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  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    Fire is the wrong word. You're misrepresenting one of the best game developers in the business there, Mr.

    They had the option of going along with the project, finding a new position on Monolith's action teams, or moving onwards.

    Monolith is helping their employee's find new work aswell, outside of the company.

  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Ohh well in that case *delete *

    I just read the article..don't shoot the messenger
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I can't say Im not too surprised the fate of said title. This may be affecting our own Ndcv. :/
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...one of the best game developers in the business...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait... since when? I don't mean to offend any employees of Monolith, but when I think of best game developers in the industry, they certainly don't spring to mind. Everything I've seen/heard/read/experienced about the matrix online was craptastic.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    ha..amen!! ,I totally disagree also .. I don't think you can put them in even remotly the same category as say Naughty Dog,Blizzard,Epic,ID...
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    Blood and NOLF were their only good games

  • Husch
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    Husch polycounter lvl 18
    I think both NOLF games, AVP 2 and THRON 2.0 were under the best games I ever played. Sad to hear that they trapped into that "make a bad game for this popular movie" trap.
  • FunkaDelicDass
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    FunkaDelicDass polycounter lvl 18
    NOLF, NOLF 2 and AvP2 were some of the finest games I've ever played, in any category. Of course, that's my opinion, but I have a lot of respect for Monolith. Clearly, there are people that work at that company who understand how to make fun games. I'm guessing they're a pretty large company, so they can't always put their A team on every project, hence the sub-par Matrix online.

    And FEAR was probably my favorite game at e3 this year, when you talk about games that were actually playable on the floor. It felt like the next step in the single player FPS; slick art style, physics based gameplay that didn't feel gimmicky, and survival horror elemts. Oh, and particle fx done right. smile.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I liked Tron 2.0... Though it's the game that damaged my keyboard because the copy protection got me so angry I hit it a few times with my fist.

    As for Matrix Online, well what did they expect to make out of a movie that has maybe four important people, two of which are godlike? Sure you could have the player be one of those liberated people fighting security guards but I don't think people really wanted to kill random people when they signed up for a Matrix game.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Wait... since when? I don't mean to offend any employees of Monolith, but when I think of best game developers in the industry, they certainly don't spring to mind. Everything I've seen/heard/read/experienced about the matrix online was craptastic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *laffs* It's great when people spew a mouthful of ignorant shit and tag it with "I don't mean to offend..." and use that as their get outta jail free card. While you reach for the mouthwash you can still educate yourself:

    NOLF 2
    9.3 rating


    AVP 2
    8.something rating


    No One Lives Forever (PC)
    - PC Gamer, 2000 Action Game of the Year
    - CGW, Action Game of the Year
    - Computer Games, Game of the Year and Action Game of the Year
    - Gamespot.com, Action Game of the Year
    - Sharkygames.com, Best First Person Shooter
    - Gamepen.com, Action Game of the Year
    - Amazon.com, Game of the Year runner up
    - Video Games Weekly, Action Game of the Year
    - Interactive Achievement Award Nominee, Game of the Year
    - IDGA Nominee, Original Character of the Year and Game of the Year
    - Game Spotlight Award for design excellence from the GDCA
    - CGW, Editors’ Choice Award
    - CGW, Villain of the Year
    - CGW, Best Script

    Tron 2.0
    Awards and Recognition

    - Play Magazine, PC Game of the Year
    - Computer Gaming World, Best use of License
    - Computer Gaming World, Editor’s Choice Award
    - PC Game, Editor’s Choice Award
    - Computer Games, Editor’s Choice Award
    - Computer Games, Top Ten Game of 2003
    - GDC Award Nominee, excellence in Visual Arts
    - GameSpy, Best Storyline
    - GameSpy, Top Ten Game of 2003
    - Game Chronicles Magazine, Best movie/TV PC game
    - Action Vault, Outstanding Achievement in Art - Direction
    - Action Vault, Outstanding Technical Achievement in Graphics
    - IGN, Best graphics Runner-up
    - Time Magazine, Top Ten Video Game of 2003

    and lil' something about:
    E3 2005 Action game of show

    Best Action Game

    (Monolith/Vivendi-Universal Games for PC)
    Standing out from the crowd in this hotly-contested category ain’t easy. F.E.A.R. didn’t just stand out, but leapt out with its paranormal/horror skew built into one of the most impressive first-person action systems we’ve seen so far.

    It's getting late, I should get some sleep, btw How does that shoe taste?

