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Bio/Mechanical Humanoid Concept

46th Avenue
polycounter lvl 18
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46th Avenue polycounter lvl 18
Last night around 3:00 in the morning i woke up with an idea and sketched it out really quick. Its not the best work I've done but just a representation to get the point across. It is a concept of a humanoid type bio/mechanical figure. As you can see the machine part is supporting the torso up. I wanted to include the beauty of the human body with the hard grit of technology. Hopefully I will get around to modeling this with Max but I'm going to Savannah College of Art and Design for a 5 week workshop course thingie (starting Saturday) and wont have time to work on it. When I get back be sure to bitch and bitch at me to get off my lazy ass and work because i have a tendency to not come back to unfinished projects lol. If you have any ideas, suggestions about this character please do not hesitate to bash the crap out of it.smile.gif
Thanks - 46th

PS: im hosting this on deviantART instead of ImageShack b/c i didnt know if imageshack would approve of the nudity in the sketch, would they get upset over such things or not? thanks



  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    thats really awsome!

    ghost in the shell inspired?
  • Bree
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    Bree polycounter lvl 18
    looking gross man - I love it!
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    those boobies look a little too round. tongue.gif
    look fake and kinda interrupt the nice flow of the other lines. really great looking concept though.
  • 46th Avenue
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    46th Avenue polycounter lvl 18
    HAHAHA yea your right i kinda did make them a little to round. Im going to try to correct it on the plane to the Savannah College but i dont know whos going to be sitting beside me so it may be a little awkward blush.gif -46th
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    what's the concept, exactly? i don't mean to be rude, but this is pretty much par for the course for bio-mechanical stuff. it's a female torso in which you've only vaguely indicated the head, which discounts that as the possibility for the unique angle for this concept. the torso and cables are a good start, but instead of elaborating on what's holding it up or exploring more forms, you've just gotten hung up on shading and detailing it.

    the whole biomechanical art style has been so exhaustively used in animation and games, to the point to which this drawing just looks like a half-remembered memory from quite possibly half a dozen different sources. ghost in the shell most obviously comes to mind, but the drawing is presented in such broad terms that there's very little concept present.

    so please, you've got a sound enough theme to be exploring (interface/conflict/whatever between man and technology), so let's actually do a concept! don't get hung up on shading or the little details, let's see the big shapes and an expressive pose that says what you want it to say. try and find an angle that hasn't been explored; a man/machine hybrid that hasn't been done; or maybe (gasp) mechanical vocabulary that extends beyond cables and gears and bolts.
    for instance, you mention the mechanical bits are holding up the torso... but we don't see any of what's holding it up beyond a few cables. she could be lying on a table for all we can see. snap to it, i want to see a concept here! smile.gif
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    gauss for president!
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Savana eh? I know A real douche bag who's going to Savana, Kid thinks he's hot shit, and he can't draw for the life of him, in fact he has no artistic capabilities what so ever. Though he is loaded, so he can pay his way to that school.

    But that's fairly irrelevant, the topic is about your sketch.

    Yeah, Gauss makes some great points, I mean I love biomechanical things, I love them to ungodly extents. Though this looks ery unfinished, and sort of like you started to do a pretty nice sketch of a female nude, but got lazy at the trunk so added some wires.

    You can still do lots to it, and you shouldn't mind the person next to you on the plane, if they get offended by that, it's their fault for looking over.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, it looks like she's got implants in the lower and upper torso. The breasts look fine, if she's supposed to look like a formerly-flat-chested stripper with silicone bolt-ons. Perhaps she's a pleasure-bot undergoing repairs...

  • 46th Avenue
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    46th Avenue polycounter lvl 18
    well i got here after the plane ride it wasnt that bad of a flight and got some more sketches done, i dont have a scanner at this time to show yall but i will try and get one pretty soon.I did several different types of support systems. Bty i hate 56k connections these things are the worst.i'll try and get back with yall later w/ those concepts - 46th
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