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Realtime Character - Rapper v2

polycounter lvl 18
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S-S polycounter lvl 18

- I was going to update webpage this morning and do some re-rendering of old models. I was just going to render old rapper model but then i decided i would do some changes which did have time to do earlier.

- Updated all textures, remade shapes and fixed edgeflow here and there.
- I also updated face, added small changes and toned skin - i made face a bit more detailed in style, i didn't like the old that much.

- I also wanted to see how he would look like in different poses. I did quick skinning & setup.

- I also optimized texture page usage. Now he uses
- 512x512 for body
- 256x256 for head
- 128x128 for details
- 128x128 for cap

- 50% self illuminated + 1 shadow map.
- Highlight in gold is on/of alpha poly/flare texture. I just wanted test it in image, and forgot in on in every frame.

- Not new, and certainly plagiarism - but it's updated and i wanted to post it anyway smile.gif

CnC welcome!



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Whoa, you keep turning this quality stuff out ... nice!

    I'd say there's something you need to work on for all your textures though - painted specular... in all of your recent game-art textures, they don't have any "shininess"...

    His flesh and shirt deserve more highlights (try a light blue on the flesh, stipple it a bit to give it some texture, avoid everything looking so smooth)... also the shoes could maybe do with a splash of colour, they seem pretty monochrome.

    It's very good work, the model looks great, but the texture just looks a little too flat and smooth - maybe if you had a specular map and rendered it with that applied, it'd look better, but if you're going for full self-illumination, I'd really recommend painting the specular highlights into the texture.

    Keep it up!

  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Bling isn't about gold, it's about platinum! Ice!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    ye good postage dude,

    the bones of the middle finger run back up to the middle of the wrist. yours are in offset.

    i think his legs are too full comparing to his not-so-full face. the shape and volume of the legs dont imply huge ass muscles, but fat. and his face are not fat or big boned as his legs and hands imply. he's short, though, and that does support it.

    as mop said u dont paint speculars. i'm not sure this is bad, though, since the way technology is heading anyways. what i Do think u should add either way are darker darks, and perhaps richer color palette.

    good job all around, deffinately.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
  • S-S
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    S-S polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for comments!

    - Yes, i know i might be bit too much biased towards "3d rendering" style textures, and haven't paint speculars that much in my textures.
    - Then again, that elf girl i tried to do relatively close to lineage style, which doesn't actually have that much speculars in textures, maybe in metals, but not in clothes / faces.
    - Kitano model i wanted make look like drawn texture (talking about head) not photo style, like shenmue npc characters.
    - I also test balance of environment lighting/texture baked lighting while texturing, and it seems like i often choose to go for less specular smile.gif
    - I think i'll have to do/try something which will have more metallic/plastic surfaces.
    - I don't think i would make this hipoly mesh (5500tri) fully selfilluminated.
    - I think it makes no sense to create shapes which create shading and then double the depth of shadows/speculars in texture, but then again, this is something i'll try to work more!
    - Specular might be a good idea, but only in face i think as he has no plastic/metallic materials in surfaces.

    - Eh! smile.gif - I'm not into rap/hiphop and stuff like that, i really have to admit smile.gif

    - I think the skinning is the main reason for that. Image on the left has least twisted palm, and it doesn't look ok. Rest have more twist in joint, I think it is that's the main reason for this - wrist vertices don't twist properly.

    - Yes, i noticed that too. I considered that OK, but i think i will check that again tomorrow with "fresh" eyes smile.gif

    - I know. More dark smile.gif more practice it is!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think the hands seem a little to large, but otherwise a great job.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    that's great. good expression. cool clothes. you must be stopped.
  • ryan77
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    ryan77 polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome, i love it. BUT those shorts!? Those are not rapper g shorts. Jay-z scoffs at them. They might look a little bit better if you made them look a little more like jean shorts, try more detail like pockets and such, make him sag like hell?
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    S-S another great model for current gen stuff , but I think if you are looking for work you should be conentrating on making some NEXT-GEN level characters or enviro props cause that seems to be were the jobs are right now as far as I can tell .
  • S-S
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    S-S polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX: hehe thanks!

    ryan77: Thanks - How about these?

    - I read your suggestions again - here is a new version. I was pretty careful again with speculars, i also added some slightly brighter areas here and there. I'm not quite sure about edge bevels / plastic feel on blue stripes - but then again, it is very easy to remove.

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    vrrry nice

    only suggestion would be the shoes. they're a bit plain for a rapper of that.... bling? lol :P
  • Quaggs
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    Quaggs polycounter lvl 19
    yeah, the shoes need some flava! put some spinners on those bad boys, and platinum lace caps, and a diamond encrusted shoe brand logo!
  • fiart
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    fiart polycounter lvl 18
    Looks very nice.Definally an improvement in the shorts from the previous version.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    awesome work, really awesome. You ahve a great nack for making cool looking humans and faces, which is hard to grasp, let alone UV map AND skin.

    Only things I can think of is that the body seems a tad low res compared to the head, and that the cap now sticks out like a soar thumb being bright blue like the old shorts.

    Keep it up man!
  • S-S
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    S-S polycounter lvl 18
    moose, Quaggs, fiart, odium:

    - Thanks - i think i will do some re-thinking with cap and shoes later. Started rigging elf girl and also started making new female model yesterday!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Yah, please rethink the cap. If its got its on texture put some detail in to it. A logo or something...

    I like it otherwise, the new shorts are great.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    And while you're updating the cap and shoes, give him a BigMac and some Fries.
  • Kyle
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    Kyle polycounter lvl 18
    *whew* that looks so nice, its exactly like Blaze from Fight for NY smile.gif
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