    Maybe you should check yourself before shitting on over a decade worth of critically acclaimed games eh? Some of us pay attention and have tons of respect for the old school game developers who didn't buy flashy sports cars and have rockstar glossy prints.

    Why do I even reply to your shit...I have no idea.

  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    wow...someone forgot to put in there tampon ...take it easy there PAK everyone is entitled to there opinion no need to get your panties in a bunch .
  • Mark Dygert
    I have friends that work there, it sucks what is happening. BUT its not like most of them didn't see it coming, and they company is giving them time and help. Atleast they didn't lie to thier employees till the very end and yank the rug out from under them at the last min.

    In other news Atari is Shutting down Humongous Entertainment if they don't find a buyer by Sept. It's very VERY sad to see the studio go from making quality childerns titles to whoring itself out with the Backyard Sports line, then getting the shaft. I hope they get picked up and I hope they make good kiddie games again, but it doesn't look hopefull.
  • Vark
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    Vark polycounter lvl 18
    Is Ron Gilbert still affiliated with Humongous or did he bail out when they sold to atari?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    You're misrepresenting one of the best game developers in the business there, Mr.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the problem is we all interpreted that differently. Since the thread was about employee relations, I thought you meant how it treats it workers (which knowing a few people that work there, its definitely on the better side, but not by far one of the best).
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Pak I'm guessing you either work at Monolith, want to, or are very proud of some friends that work there. Reguardless, you're coming across as extremely arrogant (nothing new there)

    While I'm sure those are good games (I've never played them personally) I still stand by my statement. I didn't say they were bad developers, in fact those above games put them at least in the good category, but in no way qualify it as "one of the best" as you insinuated.

    I said I didn't mean to offend, not to lend my argument less weight, but to remind everyone that someones opinion of a company as a whole, doesn't necessarily extend to each and every employee, as we all know that an artist doesn't get to determine the quality or policies of their employer.

    Thanks for "educating" me, but I still say my list of "best game developers in the industry" is missing Monolith in it's list, and that's perfectly my prerogative, and your definately entitled to have them at the top of your list, but that doesn't give you the right to imply it's at the top of everybodies, or they're "ignorant".
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Pak I'm guessing you either work at Monolith, want to, or are very proud of some friends that work there. Reguardless, you're coming across as extremely arrogant (nothing new there)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok Im butting in. Poop, you can't have it both ways. There was no reason to add that little speal at the end of the paragraph. You yourself come of as just as arrogant with that little passive aggressive comment.

    Cant we just say there was a misunderstanding and differences of opinion and leave it at that? Period.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    I added that to hopefully show Pak how he is being percieved, at least by me. But very well, I appologize for that statement.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    I added that to hopefully show Pak how he is being percieved

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You didnt add "by me". You can't make that a global statement for every single person.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sometimes the truth hurts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Once again, uneeded. That specifically was added as a PA attack.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    [ QUOTE ]

    Wait... since when? I don't mean to offend any employees of Monolith, but when I think of best game developers in the industry, they certainly don't spring to mind.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know this because you told me: Your interest in PC games only spans the last few years.

    AvP2 was so much fun at LAN parties. And NOLF and NOLF2 not only sport some of the best character work I've seen in a video game they are also extremely fun.

    Durring that time I did consider them among the top developers in the game industry. Lately not so much. Although with FEAR and Condemd they looked like they were back on track.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    While I thought it originally unneccessary, let me clarify something. There is more on a scale than just BESTEST, and WORSTEST. I never said Monolith was a bad game developer. When I think of "one of the best developers in the industry" that to me insinuates a list of maybe 5 or so companies that make the most fun games in the business, and I still hold that monolith is not on that list for myself, or any of my friends (except you monster! ;-D

    I thought it was a bit pompous for someone to smack down someone for posting a true article, sheerly for the fact they should not bash "one of the best game developers in the industry" as if there should be some fear? and as if that should be common knowledge of how "amazing" they are.
  • flachdrache
  • skankerzero
    Monolith, to me, was one of the best back in 98 - 2001. At least, they made alot of my favorite games, which to me, made them of the best.

    They didn't revolutionize anything really, but, did they have to? I don't think so. The NOLF series was a blast to play, as was AVP2.

    It's also totally possible for a developer to be 'one of the best', then fall out of that. I think the Matrix series took them out of that in my eyes.

