great ideas, on the side note, it would be great if anyone can export the model as obj file so regardless of what software people uses they can open the file.
free 3 gigs hosting to the first 199 sign ups each day
seems legit so far, no need for paypal or creditcard, gave em my spam email address
Johny: haha, a link to a SDK in a SDK thread with a link to the same SDK in your signature. We should standardize a thumbnail picture of the SDK model with a link to the download. No links to links to links please.
This is a great thread. It would be even better with a little thumbnail leading to a picture of the model, so i can shop a little without having to download the model.
in the P&P forums, not in the SDK thread. SDKs go to the SDK thread, where people find SDKs to skin on. Results usually go in the WIP thread or a new thread, sometimes titled "[modelname] SDK adventures"
Would you like to sift through an SDK thread's posts full of results trying to find a SDK download?
I might give that one a go =o
and of course Maya thanks
that one sticky like in the old forums.
free 3 gigs hosting to the first 199 sign ups each day
seems legit so far, no need for paypal or creditcard, gave em my spam email address
EDIT: fixed it. I'll eventually upload a flash interface or something. Good old flash.
hrm...I may even just grab and host these as they go...
*gears churning*
oh and thanks hawken...I thought this thread already existed!
Johny: haha, a link to a SDK in a SDK thread with a link to the same SDK in your signature. We should standardize a thumbnail picture of the SDK model with a link to the download. No links to links to links please.
GoblinSpaceMarine_SDK_is here
Makkon - I could host as well, plus mine is Tal protected.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm listening....
Firebrand, UT2K4 version
Firebrand, Quake2/UT/Q3A version
I put a thread in general topic discussion about the SDK thread having a big interest on the community.
If anyone wants to host them let me know i'll make a folder a.s.a.p.
This might be the only time i can really contribute to the forums other than pimp'n
Download SDK
Click here to visit my old Kaie topic
Young Kakashi SDK:
dl link:
Minus the weapon and shield.
Colorcoded .psd's and .lwo .3ds and .obj included.
this is my first robo... [1 night...]
Shimmer and I have released the model. Give it a try, have fun
Here's a 'dongless' model. Haven't made sure everything shows up in Max ok. I made it in Maya. Any issues let me know and I'll fix it.
Update: Added picture
Boredom-induced pimp render:
Would love to get some feedback on that one (sdk and model) too, but I'm not sure if it deserves its own thread.
Cheers, Lugg
here is a link to my dragoness SDK thread.
Have fun!
Black dude SDK
You know, things that you DO with these SDK's should be posted in this thread as well. It would be much more lively.
And so it was posted here to. Do try him out.
The .zip includes a .mb file and a .obj file, as well as .tga and .psd
he once had proper fur for a beard, might redo that again if i get time.
512 map.
You know, things that you DO with these SDK's should be posted in this thread as well. It would be much more lively.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not really, that defeats the whole purpose of an SDK post thread.
Would you like to sift through an SDK thread's posts full of results trying to find a SDK download?