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Annoying coworkers

polycounter lvl 18
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sledgy polycounter lvl 18
Did you ever have that one coworker, the one that just has no consideration for others that will put their little fingerprints all over your monitor as they excitedly show you something inane?

Maybe I should keep a bottle of window cleaner handy and when he comes in again I'll spray him (in his EYES!)


  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    lol YEAH, one of your Levelartists does that. I counter the friendly way, I do the same on his laugh.gif ... "Oh really, but what about his ... *point* *point*"
  • ScreaminBubba
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    ScreaminBubba polycounter lvl 18
    How about one that likes to blast death metal, tried to make you look bad on public company forums, argues every topic you discuss with irrelevant details, and dug through your private message archives 2 hours after you quit the company?

    This among other passive/aggressive things from a supposed art lead type person. Talented, but near impossible to work with.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I know of an Art lead that wouldn't share their PSD's with co-workers for 'fear' of them figuring out some of the techniques used.
    But yeah, annoying co-workers? jeez i could write a list.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    sledgy IS the annoying coworker, he is just trying to hide under the thin veil of his wit. XD
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I know of an Art lead that wouldn't share their PSD's with co-workers for 'fear' of them figuring out some of the techniques used.
    But yeah, annoying co-workers? jeez i could write a list.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh what a list that would be! Hehe!
  • War_Destroyer
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    War_Destroyer polycounter lvl 18
    One of my ex coworker's had the most annoying yawn I've ever witnessed. I'd be working on a model with my head phones on and all of a sudden I hear this cowardly lion like caterwauling reverberating through my head phones. The sound was so galvanizing that it made my eyes feel like they were being tugged from the inside and my ears felt as if the worlds pain had taken form in the audible spectrum and that they wanted to hear no more of such a horrifying source of evil....I had to hear this at least 8 times a day for at least 6 months.
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    Fuck, I wish it was just one annoying coworker. I've always said it's not the job I do it's the people I work with that piss me off and make me want to find a new job.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    oh i work with the king of annoying co workers

    lets see.

    1.talks in a low mono tone voice

    2.saw me eating a sandwich and commented on the type of lettuce i was eating and gave us(and im not exaggerating) a 30 minute lecture on why we should eat romaine lettuce over iceburg

    3. he stinks,we finally get tired of it and tell him,his answer,showering and deoderant?? no he sprays his area down with febreeze and lysol spray

    4.blasts annoying ass pound techno music on his headphones,when we ask his to turn it down he pretends to do so

    5.gets easily offended when we talk about girls

    6. does not like boobs,hes not gay,yet hes a guy and doesnt like breasts,hell ive known gay guys who like breasts, one day joking around we told him wed take him to the strip club and first lapdance was on us his reply " not thanks i dont wanna get juices on me" which i replied "juices??! thats extra!"

    7. does not share "his secret photoshop techniques" fears people will steal them but happily asks your

    8. is the king of obvious statements, like if im eating,he aill actually say "eating?" and naturally when you reply with a smart ass reply he gets pissed

    9. talks endlessly about morrowind,his hobby in morrowwind is photoshopping more clothing on scantily clad female characters.when in the history of modding has anyone ever added more clothing??

    10.incredibly forgetful,asked an artist here 5 times in 1 day if he played morrowind to the same answer 5 times of no

    my god i can go on and on about this guy,he is the most nerdy,boring and annoying person ive ever met.
  • Wings3dee
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    Wings3dee polycounter lvl 18
    LOL, J0420

    My boss is oppenly gay and he said when he was married the best part of a woman was the breast and thighs. lol

    Does your co-worker say the words "2 magic,2 magic, 2 magic" and role play d&d in a real park forest?