    The subject of 'being the best' is subjective and that's something that everyone in here needs to remember.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I thought it was weird when I heard that Monolith was developing the Matrix: Online, didn't seem like their type of game. Look at Shiny, they made a sucky Matrix game as well, I think there's a curse on that license.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    More likely there's just too many strings on that license, you buy it just to find out they exert so much "creative control" that you can't make a decent game out of it.
  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    Is Ron Gilbert still affiliated with Humongous or did he bail out when they sold to atari?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He flew the coup =( As did most of the tallent, no offense to those still remaining but Infogrames/Atari has not been kind to the studio and it makes it hard to keep tallent around. I know he keeps a blog site http://grumpygamer.com/ I haven't checked to see what he is up to lately.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    Eric Kohler at Monolith is one of the most fucking amazing artists I've seen in this industry.

  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    I never said Monolith was a bad game developer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah everyone, leave him alone! He meant crap in a good way.

    I'm kickin' facts and opinions backed by E3 show judges, several Game of the Year awards across 3 titles for over a decade. Oh yeah, and I’ve ‘played’ all these games.

    The characters in NOLF2 are amongst some of the best that I've seen. F.E.A.R is one of the most promising action games in a long time. Monolith didn't take 5 years to develop it either, and their tech is their own, 100%.

    Sure I am an arrogant dick, and sure you’re entitled to you ill-informed opinion poop but it stems from ignorance and you admit that. You’re the one back peddling in this thread...not me.

    The fact that you haven't played these games means you're probably unfamiliar with the quality of the characters, the gameplay or the story behind their critically acclaimed titles.

    We're not talking about 1 hit wonders we're talking about a reputation spanning a decade of game development spattered with critically acclaimed titles. All lith needs is a decent marketing push and they'll have the best action games of 2005, it's all up to Sega and VUG now.

    I'm speaking from a perspective that doesn't just consider the games but the opinions of the developers experiences in the studio. A good game developer makes good games and breeds pro's who stay for years and years at that studio because they like it there. I know of lith employees who’ve been there +7 years. Their character designer on NOLF2 is one of the ‘best’ in the business. Their lead level designer on F.E.A.R is one of the best in the business. One of their lead programmers many of you polycounters know; Joe Waters, he’s one of the best in the business too. Monolith attracts and breeds some of the best developers I know of.

    I'm comparing that to what I have seen on AAA titles and what some of our friends here and elsewhere have shared with me about their AAA studio experiences. Did you consider all (or any) of those factors?

    Monolith has a progressive mentality in regards to their action teams game development processes, one that I feel should be emulated. I hope they do a Post Mortem or write a book about F.E.A.R and Condemned. We all stand to learn a great deal from them. The fact that F.E.A.R graphically looks light years ahead of HL2 and took a fraction of the time to make from the ground up speaks volumes.

    My opinions weigh in poop.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Pak, I think he was referring to the Matrix Online when he said "craptastic" ... you know, even good developers turn out crappy games now and then. An insult against a game is not the same as an insult against a whole studio - I bet some people who work at Monolith would probably agree that they don't think what they're working on is a very good game.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    yeah Monolith use to make fun games .. and george lucas use to make good movies..so what.. laying off 80 peeps is not a sign of greatness.. its an act of desperation... pixar is one of the greatest animation studios and they just laid off 200 people.. oh wait, no they didn't..my mistake..
    let this be a lesson to you.. dont post any news you may find.. better yet dont post any ideas you might have.. you never know when they might contradict one of the greatest things in the world.. and then the terriorsts win.. shame on you for thinking.. shame on you!!
  • Michael Knubben
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You're on. Shogo was fucking great.
    It featured depressingly little penis for your tastes, i'm sure, but it was good.
    good good good.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Pak, I think he was referring to the Matrix Online when he said "craptastic" ... you know, even good developers turn out crappy games now and then. An insult against a game is not the same as an insult against a whole studio - I bet some people who work at Monolith would probably agree that they don't think what they're working on is a very good game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know I think it's fair to put monolith in the same boat as EA in the games quality category . Ea does put out some pretty good games and a lot of people like them and buy a shit tone of them . Still EA will never be considerd a top developer by most people in the industry if the majority of there titles looked rushed and play just well enough to be called a game .

    Top developers who I dare not insult constantly without error make quality games like ID software,Blizzard,Naughty Dog,Ensamble,Factor 5,Capcom( for the most part ),Nintendo.. those companies have pretty much always made extremly good games . Monolith say like Volition has made some really good games also .I loved Nobody Lives forever just like I loved Freespace 1 & 2 ,but it just seems to me that they have dropped the ball in a lot of games in the past and present. There are f-ing amazing artists at every game company and it's not always there fault that they get stuck working on a title that turns to shit most likely because of manegment. Anyways I think this thread should be locked it's causing a lot of fighting over something petty ...
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    pogonip I'll leave you alone cuz you're compairing a publisher like EA with thousands of developers spanning across international boarders with a mid-sized studio with 2 teams :P Completly different development philosphy/business model and a much wider product line. EA buys their rep and melts it into the large pot over at Redwood Shores and in Vancouver (which is perfectly cool, just different is all)Poop has no excuse though cuz he accually makes games.

