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Environmental prop:Wooden light consistancy test

polycounter lvl 18
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JO420 polycounter lvl 18
light source consistant in a texture is a major weakness of my textures

used bobo the seals vertex baking tutorial and decided to keep it simple for the first time i use this technique.

the texture is 100% photo free i even painted the wood texture myself



  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    WOW, good work for no photo source.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    yeah it took awhile to figure out the wood, first i made the color,then added a noise modifier,then i motion blurred it, then added sharpen twice and it give a nice clean grain look and from there on another layer i painted the variations of color and so on.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Looking over it again, I do have one minor critique. The texture doesn't seem to line up correctly. Mainly in the top corner facing us.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I noticed that as well, right off. The other thing that looks 'wrong' to me is the placement of the boards. Having half a board on either end makes it look like a tiling texture. Haveing the crate made out of full boards would enhance the feeling of it being crafted.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    thanx ill see which one of those i can fix
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18

    I used to work as a boat mechanic, and outboard motors would ship in similar crates so maybe I can compare some things. Yes, the seam is bad, and don't mix you board sizes or let them pan across the edge of the crate like that, keep them solid pieces. Your texturing is very soft and smooth. These crate ship with very fresh, splintery wood. So sharpen up that wood and make any scratches strong and carved in (they normally won't curve, but look more like something hit them with the nail remover end of the hammer). Your scratches also go from one board to the next, that's a no-no, doesn't happen. Anything printed on isn't sloppy like that, It's solid, straight, clean, easy to read and usually at eye level. Any paper information is taped on around all sides of the paper and usually has a protective plastic cover to the paper. This is shipping information, it's important, treat it that way. You don't need that lose piece of toilet tissue hanging there with all the drop shadow. This is already too much to know about crates.

    To summarize, sharper textures.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    just out of curiosity cholden why do you always have to make some rude comment when i post here?

    if you insist on making rude comments as you have in the last 2 threads ive posted and you replied to please just save your time.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18

    I do not mean to offend you, I only comment on what I see. I assure you I mean nothing but to help you succeed. I may be blunt, and come off as an asshole, but I'm not here to blow smoke up your ass or get you to join some mod. I speak to you as your senior would in a work environment. If you don't like what you see, then don't read it, but that doesn't make your art better. You've been showing a lot of improvement, but don't get caught up in what people think, it's only about the art. If you start taking things personally, you lose focus. As far as my "rude comments", sometimes humor doesn't read, and if you're upset, I'm sorry.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    cholden is a nice guy really and we get along although I suck hard methanes but I don't let that get in my way.

    Just treat VERY and literally constructive criticism with respect like everything else :P
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    well criticisim i dont mind, but i joined a start up company in 2002 and when me an the other artist would gather our conceptual work to show the bosses one of my managers instead of good CC would always come with insulting criticisim and even though it was my first bit of experience i didnt like the way he went about it and for standing up for myself i got a nice pink slip at christmas for "not being a team player"

    from that they on i made myself a promise that no matter what level i will alway offer respectable CC and not tolerate mean spirited CC

    so if i get a little defensive thats probably why 6 years of trying to make it at this can make you short tempered at times smile.gif
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    It's difficult to convey thought on the internet since you can't see the facial expressions or hear inflections. I found people taking offense to things I was saying when I first started posting on the net. I quickly learned to use smilies (and now probably do that to much) wink.gif
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    I´m sorry but that was a great piece of critique and to get info on how the things should look like from someone that has actually worked with them is priceless.

    "This is shipping information, it's important, treat it that way"

    There you go, what more do you wan't. First hand information paired with artistic advice.

    No insulting, no questioning of your skill just good old information. YEAH ... mhhhh taste it wink.gif

    Concerning your exp. during your first gig. Hey man, you get paid for that. You get paid to be told that. You are young, you need the xp. eat it and get what you need and move on. I know how it is to come from a hobby field and then get thrown into a professional environment where critique is harder more streight forward but in the end more professional and if you are professional to see that it is bullshit then you are a step ahead and know better than to be annoyed.

