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F.E.A.R. beta

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
thoughts??? its pretty fun.. i like the way the weapons feel.. the lighting is AMAZING!! some of the best lighting i think i have seen in a game.. i hear all the lighting is dynamic.. no static lighting.. it is a beast tho.. i have a 6600 and 2 gigs of ram and even medium settings hang up sometimes.. but overall it plays pretty nice.. only real complaint is that i feel like i am moving too slow.. want faster action..


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I was offered the beta, but declined. It just doesn't look interesting to me. Surely a pretty game, though.
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't like how it looked. The walls seemed to be too straight and sharp and some areas looked too tiled. The lighting is ok, but the levels I tried out didn't seem to have a lot of atmosphere to them, just boxes and support structures that made the areas feel contrived. The weapons were nice; i liked the nail gun and the assault rifle the most. Sad to say that I'd rather play the Battlefield 2 demo over F.E.A.R. any day
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i agree.. not even in the same balpark as battlefield.. i was just more impressed with the lighting than anything.. level design and art aside.. i would just run around and see what the light was doing.. god i am dork.. there are atmospheric lights and what appears to bounce lighting in some areas..i hope this can be modded easy.. i would love to see more interesting things in this engine than little girls and army men...
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    F.E.A.R. DM will get much better by the time it ships. It has great potential no-doubt.

  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    The trailers and footage for FEAR really impressed me, however playin that multiplayer beta I was left unimpressed, I certainly won't be playing it online but I'm still rather intrigued with the single player.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I've been playing the multiplayer all day long. You move much too slow though. This, combined with the fact that you die extremely fast means going out in the open is absolutely impossible.

    And it runs like ass on a 9800pro :'(
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Im liking it laugh.gif . I think though the slo-mo needs to be made less available during matches.

    For those of us that are playing it (ie the non BF2 zombies-what are your onlines? Mine is Dr._Strangelove)

    It runs like a beauty with a 6800gt.
  • eXpendabLe
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    eXpendabLe polycounter lvl 18
    I just played MP with Cricket (who I think already had a hack for it :P) and I'd have to agree with the slow movement coment and quick deaths. It felt similar to HL2DM to me, sans the gravity gun. I'm interested in this game in hopes it has a strong SP story/gameplay. The MP is just too furious and frustrating to be fun after a while.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    They should make slo mo have a radius, and the farther out the radius, they less it slows you down.

    Just because some guy on the other side of the map turned it on doesnt mean I should should have to slow down.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    I played the MP demo for a bit and wasnt impressed at all. I mean technicaly the game has some stuff going for it but it looks -extremely- boring and wasnt fun at all. I did like that they had some parralax mapping in there when you blew chunks off the walls. That was nice, but for the most part the lighting was aweful. I really hate this mentality of technically we have completely accurate shadows and perpixel lighting....but it doesnt look good!!! how often do you see a sharp as a knife shadow...anywhere??? A lot of the lighting is just too harsh, and lighting doesnt work like that...so anyways this is just a demo and not the final product so I'll hush for now :X
  • BIOS
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    BIOS polycounter lvl 18
    slo-mo will probably be a server side setting, if it isn't already. ruins the game for me really. sorta like using a redeemer in 1on1 maps...

    before the patch they issued i think the game was more fun, it encouraged the use of all weapons. now they nerfed some of the higher powered weapons and online games are a spamfest.

    i quite enjoy the twitch-fest FFA, and this game does it well.
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