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Analytical Thinking

polycounter lvl 20
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poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
Normally I post my tutorials/papers/tips in 2d/3d, but since this one is more of a general advice paper I figured I'd post it here, see what you guys think. I've had it planned for a while, and it was on my to do list for this weekend, but Shine's post inspired me into a typing frenzy.


and if you want it in pdf format


  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    Excellent read poop. When I am learning something new or working on a project, I often take a sit back and take some time to analyze the process taking place.

    Humans learn from their mistakes, thats what we do.

    For the visual people out there, or the ADD sufferers, you might want to illustrate some of your concepts.

    Cya buddy
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18
    Nice one. I have had similar thoughts on my mind lately. I like the bit about leaving the popup menu up while working. I use XSI everyday and basically everything you do, especially material setup involve them. They are really quite powerful once you learn to use them effeciently but I catch myself out sometimes closing them when the next step was to open it again :S I have a couple weeks off at least in the next month or so, once crunch is over and I actually had planned to do exactly as you say. Utilise the time to think about what can/could be done better etc. Maybe even do some painting smile.gif

    btw I consider myself a very visual person and I didn't feel the need for illustrations but that's just me smile.gif
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    ah yes, I had to learn stuff like that in school.

    Good text, but I would rather have the question awnsered to myself why I actually want to get better and what getting "better" is all about, if it is just speed etc. etc.
    not so that I can just do commercial art better or make better stuff for games.

    speaking about logic, this should interest you

  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    sry for the doublepost but I found another very intersting article that underlines your way of thinking.


    Hey wow, this edit thing is quite cool :P
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    "Edit" button.. nice feature :P

    Nice post poop - really nice read. I shall take on board some of those things and knowing that take it into account next time laugh.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Oh, shit, "like a chess match". I never could handle chess.
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Too much do I see people who do everything in their lives without thinking about how to do it better. Usually all they have is what they've been taught/shown/had passed down/spoon-fed and nothing more. They don't try to figure things out/question things on their own, it's always up to someone else to show them how. Usually, the only effort they do put forth is complaining and expecting someone else to solve their problems for them.

    I'm glad to see an article like this. Good work, Poop.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for this profitable reading poopinmymouth. I wish I could make some of my friends read and make use of it like I did.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Excellent quality reading there pooper. Most of it sounds very similar to the curse I put myself through each day. Every moment of each day, whether it's art related or just walking to check the mailbox, I'm questioning how could I have done that better. In some situations, I find myself with opposition. There are times when you KNOW how something can be improved, but the person in charge of the event, say a retail manager or a mod leader, says otherwise. Sometimes I become so overly critical, that it becomes a difficult effort to make, so much that it's intimidating. The only solution is to force myself through it, taking the consequences as they come, and learning from them.

    The section on verbalizing is refreshing. I should try that. I've noticed in moments when my gf is being a good lister, that crazy and creative ideas suddenly pop into my mind. I wouldn't have reached those conclusions, and concepts unless I was rambling to uncover them. Or quick helpful input from the listener suddenly triggers a thought never realized. Question everything, consider thoughts from another perspective, and test your theories.
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