    To further my investigation, does this co-worker have folds on back of his neck like a pack of hot-dogs? if so, this guy has a twin and our company hired him.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    no this guy makes D and D geeks look like as cool as Miles Davis

    i told him that if he doesnt loosen up and get out a little hell end up like one of those ladies who lives alone in a house full of cats,he said i was the 5th person to tell him that this year.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    I hate my co-workers but don't have the heart to tell them they're fundamentally flawed individuals, sober.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    one of the joys of freelancing from home... the potentially annoying coworkers can't get all that annoying on forums or instant messenger applications smile.gif
  • 46th Avenue
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    46th Avenue polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...Good artists tend to be filthy messy bastards who enjoy the hands-on approach....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hell ya! Some of the keys on my keyboard stick from so much coke spilled in it. BTY what do you use to clean your Screen. I dont want to mess it up with some cleaner or somthing but my screens so messy its getting to be ridiculous.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    BTY what do you use to clean your Screen. I dont want to mess it up with some cleaner or somthing but my screens so messy its getting to be ridiculous.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I use semen.
  • 46th Avenue
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    46th Avenue polycounter lvl 18
    ooo.gif Oh thats the trick.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    I used to work with this creepy guy who would come around and give all the girls backrubs unbidden and unwanted until my one-eyed Afghani friend Maria (she lost the eye in the Soviet conflict) mentioned it to me so I told him to knock it off because in Afghanistan if a man touches another man's wife it means he wants to duel with that man (to the death but oh probably not to the death here in the US) and that he was the biggest Afghani I had ever seen! He laughed a little nervously but no more back rubs!

    Come to think of it that guy was all about Morrowind too.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    haha, funny thread. I have a few good ones

    We worked with this one guy, completely useless to the company. In fact, he's regularly break the game, and we had to lock him out of the network every deadline so he wouldn't ruin it. This guy was the worst, and the boss knew, but felt sorry for him so he never fired the guy (bad management). On top of total incompetence, he was tenaciously sick, smelled awful, would come to work covered in dog hair, and coughed loud, disgustingly and constantly. One day, we told the boss we were sick of it, and all moved into the boss's office with him and closed the door. Not saying a thing to the cough master. After we get all moved in, he stomps in pissed off, asking "is it because of my cough?!" To a resounding, "Yes, you're disgusting and no one can stand you, so now you're alone." The poor guy, I felt sorry for him, but he was a real freakshow. He'd come up and stand beside you until you acknowledged him. It was so annoying, we'd just ignore him standing there until he'd walk away. And yes, he was so low confidence, that he'd walk away after a few minutes if you wouldn't entertain him. If you did ever talk to him, he'd never say a thing, just filler to keep you there longer "well, you see, it's like, you know..." He was the annoyance master, and made working with almost anyone else a breeze.

    Same place, we had the “I am above the law!” kinda programmer that thought the company revolved around him. He sat in the same area as the rest of us slime. In the middle of a super quiet, hard working day, he'd always crank the quake (or whatever DM game was hot at the time), and just start SCREAMING along with the game! One time he starts this up as we're having a level meeting behind him. We asked him nicely to keep it down and he'd keep screaming. So I yelled his name, he looks over, and I say “SHUT UP!” He go so pissed and ran crying to my boss, saying he wanted to fight me and I should be fired. You think he's an idiot? Well tack this on to the story: after I left the company, he had an affair the VP's wife, and ran away to Texas with her! The VP was married and had kids!! How awful is that?

    I'm an old dog though, I have tons of these stories. smile.gif
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    lol i used to go to school with a backrubber,my god,was he of german descent and named rolf??

    he used to do that in highschool till my 6'1 blonde goddess friend threatened to castrate him.

    he was an ugly bastard too.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    People who complain about monitor fingerprints bug the hell out of me. They're usually high-strung programmers, though. Good artists tend to be filthy messy bastards who enjoy the hands-on approach.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think monitor fingerprints may just be a pet peeve of mine but when you're painting a texture and scroll it and then it doesn't look right because one layer is not scrolling something's wrong.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    I hate finger prints. My fucking art director at one of the places I worked would smear his greasy paws all over my monitor every fukcing day. I shewed his hand away after telling him for the forth time and he got all pissed off at me, then he broke my sam fisher toy! Man, I was so pissed. If he has no respect for his own things that's one matter, but dissing my shit? What a prick.

