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Doom movie teaser trailer


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    well, the monsters look quite true to form which is cool.. might actually be alright in a sort of resident evil kind of way :] Cool plasma gun, and I loved the over-the-top massive muzzle flashes laugh.gif
  • SyaPed
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    SyaPed polycounter lvl 18
    Did anyone notice that the 3d human model in the dna intro thing looked like a game model from the doom game? grin.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    it looks ok : /

    then again its going to be just monsters popping out and scaring you, EXACTLY LIKE DOOM 3 WOAH.
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    I couldn't help but think, "Didn't I see this movie when it was called 'Aliens'?".
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    "We're going in hot!"

    No, Mr. Rock, you really aren't.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    "We're going in hot!"

    No, Mr. Rock, you really aren't.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think he's hot
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i reckon its pretty silly to expect anything big from it, but it looks like an alright 'switch off brain and watch some guys with guns shoot monsters' deal. what else would a doom movie ever be?
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    ... I think its great.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    DO you think you could eliminate some of those ?s Rockstar, they're messing up the formatting of the page and its annoying having to scroll across just to read people's posts.

    About halfway through theres something that looks like a small Hell Knight... maybe an upright Pinky. I'm pretty sure its not another imp - its head isn't the right shape.

    Aaanyway, I've been defending this movie which will probably be completely horrible, since it was first announed so I'm not about to give up now... besides, it seems to be a prerequisite of previews these days to make the movie look much much worse than it actually is, so you never know - this might just turn out to be... ok.
  • lkraan
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    lkraan polycounter lvl 18
    Actually I didn't think the teaser looked that bad.
    Ahh, who am I kidding...it's going to suck.
    But then again I will see it some way or the other.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    i liked this move when it starred Mila Jovovich and was called Resident Evil.

    were demons from Hell too controversial for "The Rock" ©WWE (or has his WWE contract ended and we're supposed to call him Dwayne Johnson now?)
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like Doom to me - well, the corridor/monster/bathroom bits do. I'm not expecting gripping drama or profound plotline, and lets face it, Doom is hardly character-driven. I think with my expectations I'll probably enjoy it. I like a high budget B-grade blast now and then smile.gif

    Also, kiwi starring - very yay laugh.gif
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    should a been arnie
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    teh rock = teh sux

    it looks horribly cheap
    id still do the blonde chick tho
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    God some of you are jaded...that teaser looked pretty damn cool to me. Much better than expected.
  • Ribking
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    Ribking polycounter lvl 18
    I look forward to seeing this. I'm no movie critic, though....I pretty much like everything.
    The Governator passed the torch to The Rock in "The Rundown". The Rock IS the new Arnie! Personally, I think he does as good of a job as Arnie did in the same kind of setting.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Every movie that features weird monsters nowadays follows the Alien formula: buncha people go into a place, unaware that monster(s) are there, and then it starts eating them, and then they have to accomplish the task of getting out with their heinies intact, and (frequently) blow the place up.

    Even a plotless killfest like the original Doom story could distinguish itself from this cliche in one respect. If all the Alien stuff happens in the first fifteen minutes, everybody except Dwayne dies horribly, and the rest of the flick involves the Rock fighting hordes of weirdo beasts in an effort to save his own dang self.

    But it won't.

    As for my personal opinion of Mr. Johnson, he has my respect. He's the scion of two pro wrestling families, and if he's really the warm, personable guy he appears to be, then he has done well not to let his own ego get tragically large. I don't think he's ever set out to be anything other than an entertainer, so he'd probably be the first to admit that he's not an 'actor' as much as a 'movie star'. And as long as he is aware of this, that's not bad.

  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    there is no human alive who has the capacity to put so much feeling and emotion into a seemingly trivial line as "you idiot, get out of the vehicle"

    arnie forever.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    The trailer looks sweet, reminds me of Doom. I'm gld they had no cheesy effects showing through most of the trailer.

  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Personally I think considering what I, and everyone else I imagine, was expecting this film to turn out like, I think it's doing pretty damn well.

    Ofcourse there are parts where you could scream OMG RESIDENT EVIL!, but really I think the resi evil film scenes also resembled doom 3 quite a bit in terms of clean tech metal.

    I have higher hopes for the film than I originally had to begin with, but it's got a lot to live up to and I doubt it will deliver, still may be a gud watch.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Alright, I've been asking this on two other forums so far. Is that the Starcraft scream at the end of the trailer? It sure sounds like it to me, but I'm not sure. Might reinstall just to check it out.

    Also, it has better lighting than Doom 3, so it's automatically better. wink.gif
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    It looks better than the trailer to "gamebox v.01".
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    It looks about as good as the game, not very.

    I love the end "Sir you okay?" -- Yeh, cause those looked like human eyes, slanted with blue skin around.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I take it no one realises that the Rock isn't in fact the star of the show. Carl Urban, who's a decent enough actor - he was good as Eomer in Lord of the Rings and while I've not seen it, I hear he's alright in the Bourne Supremacy as well - is playing the marine (Grimm, I believe).

    [ QUOTE ]
    Alright, I've been asking this on two other forums so far. Is that the Starcraft scream at the end of the trailer? It sure sounds like it to me, but I'm not sure. Might reinstall just to check it out.

    [/ QUOTE ]Its definitely a stock sample (or if it isn't, it sure as hell sounds like it). Its known as the Nutrigrain guy scream in Australia.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    It looks better than the trailer to "gamebox v.01".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WHATEVER!!!!!! gamebox looks totally sweet my man.. totally sweet... go watch pokemon or something you nazi
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    starcraft scream? no, that scream predates starcraft by years. I think it's becoming a running gag in the sound design world, similar to the teapot in highpoly 3d, or the lensflare/dropshadow photoshop kungfu-ery. I know i heard it used in the old lucas arts games circa 1993-5 (like Dark Forces) a lot.
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I take it no one realises that the Rock isn't in fact the star ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, hence me remarking that a kiwi was starring tongue.gif
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    yeah that scream has a actual name to it, that i can't rember its used in lots of movies as kind of a inside joke, it was in starship troopers, and alone in the dark (horrible movies but i've watched the making of extras recently, and both mentioned it, by name)

    i have no idea why you guys are hardcore ughing, this movie may not be good, but from what i've seen so far it looks liek it has a chance, i've seen nothing in the trailers that makes me think it will be bad. (i still think it will be bad, but thats just my pessimistic side to movies)

    and compairing it to the rez evil movie.. If you paid attention.. the rez evil movies were 10 x more like doom the game, than it was like the rez evil games,

    rocks a decent actor, i like the fact that they didnt use cg monsters, i fucking hate cg monsters, such a pet peve of mine.

    my hope is that the movie will not be bad, my prediction based on no actual evidence, is that it will be bad
  • EarthQuake
    blankslatejoe beat me to it a bit, its been in TONS of games and movies, im pretty sure its part of some public-domain sound collection of some sort, or maybe it was just on a popular sample cd or something.
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