Are you talking about the maxScript that lets you export uvs as Photoshop paths? If that's it, you can get it here:
well...i got it pathunwrapper slapped on my toolbar and such. i installed the liscense thingy. now when i try to use pathunwrap i get "you must have RPMdlx.dlx installed". oh well, i'll hit it up tomorrow. i gotz to go!
Like I said, you need to also install rpManagerLite available from the link above. That will add the .dlx file it's missing. If you did install it already, maybe you just need to restart Max. still doesn't work. i went ahead and copied the .dlx file and dropped it in the stdplugs folder. i no longer get the "you must have RPMdlx.dlx installed" message....but nothing happens at all. am i not placing it in the right folder? crap!!!! i just want the stoopid thing to work haha.
well...i tried it. still not working. what a bummer. i'm new to plugin stuff. but i'm pretty sure everything is in the right place. sigh. when i go to run script...nothing happens.
Ah, I think I know what you're problem might be. Are you running the script from the MaxScript window still, or are you using a button? You should go into Customize > Customize User Interface > Toolbars tab > Category: RPManager, and then drag and drop the text "PSDPathUnwrapper" onto your toolbar. This will create a button that you then click on to run the script.
naw. good try FA. i already have the button up there. nothing happens when i click on it tho....literally, NOTHING. haha. what a pain in the rump. i've been emailing the RPManager dude. he's helping me through it. so far we can't pin point the prob.
Install latest version of RP manager. Open Max. Drag and drop psdunwrapper.mzp to your max viewport window. You get a message that the world is going to end. Go to cutomize find the rp manager. Assign shortcut.
To test. Make box, assign unwrap mod, do flatten map or whatever you want. Collapse stack. Do your shortcut. Psdpathunwrapper opens. Click Browse path to were you want to save your psd. Check the auto open on write if you want Photoshop to open when the file gets written and press the unwrap to PSD button.
You also need to install rpmanagerlite from here:
thanks again.
thanks for your help FA!!!!
thanks for all the help.
thanks so much for your help tho!!
I'm encountering the same problems you are and have try all of the steps you have tried so if you crack the code on this let me know. :poly122:
Install latest version of RP manager. Open Max. Drag and drop psdunwrapper.mzp to your max viewport window. You get a message that the world is going to end.
To test. Make box, assign unwrap mod, do flatten map or whatever you want. Collapse stack. Do your shortcut. Psdpathunwrapper opens. Click Browse path to were you want to save your psd. Check the auto open on write if you want Photoshop to open when the file gets written and press the unwrap to PSD button.
I hope that works for you.