    Come to think of it...this happens at almost every place I've worked. I should spray the stuff bruce willis put on his van in The Jackel, only on my monitor.

  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Had an office mate that told me, "People are only poor because they lack fortitude of character."

    Now a little background on this cat. He was from a filthy rich family, and was the most radical right winger that I have ever met. Now, I've actually got quite a few conservative friends, but this guy was way over the top.

    He would go on and on about how poor people were just looking for handouts, and how he understood that their plight was partly based on "bad breeding, and their lack of love for the Lord." Whereas he, and his family's success was based on good hard working Christian enterprise.

    Taking this into account, I found it ironic that he flunked out of 6 expensive private colleges, before he landed in an art school where he actually managed to graduate. He then landed a gig as a short term contractor, and my office mate. Yay! He also explained to me that his entire goal for getting into game development was so that he could make $100,000 a year, and that he really had little interest in the games themselves.

    He was not particularly talented, and was incredibly slow. Since he was color blind (damn that "bad breeding"), I ended up spending half of my day checking his photosourced textures, which were invariably some horrible shade of green or blue.

  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 20
    I worked with someone who kept confusing the word 'amazing' with 'annoying' and vice versa, that really pissed me off. He also smelt. Not naming any names tho.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    The world would be a wonderful place if it wasn't so full of all you nerve wracking sons o' bitches fucking it up smile.gif

  • Darksun
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    Darksun polycounter lvl 18
    Man Ryno, that sucks.
    As a Christian myself, the worst thing to here is someone claiming to be one and at the same time be a self serving, unloving, lazy, belittling (for lack of a better word:) ass.

    I'm so lucky where I work. No one smells. (except the occasion fart, but who doesn't do that?) Everyone is laid back, low stress, and my boss is just hilariously weird. It's great. I'm not doing what I want to (game art) but the people make up for it!
    The smelly thing kind creeps me out.. o_O
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    i dont work in the gaming industry, but i used to "work" in the army for a long time. the army is a work place where you interact with many, many types of people, good and bad. its always an experience u can (strive to) learn from.

    one of my roomates at the time (8 ppl a room) smelled so fucking bad, like a fly covered corpse that lay in the sun for 2 months covered with rotten potatos. psysical similarities could also be found. we would helplessly inhale as deep as we could before going in the room.. sometimes, as we opened the door, still, we were struck by a stench wave so strong we stumbled back and gave up.

    even after a night of patrol duty, at 6am, i wouldnt think twice before going back to my quarters. i would muse myself how i could sound the alarm and make everyone (including him) run outside, and then sneak in to air-fresh the room to death, lock it and go sleep.

    eventually, i told him to fuck off and he did.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    whats hard is being polite about it, for the longest of times we tolerated his smell to the best of our abilities`, until one day he came in the smell was overwhelming. i mean i literally began to have stomach pains smelling him.

    so finally i told him and he got real offended,he remarked that i chewed with my mouth open and i came back with well im only chewing for 20 minutes tops if i even do that but you sire smell all 8 hours.

    he is also a notorious bad speller, we printed a real expensive ad in some magazine and one of the biggest words in the ad was mis spelled, he wouldnt accept the fact he misspelled the word and thought someone got on his PC and changed his Psd file to sabatoge him
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    typing is my pet peeve. people who type too loud should be tortured severely.
    I also hate the way people can actually punctuate the point they are making whilst typing , by hitting the key extra hard or with a flourish. aggh i want to gnaw my own arms off sometimes.
    Yehan the sounds of the keys sounds like chattering teeth to me
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    I do not work in the Industry.

    I am like Cholden, been around for ages and have lots of stories. Working in an office sure beats coal mines or dirty, stinky cows or oilpatch work, but boy I got some weird ones over the years.

