I want a better way to make horns with deeply scalloped sections that also curve. I cant see doing this with a spline. Right now I make a cylinder to match each section and then connect them after I'm done.
Ill post pictures when I get home.
I dont think the horns would be very deformation friendly.
Here's a picture of what I did.
I think it took too long to do. How would you have done these?
I would have started with a cylinder, deleted the tops and just edge extruded the whole thing, scaling up what ever loops I wanted larger... rotating loops along the curve. Cant see that taking me more than a minute or 2..
I would have made a cylinder, welded one end so it would have been a cone and then just selected edges and connect and scale and rotate and connect and after the shape is down chamfer and then meshsmooth.
Other way would have been to make a spline and then a cylinder and then extrude along spline and whaam it would be almost done just some scale and chamfer and weld one end and meshmooth.
If you just understood what i meant you need to go see a head doctor ASAP.
make it straight and shape it iwith a ffd?
Here's a picture of what I did.
I think it took too long to do. How would you have done these?
Other way would have been to make a spline and then a cylinder and then extrude along spline and whaam it would be almost done just some scale and chamfer and weld one end and meshmooth.
If you just understood what i meant you need to go see a head doctor ASAP.