one will only be released as a part of some FF AC collectors edition in japan. or whatever. as always, without the backstory i'm not understanding a lot. mother? jenova? nibelheim? huh...
and no, fights do not look half as ridiculous when done in that style as opposed to AC.
i enjoyed it a lot, i actually loved the exageratted physics and cool fight scenes. i do pity the person who watches this that hasn't played ff7 though.
My biggest complaint is that the impacts were completely unbelievable. If you wanna see good impacts, watch Naruto, specifically epsisode 133 (it might be 139, I forget) but you can have exagerated physics, and realistic impacts. Every time they touched it felt more like a little slap than an actual pound or jump. Better soundwork, and better reactions to these insane hits and swings would have made this movie perfect.
It wasn't too hard to follow, I just got some quick background about the the characters from my friends and having played FF8, FFX and FFX-2 I wasn't totally new to Final Fantasy.
What is "Last order"?
[/ QUOTE ]Its an anime version of final fantasy 7 recapping the Nibleheim Event where Sepiroth goes crazy.