    Misc ones, used to have this lady always sticky noting stuff to my monitor screen! Drove me nutz. Others lay stuff all over my desk instead of my in basket! Another is up to 6 or 7 cigs a day suppose to only get 2! Others is laying completely filthy jokes in my in basket even after asking to not receive them. Shrugs....
  • Darksun
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    Darksun polycounter lvl 18
    I remember a kid in 4th grade that perpetually smelled like urine and licked his hands all the time.. shudder. At least that was 4th grade. How can you let yourself rank like that? I can understand having a GI problem, or lactose intolerance. But this stuff I'm hearing is just bad hygiene!
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    another thing the king of annoyingness does is when he works on photoshop he calls out all the action he does

    "file,open,edit,filter,hue and sat,select" and he can dron on and on and wont stop till told.

    has horrific naming conventions,doesnt name shit correctly because hes paranoid someone will sabatoge his work, named one folder <hisname>'s folder of mischief to give you an example.

    also he dresses like a bum,hes worn shirts with holes,not wee tiny holes,fist size holes.

    and he wont buy new clothing,summer in texas and today he is wearing a black sweater i kid you not, and add no deoderant,id be going insane if i didnt get moved from that office to another

    for a 6 month span he was consistantly late and for really dumb reasons,he missed a half a day because he couldnt find his keys he left fridge

    and he also loves to tell us odd stories about his life,a few days ago he said he woke up with a roach on his face in the middle of the night and instead of taking it off and killing it and going back to sleep,he ran into the bathroom,slept in the tub with a baseball bat if any more came near him,so in conclusion the roach won

    one day he came to work with a wrinkled soaking shirt,i asked him what happened,he saif washing machines were busy so he washed his shirt in the kitchen sink,twisted the shirt dry andcame to work.

    and in that period he was coming to work late and messing up print ads,we had our reviews and he kept trying to convince us that wearing a tie will get him a raise and he wondered if he could get his own office.

    im seriously writing all of this into a stand up act,you cant make this shit up
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    this is a comedy goldmine
    i just started interning at this really boring software company and my boss talks just like john carmack with the really nerdy voice, and he also unneedingly curses in every other sentence. pretty funny, but hes not a bad guy
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I dont have any of the horror stories you guys do (Thankfully) But I get annoyed when testers or programmers or jr. artist come up to my desk and just look over my shoulder without talking. If they want to ask a question that's cool, I will totally give them a mini tut on what im doing, but it's when they stand over my shoulder and I can hear/feel them breathing and then they want to make unwanted crits on stuff im still working on, It sort of gets my guff.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    omg this is the most entertaining thread ever smile.gif hah! The sink-washing of the shirt was the best part *lol* JO420 you need to find you a gamming gig br0.

    Take this guy's picture...we can then make it scratch'n'sniff!

  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Ok the guy I started the thread off with had a little episode today. A supervisor who likes to mess with him (because it's real easy) asked him if he likes hot sauce. He of course exclaims "Hell yes I like hot sauce!" with all kinds of bravado so the supervisor offers him some Dave's Insanity Sauce. Now if you've ever had this type of habanero hot sauce I'm sure you (like me) have it bookmarked in your journal as The Day Of Pain. The supervisor (Kevin) warns the annoyance (Keith) to take only a bit on the end of his finger because it's extremely hot. He does and then takes a larger drop on his finger. Says he doesn't feel a thing and asks if anyone has a teaspoon. Kevin and a couple other guys warn him that this would be bad but they also want to see what happens so someone gets him a teaspoon. He takes a teaspoon full of this liquid death, puts it in his mouth but gasps a little at the vinegar and swallows all of it. Kevin says he should swish it around in his mouth, so he does and I'm having a hard time believing that he doesn't feel anything. So he's yapping inanely like he normally does about a minute later, and tears start rolling down his cheeks. (This is a long story) He starts to shake a bit as he's talking and turning red. Now this guy is an epileptic and has had seizures at work, giving himself black eyes and even knocked himself out once so we're getting worried and starting to shift furniture in preparation. Kevin's moving around into Heimlich stance to help him from getting crazy. He sees what's happening and tells us that it's not a seizure. Kevin tells him to go to the bathroom and wash it off his hands before he can rub it in his eyes which he forgets and (drumroll) starts rubbing his streaming eyes hard. (My monitor can testify that he doesn't wash his hands very often) So he ends up in the bathroom, in severe pain, eyes streaming and swollen shut with 6-inch snot streams hanging out of his nose. Imagine someone in a riot being maced. Bad. Kevin comes in to check on him and he snaps his head around "I'm fine!" and the snot streamers miraculously don't hit anything but just swing back and forth.

