Nope, for my two cents give me Powell and the resurrected corpse of Patton! Add Crazy Horse as an unlockable and I'm all over it.
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WEISER - often I do not agree with you , but if there will be General GEORGES S.PATTON resurrected - I'm going to try this game , cause I realy love this "BIG" man.
All my respect to G.S.P.
I say the U.S. hero's should be G.W. and C.Heston. man, the double-clicks on them would be worth the game purchase alone.
Nope, for my two cents give me Powell and the resurrected corpse of Patton! Add Crazy Horse as an unlockable and I'm all over it.
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WEISER - often I do not agree with you , but if there will be General GEORGES S.PATTON resurrected - I'm going to try this game
All my respect to G.S.P.