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Spygirl - Realtime model...



  • S-S
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    S-S polycounter lvl 18
    - Update.
    - Shaped hand with better bending joints.
    - Foot and arm mesh are updated and mapped again with better UVs for deformation.
    - Painted some detail to texture and fixed shadows & removed black edges..
    - Head texture has now more painted lighting/shading.
    - More contrast in hair
    - Env map in shades
    - More dirt here and there (well, i didn't add that much dirt smile.gif , as it didn't look good in mirrored legs/torso
    - Had to do some adjustments to spine/skeleton too.

    - Did some test renders today night.

    CnC Welcome!


  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    You hurt me. >.> makes me want to rethink getting into the industry. wink.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nice. Love the little curl of hair in front of her ear. The face is awesome.

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I think he has some kind of filter that removes any mention of the word "wireframe" from websites he reads...
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    wireframes, wires, flats...

    maybe this will work w i r e s ?

    Hehe, really nice work, How does your rig handle deforming extreme positions? Or are you not so bothered about that at the moment?
  • IceWolve
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    IceWolve polycounter lvl 18
    To bad she isnt real :drool: laugh.gif Very good model. I realy like the hair too, very well made model and solid all around just like your elf one. It would also be nice to see flats and wires as well. But the appeal in this model id say you have good taste in women laugh.gif
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    f l a t s
    w i r e f r a m e s
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 19


    Watermark the hell out of 'em - I don't care, I'd just like to see how it all fits together.

    Awesome work, with that much talent you must be trying really hard not to find a job?
  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    Not much to add here, but -greatjob +1

    I'm very impressed at the quality vs. size of flats. Love her lips, face(who the ref? I know that face!) and the ass. smile.gif

    Only crits are, the space between the breasticals is too pronounced. Insted of two mounds go for one. Don't care for the boots much(personal pref).

    If you are thinking of using her(she needs a name) for res. pimp then you may want to do a high poly ver too.
  • dom
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    dom polycounter lvl 18
    man! i love those tits.

    the grey areas need more variation, perhaps more shade painted in. i would love to see a version with jungle camouflage patterns.
  • S-S
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    S-S polycounter lvl 18
    - I guess the skinning can be much better, but anyway, i modeled her legs spread slightly, same goes for arms.
    - As you can see, it is possible to turn shoulder joint 90 degrees on x and y axis, and she can lift clavicles up too, and can raise feet roughly 90 degrees up.

    - I think she is nobody as far as i know smile.gif

    - Texture is mirrored. Only one arm, leg and and half of torso

    "If you are thinking of using her(she needs a name) for res. pimp"

    ...Umm. What do you actually mean?

    - I tried more color and didn't like it.
    - I also used MGS Snake hires images as ref, which had relatively flat textures, i like how it leaves more "space" for lighting. But anyway i guess i have to practice more my texturing skills...
    - BTW - i like your hires work, i have them on my Pics dir!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, I think he has a mental filter for the word "wireframes" smile.gif
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    yeah, btw, it's a little bit weird... Don't know why he doesn't want to show us the wires and flats. Sounds like we aren't good enough to see them laugh.gif Or maybe for copyright reason?

    Anyway, it's a great job for sure, but your behavior is a little bit strange.

  • skrubbles
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    skrubbles polycounter lvl 18
    I've been wondering the same thing... I don't think I've ever seen wires or flats from you S-S. We don't wanna see them because we don't think this is your work or anything... we obviously really love your stuff and wish to learn from you, and seeing wires is a great help to those learning character modeling. Plus we could give you pointers if we notice something odd.

    BTW, if you are indeed looking for work like it says in your signature, it really helps if you show wires on your site (which only has final renders). It helps art directors know how you handle your polyflow. I mean, I've gotten a few job offers just on my last character model alone without even having the texture work started.

    Anyway, I can understand if this is contract work and you're not allowed to show wires and flats. It'd be nice if you can give us some kind of excuse (even a good lie will do smile.gif ). But since this is a forum, you don't have to do anything and most likely just ignore that I even posted a messege in your thread.
  • Ramucho
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    Ramucho polycounter lvl 18
    me is begging foh' dah' waya's

    p.s: the gal reminds me the stargate: atlantis one (dunno the name smile.gif )
  • darkshadow
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    darkshadow polycounter lvl 18
    omg, it take alot for me to say to a model....."sexy", and she damn sure is, good work man, excellent model
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I ccould imagine that he got a few job applications filed in the circular bin because he doesn't show his wires, any potential employer wants to see your wireframes to see your way of handling that stuff, e.g. do you keep everything quads or is your polyflow messy? What they don't see they'll assume worst case for. Noone wants to find a dead cat in the bag.
  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    "If you are thinking of using her(she needs a name) for res. pimp"

    Reads- I think you should do a high poly -normal mapped version of her. It would be good for your resume.
    Along with the wires too.

    The ref. is some pornstar right?
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    You need better poses and/or different camera angle shots.

    The poses look awkwards because it looks like she's squatting.
  • S-S
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    S-S polycounter lvl 18
    Renaud Galand:
    - Thanks for PM!

    - I sorry if posting no wires seems like strange. I can tell everyone who asked there is nothing wrong or stolen.

    - I wouldn't even want to discuss this matter too much as it leads to nowhere. I have my personal reasons for not posting currently wires. (which are my personal work - haven't posted any commercial work here ever although i have done that too)
    - I won't elaborate it publicly more, as i don't have a habit of hurting other people's business.

    - Just PM me and i can tell you more smile.gif - i only post personal work here, i will mention if it's something else.

    "What they don't see they'll assume worst case for"

    - If you were my potential employer, you would already have access to wires. I like simple tube like structure for arms and legs. Same goes body too. Breasts and face are only parts of mesh which i would call "edgeloop" modeling.
    Just PM me and we can chat more.

    - Ah ok, got it. Nope. I just used some women magazine images as reference for face "paint"

    - Can you elaborate? - I know the legs might look a bit short? Or is just poses? Camera is already quite low angle... I do still think about making legs longer ...

    - Everybody, let's just take another beer or coke and relax! There is so much more to life than 3dforums and net wink.gif Just PM me if you want to ask something!
  • darkshadow
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    darkshadow polycounter lvl 18
    release her for ut2k4 or hl2dm, i would love to ........play with her :P
  • jonnyhr
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    jonnyhr polycounter lvl 18
    Grand work, no doubt. As for wires.. I dont think anyone suspected them being stolen, or there being anything wrong. The only reason I would love to see som wires, and perhaps some texture sheets is for the educational value.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    she needs her own game and a British accent wink.gif
  • Renardin
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    Renardin polycounter lvl 18
    Can I date her?
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