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New Woman

polycounter lvl 18
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LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
Yeh I am making a woman just finished her body.

took me just under a week to do more less working hours wise so i knida rushed it in places and i know i must have messed up at some places so does anyone got a feedback to tell me what i should redo or tweek to make it look better [image]finalbodygallery1pu.th.jpg[/image]


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Did you have a reference?
    The crotch is what stands out to me the most. She shouldn't be spread apart like that.
  • ShadowM8
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    ShadowM8 polycounter lvl 18
    It's a good start.
    There are a lot of anatomical problems with this model. I would get some refs and go over every part of the body to make sure it is anatomicaly correct before you add any more details.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Did you have a reference?
    The crotch is what stands out to me the most. She shouldn't be spread apart like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL...heheheh your right thanks I will try and sort it out I know wat you mean.

    Her pussy should have a "V" shape not a "U" shape like you can see I will try and sort it out thanks for the feedback
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    You should also angle the breasts outwards, they're pointing straight ahead right now, that doesn't happen in reality. Also there seems to be a sharp edge on the front of the legs though that might just be the pics.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's a good start.
    There are a lot of anatomical problems with this model. I would get some refs and go over every part of the body to make sure it is anatomicaly correct before you add any more details.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am kinda stupid could you explain what you mean by that. confused.gif

    do you mean around the joints such as her elbows cuz i know around there will need a lot of work. Also her ass could use some work i am still trying to work on it to make it better.

    Is that what you mean when you talk about anatomical errors if not could you kinda explain a little dude. frown.gif
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    You should also angle the breasts outwards, they're pointing straight ahead right now, that doesn't happen in reality. Also there seems to be a sharp edge on the front of the legs though that might just be the pics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeh your right dude tits don't usually point point straight like that your definitely right about that but i kinda did that deliberately i kinda thought her nipples would have looked silly if they were pointing in odd directions.

    So yeh i have modelled from a real woman's picutures but i kinda modelled half in reality and kinda half fantasy because people won't really want to see a real woman figure people would kinda want to see the fantasy looking woman so i kinda wnated the best of both worlds but......
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    the nipples don't just angle outwards, the whole breast does due to the fact the rib cage is somewhat cylindrical.

    [ QUOTE ]
    because people won't really want to see a real woman figure

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i do. mostly from the fact that proportions for fantasy girls are very formulated and easy for everyone. example: danger girl. staying true to anatomy and subtle unique features of the human body is more of an educational experience than creating what has been seen so many times before. dare to deviate.

    p.s. contrary to popular beliefs, women actually have stomachs.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    If you're taking that much artistic license you aren't really using the ref. First make sure it looks exactly like the ref, then go from there. Once properly modeled it's a lot harder to mess up the anatomy.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    hmmm you guys seem to be very well versed in human anatomy you are proving to me that i still have a long way to go in this industry when it comes to knowledge.

    I know there are those that like the look of realistic human anatomy but i am sure that most people will agree that the fantasy based look is more attractive than say the realistic anatomical look of a woman.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Until you can do realistic don't try "optimizing" because you likely don't know how far you can push it. Besides, parallel boobs aren't attractive.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    and usually one boob is bigger than the other. :P

    anatomy is very important. anatomy is what separates the surface of a thigh section composed of vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae latae, vastas medialis, sartorius, gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, semitendinosus, gluteus maximus, and biceps femoris, from a sack of potatoes, or a smoothed cylinder. it's especially important with high poly characters getting more attention. knowing the muscle groups and proportions is also helpful when your work is expected to be animated. it's not a difficult subject, just give it a few months, and only study the ones important to you as an artist.

    fantasy may be more attractive, but it's still fiction. it shouldn't be used as an excuse to not study the human/animal/alien form, as it is most often in this industry.
  • ShadowM8
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    ShadowM8 polycounter lvl 18
    There is a reason why Disney animators practice life drawing on a regular basis, because you need to know how the real thing looks before you are able to consciously make adjustments. If you take the design of most fantasy or alien creatures you will notice that they follow human anatomical structure very closely, that's what makes them look believable.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    "anatomy is very important. anatomy is what separates the surface of a thigh section composed of vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae latae, vastas medialis, sartorius, gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, semitendinosus, gluteus maximus, and biceps femoris, from a sack of potatoes, or a smoothed cylinder."

    Hehehe Elysium put that Science book your quoting from down for a moment

    I am not discounting real life and realistic modelling. I am aware of it's importance. All i was saying was that i thought poeple would probably find fantasy based models more attractive over realistic human anatomy thats all Of course i want to leanr about the human anatomy otherwise i could only ever get so far in this industry which to add i am just starting out in having only been doing this stuff for a year and a half almost everything has been a learning process for me.

    Your then assuming that the reason that i have given was basically me trying to use it as an excuse now from your perceptions you may have come to that conclusion but let me tell you how you should have interpretted it in reality I am not trying to use it as an excuse not to learn i am giving you a "reason" as to why i tried to do what i did thats all. I tried to mix and match fantasy with realism which i know now is a great folly.

    And ok I will be the very first to admit it didn't work so it's a learning curve i now know for next time not to do it just stick to the picutre reference and let the model take it's course.