    So next to the men's restroom is a conference room where our director is having a meeting with some VIP people and their meeting is being interrupted by guys going into the men's bathroom and coming out choking with laughter. Kevin goes in again and Keith tells him that it no longer hurts in his head but he's going to let fly. Kevin runs and what is heard outside the men's room sounds like a wilderbeast in heat. This goes on for a couple of minutes until our director has to break up the meeting and goes in to see what's up. Keith is on all fours in this public restroom heaving with much enthusiasm. The director asks him if he's all right to which he whips his head around to reply (snot streamers and all) "I'm fine!" and the director just kept feeding him towels. We sent him home.

    The moral: who cares I laughed my ass off.

    Update: Keith is ok today. I was a little worried but he pulled through!
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    People who hog the pool table all break. But they soon got wise to the fact that their legs would be broken. Now the table is untouched until X and myself get to play our best of 3. I think it was the claymores that did it.

    Boring people. Note: This is not only a programmer thing.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Sledgy, great story man. I seriously Laughed out loud.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    the nickname guy, every office has one, he's started calling me "the stud" for some strange reason and it really creeps me out.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    haha stud,

    where i work at the moment is a pretty unreal work place

    my boss, the guy runs a company now dealing in millions ,youd think that would be a man with a great ability for business,but wow im amazed i havent had a check bounce yet, one day we had a meeting and we were discussing a Gui and the amount of ammo you get is 3 bullets, to make it a little more nicer looker the graphic artist tilted the bullets sideways and my boss sees it and says " now wait a minute,why are the bullets all warped looking??" so everyone in the room gives a collective "hunh" and he continues "yeah the bullets are distorted" so after 3 minutes of thinking i said you mean the perspective??

    hes like yeah " why is it warping the image??" so one of the artist literally took 10 minutes to explain to him that when a whole object is not facing you in a symmetrical fashion it looks like it begins to shrink at the far end and then he laughs and oks it,till this day i dont he got was perspective was.

    oh yeah one time he saw a bunch of post it notes on our monitors and the next day we get a memo " It has come to the attention of Management that post it notes are being used on monitors and there is a concern that the glue might damage the plastic casing, post it notes are no longer allowed on monitors, please see donna and she will distribute magnets which will now be used to place memos on monitors" signed management, 2 problems with that request,
    A. Monitors are made of plastics and B. Magnets ruin monitors i literally looked at my calendar after reading that to see if it was april first

    he also makes advertisement and art desicions yip!

    like today for instance a sales guy comes up to my dept. head and reads out an ad for a training program we put out in some cop magazine, and then asks where is this program i wanna see it. Long story my boss told a graphic designer to place this ad for a product he forgot to tell us about which we never knew of or made, and now we are getting purchases for this application and i imagine well will get another 2 week bomb dropped on our laps.
  • Mark Dygert
    Sledgy, awsome story =)

    I had a male boss that was the "sneek up shoulder rub" type of guy. He wasn't a small guy either, and his shoulder rubs where almost painful. It didn't matter male or female everyone was fair game for this guy.

    I remember the frist time it happened to me I was hunched over my light table lining up film and these big hands grabbed me, he didn't say anything before hand. Since no one warned me and since I was pretty intent on what I was working on, I jumped back, elbowed him in the gut while spinning around and saying "What the F---" all in the same motion. Everyone was shocked at what the new guy said but I managed to play it off and everyone went back to work.

