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Question for all you experienced animators!

polycounter lvl 18
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Mooseboy polycounter lvl 18
I'm trying to figure out how to make my DoubleJumpX look "right". The start of the double jump works ok, but there's a hiccup in the end where it ends the double jump and apparently resumes the regular jump. Are there points in the JumpX animations where it is supposed to connect? Perhaps frame numbers? I dunno. It looks OK if I don't provide any jump animation at all, so I suspect it's re-running some of the regular jump animation if it can't find the double jumps. Anybody know what's up with that? Because I could just cheat and simply decline to provide double jump animations.

Which leads to another question: how can I stifle the "Log: PlayAnim: Sequence '<sequence name>' not found for mesh '<model name>'" lines? Due to some odd arrangements in my model I'm gonna get a lot of these, and the log will fill up with this noise and possibly be a performance drain on the game while it wastes all those CPU cycles dumping noise to the log.


  • Eric Chadwick
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    I think you have no responses so far because no one knows which game this is for. Quake III maybe?? Wish I could help, but I never modded that one.

    Might help you to re-post this, including the name of the game you're trying to mod in the thread title.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    UT2004. I'm pretty sure.

    Sequence not found errors will ocur as long as the corresponding sequence is missing, throw in a 1 frame dummy animation.

    I'm not sure but doesn't the doublejump lead into the floating anim? There's a jump and a float anim (float being for when your drop doesn't end with the jump animation).
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