    Oh yeah, and Shogo fuckin' rules Cheapy.

  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    You know I think it's fair to put monolith in the same boat as EA in the games quality category . Ea does put out some pretty good games and a lot of people like them and buy a shit tone of them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're comparing a development house to a developer/publisher. Remember, a lot of those "good games" were developed by independent companies and published by EA ... although EA does seem to tend to buy up the best of their developers when they can.

    In any case, I don't think that's a fair comparison at all. When you look at the sheer number of titles that EA releases in a year, there's bound to be a few good ones in the bunch tongue.gif

    Crap - my post was delayed because I was swapping out my monitor. But yea, what he said.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    No backpeddling here. My original point which I maintained throughout the thread, and reiterate here, is that Monolith is currently not ubiquitously on everyones "top game developers" list to merrit your original post. It might have been in the past, and might possibly be again, but it currently does not hold the reputation you seem to think it does.

    Even if it did, and it was on everyones list as the best developer in the world ever, how does that invalidate the article? Is it true or not? Had you somehow brought new information to the table it'd be one thing, but it seems you just didn't like having your company painted in a negative light.

    Honestly though, as an employee of the company, your opinion can't count but for so much, as you are obviously biased.

    *edit, I liked shogo as well.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    I surely did bring new info to this discussion, as Monolith didn't FIRE those employees as the subject origionally stated. And the employee's had lots of options not just "get the fuck out" Aswell, it wasn't clear that HR was helping the floaters find new work.

    And uhhh...o, I don't work for Monolith, I live in California not Seattle WA.

    So yeah...uhh, you're wrong all over the place. What's that like anyway?

  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    *edit: Actually, even though some people probably read what I originally wrote here, I take it back.

    I'm glad my mistake about you religiously defending a company you don't work for, has somehow completely invalidated the rest of my posts. Maybe if you displayed in your profile where you work people wouldn't have to guess.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    What have you provided besides the fact that they weren't fired? You sure showed us! Now we all understand the concept of an opinion! Here, let me show you something:

    # Game of the Year, Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences, 2002
    # Console Game of the Year, Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences, 2002
    # Editor's Choice, Game of the Year, IGN.com, 2002
    # Editor's Choice, Game of the Year, Electronic Gaming Monthly, April 2002
    # Best Console Game, BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards, 2002
    # Best Multiplayer Game, BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards, 2002
    # Console Action/Adventure Game of the Year, Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences, 2002
    # Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering, Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences, 2002
    # Best Game of Year One, Official Xbox Magazine, November 2002
    # Best Multiplayer Game of Year One, Official Xbox Magazine, November 2002
    # Game of the Year, EDGE magazine (UK), April 2002
    # Technical Innovation of the Year, EDGE (UK), April 2002
    # Audio Achievement of the Year, EDGE (UK), April 2002
    # Best Original Soundtrack, Rolling Stone, May 2002
    # Editor's Choice, Best Xbox Game of 2001, IGN.com, 2002
    # Reader's Choice, Best Xbox Game of 2001, IGN.com, 2002
    # Readers' Choice, Best Xbox Game of 2001, GameSpot, 2002
    # Editors' Choice, Best Xbox Game, GameSpot, 2002
    # Reader's Choice, Best Combat Game, GamePro, July 2002
    # Readers' Choice, Best Xbox Game of the Year, Electronic Gaming Monthly, April 2002
    # Editors' Choice, Best Shooting Game, GameSpot, 2002
    # Best Graphics in a Console Game, Electric Playground, 2002
    # Best Console Shooter, Electric Playground, 2002
    # Best Multiplayer for a Console, Electric Playground, 2002
    # Best Developer: Bungie, Electric Playground, 2002
    # No. 1, Best First-Person Shooters, PLAY, February 2002
    # Best First-Person Shooter, GameNow, February 2002
    # Best Multiplayer Game, GameNow, February 2002
    # Platinum Editors' Choice Award, Electronic Gaming Monthly, January 2002
    # Game of the Month, Electronic Gaming Monthly, January 2002
    # Revolutionary Xbox Game of 2001, Game Revolution, January 2002
    # Best Xbox Action Game of 2001, Game Revolution, January 2002
    # Editors' Choice, Best Xbox Action Game of 2001, IGN.com, 2002
    # Readers' Choice, Best Xbox Action Game of 2001, IGN.com, 2002
    # Editors' Choice, Best Xbox Storyline, IGN.com, 2002
    # Readers' Choice, Best Xbox Storyline, IGN.com, 2002
    # Editors' Choice, Best Xbox Graphics, IGN.com, 2002
    # Runner-up, Readers' Choice, Best Xbox Graphics, IGN.com, 2002
    # Editors' Choice, Best Xbox Sound, IGN.com, 2002
    # Readers' Choice, Best Xbox Sound, IGN.com, 2002
    # Game of the Year, Toronto Sun, 2001
    # Xbox Game of the Year, GameZone Online, 2001
    # Best Console Game of the Year, Voodoo Extreme, 2001
    # Action/Adventure Xbox Game of the Year, GameSpy, December 2001
    # Gamer's Choice Xbox Game of the Year, GameSpy, December 2001
    # Premier Choice Award, ActiveWindows, December 2001
    # Viewer's Choice: Game of the Year, TeamXbox, December 2001
    # Editors' Choice 2001, GamePen, November 2001