    It ended up on my review, which I was shocked it had. I commented that line out with a rebuttal about what kind of touching is approprate in a work place between a boss and his/her employees which his boss had to read and sign off on before the review was offcial, this did not make him happy. He was fired about a year later for "being overly friendly" with a female employee.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    omg vig,thats what my boss does too,freaking 230 lb 61 texan freaking rubbing himself on all the male employees,alot of people thinks he is into guy, he walked in a meeting and said out loud "how are all my ladies doing?" im thinking ladies?? we are all guys. 2 minutes after he says that and his BS imspirational speech he asks for a seat and says " i like to sit in the back like in the theatre,where i can make out with the ladies in the dark"

    did you see the family guy where peter breasts feeds stuiie,you remember his reaction after,that was me in my mind.

    but he is the top guy and theres noone above him,so we live with it.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    not a co-worker but some who needs to be removed from existence.

    i had a college roommate that one first impressions was a really nice guy and all. then he moves in..

    CONSTANTLY smelled of dried semen. he wore the same pair of nasty boxers 24/7. never washed them as far as i could tell. his showers lasted a whole 2.5 minutes. after showering he would head straight to the toilet and shit for 5 minutes. we would find used condoms lying in the trash after coming back from weekends at home. he would just leave the trash in there as well....

    in his sleep he would hump the bed. never changed his sheets either. there was a yellow stain on the blue sheets bigger than his head. he masturbated all the time. i came back from class one day, laid down to nap. was woken up to him pounding it in his bed.

    admitted to someone he had sex with a cat in highschool.

    drove the shuttle bus around campus trying to pick up girls.

    he coached middle and highschool girls basketball games around the area all the time.. i dont even want to know if there was a secondary motivation in that.

    i had to mediate his and his then ex girlfriend one night. she called, said to tell him she was drunk and put him on the phone. i tried to wake him, which he couldnt ahve been asleep for more than 20 minutes. he wouldnt get up. she said ok and hung up. ten minutes later she calls again and SCREAMS at the top of her lungs for me to wake him up and put him on the phone. i tried to wake him again and he told me to hang up and turn off the ringer.

    only watched the movies The Pest and some annoying movie about a rich frat boy who has been in college for 9 years or something.... would watch 30 minutes, pause it, leave for hours, come back watch a bit, pause, etc...

    oh.. and after me and asherr put up with this ass for 8 months he has the nerve to tell the next guys who moved in how HORRIBLE me and asherr were to him. how we wouldnt let him on our computers and how bad we treated him.

    okay first off we didnt want him on the computers. reason one.. they are our work horses and we dont like them meddled with. two. the ass would look at and download "young black girls first time" and urine fetish porn.
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Snemmy that one is beyond unreal, wow.

    What is it with these back rubber's anyway? I had an old Boss that did that usually to girls only, he'd try to plant his pelvis just inches away from their back and do the neck bungie rub. Hardly any complained, this was in the old days.
  • Darksun
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    Darksun polycounter lvl 18
    snemmy, holy CRAP dude...
  • JonT
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    JonT polycounter lvl 18
    I hate people who write in threads about so called annoying people. Pricks!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    well, i hate people who write in threads that they hate people who write in threads that they hate people.

    who's with me?? laugh.gif
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Boring people. Note: This is not only a programmer thing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats me your talking about right Rick?
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    well i hate people who write in threads about hating people who write about hating people who write about people they hate. smile.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I hate that to the n-th iteration, whereby n->inf.
  • Mark Dygert
    Quick someone bring up hitler or the Nazis so we can kill this thread before it gets crazy...
  • JonT
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    JonT polycounter lvl 18
    oops, looks what i stirred up :s

    better get back to revision.

    You do know that implicit references to Godwin's Law negate the Law itself though?..
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