    Also shadow null of course they are gonna be referncing how they move their characters from humans their not gonna be as silly to just try and conjure up movements off the top of their head and hope they look good and work beacuse then your leaving yourself open to risk as well as it looking maybe odd and not believable .

    Also if your referring to aliens and fantasy characters that are in "HUMANOID" form then of course there gonna use their most close reference which would be a human as well as maybe other aniamls in their research it will look believeable to us because we may have seen animals in similar guise(which exist today) to the modelled character act or react that way in a real life envionment.

    They don't truly know how some dinosaurs moved but what they would do would be to look at their body structure scientifically guess and also base movements of these dinosaurs like they have explained in documentaires such as "walking with dinosaurs" over animals which exist today. So i am aware of their research techniques.

    Look guys there have been a few posts and i would consider only two to have really thrown at me any serious constructive criticism so lets get back on topic I know i gotta fix her pussy and and her anatomical structure in quite a few places what else would you reckon needs fixing as well.

    Also do you have any solutions at this point in time as well or is there just criticism.

    At the moment I am reckoning it would take longer for me to tweek the modelling into looking right rather if i just deleted the model say from just above the knee and began modelling again. I reckon i could have it done in a few hours

    So any solutions as to how i should go about tackling this problem as well as just pointing out criticism would be helpful.
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    i will gladly send you a link that has proven to be ever helpful in my modeling....So without further adu(spelling?..always wanted to say that)...here ya go


    check out the subdivision body model tut. This guy really really knows his anatomy and has great step by step directions.

    My advice, is to start over. Use this model as a learning expeirience and move on and try to get it right on the next one. You will spend forever tweaking this one til you get it right. You could spend the same amount of time just starting from scratch following this tut or making your own variations off it. I never follow complicated tuts like this all the way through, but i look them through begining to end seeing what i would keep and what i would leave out. His begining steps are great and super helpful, however, he goes overboard on stuff later on through the tut.

    This is all assuming your are sub D modeling of course! if not, dunno what to tell ya. anyhoo, best of luck!


    ps...(generally, you wont here many anatomy teachers use the "p" word either to describe the crotch...:)
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    thank you dude your aid has been quite enlightening never thought of trying to model like that.

    Also the model goes into some detail i like that it may help me to become more accurate with my modelling work which could be better for me in the long run i feel.

    Anyway cheers thanx for advice and the new modelling guidelines
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    the "pussy" is female genitalia, or more commonly use, pubic hair. what you're trying to describe is the pubic region, where the rectus abdominus originates from the crest of the pubis. unless you're japanese, it's not vulgar, so please stop using a vulgar word to incorrectly describe it. try again with reference, and don't forget the anterior superior iliac spine when designing the lower torso. very important for women. you wish I was reading a book.
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    ehhh....hehehhe....lollollol.. laugh.gif your funny dude

    until we meet again
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX: Wow... would you suggest any books to read? I've been needing to brush up on my anat. too.

    LazyBoy, relax man... you need to learn how to take critques. They are there to help you, not hurt you. There's a difference between "That muscle group looks off" and "omg, u suxors. lololols!" We're all here to help. smile.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, relax. I would help more, but there's nothing to say about your modeling skills with the image posted. The only part of this mesh that even comes close to resembling something believeably human is the breast, and that's IF it/she was wearing a wonderbra. What you're receiving is better than the alternative. Forget about improving your modeling for a moment, and learn how to make your results look functional. Learn the other elements needed to bring the design to life. Follow references and proportions closely. Try a lower polygon count to get the basics. Make each step a success. Then come back with wireframe shots, and we'll give more feedback.

    n30: I took an advanced 6 month course in Kinesiology last year at a local college, we used this textbook. It's very detailed, and not something I would try reading in my freetime. But, great reference for learning muscles. It's not just about how the muscle appear on the body, but how they work together with the skeletal structure to provide movement. After taking the classes, this book was easier for me to follow, as he also relies on medical terminology in his descriptions. There are all kinds of books on amazon.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Elysium smile.gif
  • LazyBoy
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    LazyBoy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    LazyBoy, relax man... you need to learn how to take critques.

    They are there to help you, not hurt you. and "omg, u suxors. lololols!" smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "LazyBoy, relax man... you need to learn how to take critques."

    I am cool with criticism is just that i have loads of teachers like that in my class they will lay into us with criticism then just walk away and leave us to get on it with it never actaully throwing at us any solutions upon how to tackle a problem Like if they said "maybe if you did this or if you did that" then i would be cool with criticism if i didn't like criticism i wouldn't have posted this up here to get criticised.

    I did it because i want to gt criticised because i know this is the only way i am ever gonna move forward if people tell me exactly what they think is wrong with a model i xcan learn from that and make sure that i don't make those mistakes ext time like for one this time being a good example now that i am aware of this i can go about tackling the problem.

    All i am tryig to say is i don't mind criticism just as long as it's constructive criticism.

    "They are there to help you, not hurt you. and "omg, u suxors. lololols!" smile.gif

    ooo.gif are you trying to tell me i completeley suck at 3d modelling and animation that's not very nice frown.gif......heheheeh grin.gif
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