    - Best Console Game of E3 2004, Game Revolution, May 2004
    - Best Console Game Game, E3 2004 Game Critics Awards, May 2004
    - Best Action Game, E3 2004 Game Critics Awards, May 2004
    - Best Online Multiplayer Game, E3 2004 Game Critics Awards, May 2004
    - Best Visuals of E3 2004, 1UP, May 2004
    - Best Xbox Game of E3 2004, 1UP, May 2004
    - Best Shooter of E3 2004, 1UP, May 2004
    - Best Game of E3 2004 Nominee, 1UP, May 2004
    - Best Console Title of E3 2004, Action Trip, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Best of Show, Game Informer Magazine, May 2004
    - Best Shooter of E3 2004 Runner-up, Game Spot, May 2004
    - Best Xbox Game of E3 2004 Finalist, Game Spot, May 2004
    - Best Xbox Game of E3 2004 Runner-up, Gamers.com, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Editor’s Choice, GameSpy, May 2004
    - Best Games of E3 2004, GameSpy, May 2004
    - Best of E3 2004, GameZone, May 2004
    - Best Xbox Live Game of E3 2004, IGN, May 2004
    - Best Xbox Shooter of E3 2004, IGN, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Xbox Game of Show Winner, IGN, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Technological Excellence Runner-up, IGN, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Best of Show Winner, IGN, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Best of Show Winner, TeamXbox, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Best Xbox Live Title, TeamXbox, May 2004
    - E3 2004 Best First-Person Shooter, TeamXbox, May 2004
    - Best Game of E3 2004, Xbox 365, May 2004
    - Best Games of E3 2004 Winner, Xbox Evolved, May 2004
    - Best Xbox Game of E3, Gamespot.com, May 2003
    - The Best Games of 2003, Official Xbox Magazine, February 2003
    - Hottest Games of 2004, Official Xbox Magazine, January 2003
    - Best-Kept Secret, Official Xbox Magazine, February 2004
    - Best Game of E3 2003, TeamXbox, June 2003
    - Best Graphics of E3 2003, TeamXbox, June 2003
    - Best Trailer of E3 2003, TeamXbox, June 2003
    - Post-E3, Pre-Awards Best Games, IGN Xbox, May 2003

    All for Halo 1 and 2, respectively, and I would say without a problem that Bungie is not in my top 5 developers list. Are they on yours? I doubt it, and surprisingly, they've been making games for a long time too! Many of them sucked pole, yet they have shown they can make a good game. Yet they still haven't found a place on my top 5! OMFG! HOW! HOLY FUCK! You've been shown to be an ignorant douchenugget. How does that feel?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Handbags at dawn, ladies.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Lol Mop. Thanks for using humor to defuse the situation, from my end anyway. smile.gif
  • Mark Dygert

    Damn MoP beat me to it =P
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hey shogo was great fun! stompy robots!
  • Mark Dygert
    shogo was awsome, I really should see if I still have a copy of that I want to play again
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Geez, you both kept pushing it on. I wonder if your both secretly long lost brothers?

    Edit: Loved Shogo also. NOLF2 was borrrrring.
  • Hooker with a Penis
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    Hooker with a Penis polycounter lvl 18
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    i love this thread. avp1 is better than avp2 though
  • r13
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    r13 founder
    and time to lock this one down, you guys go play nice... somewhere else.
This discussion has been closed.