    So ... sharpen thoose textures *g*
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    that is one fine looking box.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    straight foward critque is fine,but when its mindless comments for example like "oh that sucks" its not contructive,but as someone mentioned humor can be misinterpeted when read rather then spoken

    only part i took offense at was the toilet paper remark and thats it,the rest i read and took to heart.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    It's ok PRs-Phil, I know I was straight up pro, but JO420 is a sensitive guy. We need to consider his feelings when commenting on his work. He is still young, and hasn't done all these things thousands of times so they are still very dear and personal to him. That beging said, [humor]He's probably just paranoid, his name is 420 you know[/humor].
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    chris was a bit blunt, as some people are blunt (i am very blunt). some are less. his crit though was spot on, and id actually take the opportunity to say i think he is an asset to this community.. and for a long time. he gave me some good advice early on in the day wink.gif ..and ill never forget it.. and i always see him giving good crits all around the forum.

    its natural that you understood him the wrong way, it happens all the time (i would know.. i dont even understand myself sometimes). what you should ask yourself is "why did i interperate what he said the way I did, and not as others did?"

    it will take some honesty from you to answer this question, but if you will find the answer, you may admit something to yourself and next time you will have different perspective on comments given to you.

    think about it.

    not to add lether boots to the soup bowl - i wont forget to comment on the pimp itself: only support what has been said here already, make the texture sharper. its well done just blurry, somewhat.

    the red prints overlay looks fake to me.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18

    sharpened the wood up a bit
    got rid of the other srcatch layer,made new scratchs more deep and sharper

    redid the placement of the fragile text and totally redid the freight manifest

    and fixed the uvw s
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    j0420 you should probably learn to handle crits better...what cholden gave you is what every artist should seek, a good honest critique. It was straight forward and no 'fluff'. He also did not attack you personaly. When people talk about your work you shouldnt let it offend you if they give suggestions. Anyways I'm just saying I would rather someone tear my work apart with critiques than to say 'good job', it only makes you better.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Heya JO, few things I've noticed that you'd want to fix:

    The way you have your texture wrapping around the object like that isn't very realistic. The way the one plank of would on the corner of the object wraps from one side ot the other wouldn't happen to a crate like that. Generally they're built plank-to-plank per side.

    Now it may be the resolution you're working at but the scratches on the wood are very thick. They look more like dents - which could very well be what you're going for.

    Also, the font you're using for "FRAGILE" doesn't seem proper for the setting. Pick something more along the lines of TimesNewRoman or something not so "techy" and clean. Also, I suggest making it look like it was stenciled on, rather than printed on like it does now. (Look how you did the arrow, the paints coming off there but not on the text.)

    Hope this helps.
    Oh, and listen to cholden. He might be a dick but he's a wise dick. (haha jk!)
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    like i said, the crit wasnt the part which i didnt like i had no problem with that,it was just the toilet paper which i just misread.

    aside from that i didnt have any other problems with what he said

    like if somes tell me something doesnt look realistic i wont get offended but when someone makes a comment like "looks like elvis in tights" which is of no value that i dislike

    look at my post history and youll see i have no problem with good criticisim

    again all he said =good

    toliet paper part= mis read as bad

    Adam: yeah ill change the font,i had my doubts on it,as for the unwrapping ill have to chalk that up as bad planning but i have to move on for time being i still alot of other things i need to build for this project
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Hey, the new version looks tons better. good job
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    the wood looks a little beaten up and weathered - i think you could go with adding some streaking paint/rust from those nails/screws that has bled onto the wood. It would probably seem cleaner as well to have the shadows be sharper, with cleaner edges. The top edge seems a little 'wobbly' right now, with a cleaner, slightly dithered shadow it would be more convincing.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    thanx,i like the rust idea,ill se about that shadow
  • Mark Dygert
    Wow looks great! In the future you might like trying out a program like wood workshop to start as a base for your wood textures. Not that you didn't do a good job, or learning to make wood on your own isn't valuable... but now that you have shown you can you might want to take the quick/easier approach next time =) (And they tile!)

    While I like the idea of adding age to the crate, it may not be the way to go. If a crate is old enough to have the galvanized nails start to rust then the wood would have lost its bright brown/yellow coloring and would be almost back and white. Rust streaks come from water continually running down metal over a long period of time. Most crates this big unless they are empty are not left outside for that long, and if they are, they are covered with a tarp... Unless the place is abandoned in which case shinny new crates would stick out, especially outside.

    You might want to try doing alternate versions since lvl props such as this one often need variants, a tarped version and a weathered empty/broken version could be good for the Ol' Portfolio? How about doing a stack of crates?
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