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Cyberpunk - Wasteland project - Come join us!

polycounter lvl 18
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DarkSign polycounter lvl 18
CONFLICT:Omega would like all modellers, texturers, mappers, and coders to join our already 25+ team in creating an amazing cyberpunk - wasteland online gaming experience.



Ive spent over 3 years developing this and have a well-detailed page game design document covering every aspect of the game. Of course input is always welcomed.

Gameplay overview:
(Imagine Fallout, Deus Ex, and ShadowBane had a love-child)

Its a war between 2 factions: Wastland Outlanders and Corporate Cyberpunks.
Players choose from 3 races: mutant, cyborg, or pure human.
Mutants can change their abilities with mutations, Cyborgs with BioMods, Humans use equipment.
Players choose from 2 factions: Outlanders (wasteland pa) or Corporates (techno cyberpunk)

Place your city, add buildings and fortify them. Take over your enemies cities until you own the wasteland!

<u>Choose from multiple skills which progress through use, not xp grinding.</u>
At various percentage levels, feats upen up. (e.g. 35% small arms skill you can choose between akimbo pistols or improved grip - allowing better character customization and roleplaying)

Strange mutant and cyborg enclaves. Corporate-controlled cyberpunk cities. Mystery, puzzle, and stealth quests, as well as the usual mmo fare.

<u>Also included:</u>
> Vehicles with moddable parts
> Modifiable guns
> Melee fighting styles
> Hacking simulation (like BS Hacker, DarkSigns, Uplink)
>Virus and Drug crafting

There is so much more to this that I cant list it all here.
We are in need of mappers and modelers who would love to be a part of what could be an incredible project.

Feel free to contact me through PM or through anorris1@charter.net
Thank you.



  • DarkSign
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    DarkSign polycounter lvl 18
    Our team has expanded since our first post, but we're always looking for more!

    We have a working test server as well as 1000+ hours of code under our belt.

    Serious modelers & texture artists come join us!
  • Jon Jones
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    Jon Jones polycounter lvl 18
    1000+ hours of code? Impressive! But that's no match for the 32,382 vertices I have, or even my hidden cache of 1.75 million bytes of polygons! Touche!
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Your first post said your team was +25, now you say you have more. I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't think you need need modelers and texture artists. You need better management.

    Oh, and dag on you jon for beating me to it! wink.gif
  • DarkSign
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    DarkSign polycounter lvl 18
    Nice insult, but apparently you dont comphrend the amount of people it takes to make an MMORPG.

    Add to that the # of people that leave - not due to poor management - but due to real life concerns like family, school, emergencies, sickness.

    Add to that that not all 25 are modelers and you see why we can always use more good team members.

    Nice job trying to insult but you're showing your bias.
  • DarkSign
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    DarkSign polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    1000+ hours of code? Impressive! But that's no match for the 32,382 vertices I have, or even my hidden cache of 1.75 million bytes of polygons! Touche!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not sure why you're making a joke, but the quote of 1000+ hours wasnt meant to be bragging - it was to let people know that we are a serious team that has met milestones repeatedly.

    Most people insult MMO projects as being unrealistic. Im letting people know that we have a viable team.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I think what he meant was, numbers are meaningless in that sense.
    I could have 1000+ hours of code which makes a Hello World window... I'm really not a very good programmer.

    Basically you can't use numbers like that to qualify how good your team is, it means nothing. That said, one of my models is 1337 triangles.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    well my brooklyn model is just 1337 triangles * 2 and my p100's hard drive is 1337mb big (no lies either)

    But in reality this just means nothing.
  • DarkSign
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    DarkSign polycounter lvl 18
    The problem is that its not meaningless. 1000+ hours no matter what programming level would be 41 straight 24 hour days. Or 125 8-hour days. Its not meaningless as a measure of committment.

    As it turns out, it was done by our lead coder who has 15+ years of commercial application development experience.

    Im used to all this though. People like to sound 1337 on the net on forum boards...and especially like to tear down MMO projects.

    Ours is doing just fine, despite detractors. Those who are looking for a fun, organized, team working on something interesting can feel free to email me at anorris1@charter.net
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not trying to sound elite. Saying you have 1000+ hours of code is pointless when you haven't even got any in-game screenshots on your website. After 1000+ hours of code, I'd at least expect to be able to see a character standing in an environment. You may have a huge and dedicated team, but when there's no actual evidence of a game... well, you would see why it might be hard to recruit new talent.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I agree

    I lead a mod for q3 some years back, we had about 3 hours of code. Our site was chocca-block with in-game images.
  • DarkSign
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    DarkSign polycounter lvl 18
    Have you thought of the fact that we are waiting to release screenshots? Perhaps that our environments arent up to the high quality we want, but that we have worked on many other parts of the engine?

    We've highly modified the Torque Shader Engine to do some great things with player statistics and inventory, modifying them real-time through a GM interface, as well as work on the lighting, shading and other things.

    Would you like to see screenshots of the Torque engine when that proves even less than 1000+ hours of coding?

    I should give you access to our TS server and make you sit there for the 2 or more hours it would take to lead you through the significant coding milestones, piece by piece.

    It seems like you simply want to tear us down. Why not leave the thread for people who dont want to detract? But now that you've posted this little derail will forever be a part of the thread.

    1000+ hours of coding is meaningful and will be explained to those that are interested in joining. We arent like other groups that claim to have a "REVOLUTIONARY IDEA" and hype the hell out of lame ass ideas. We're just putting a call out.

    In less than 2 months we'll do a media release, but we're canvassing before that for more people.

    Anyone interested, please contact us. You will get to see what we've accomplished, the design doc, and get to see where we're going.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    We arent like other groups that claim to have a "REVOLUTIONARY IDEA" and hype the hell out of lame ass ideas.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And how would i know that? Because you say so? Most of the teams make similar claims, if you claim to be any different then prove it.

    I mean no disrespect just the internet is full of 12y/o's game projects that never get anywhere.
  • DarkSign
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    DarkSign polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    We arent like other groups that claim to have a "REVOLUTIONARY IDEA" and hype the hell out of lame ass ideas.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And how would i know that? Because you say so? Most of the teams make similar claims, if you claim to be any different then prove it.

    I mean no disrespect just the internet is full of 12y/o's game projects that never get anywhere.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well did you see any hype in my thread? Especially in the title? Uhm no. The most hype in the whole thing is where I say "part of what could be an incredible project." Hell I even say "could" instead of being a braggin mofo and yell REVOLUTIONARY.

    I have proven it in the description of the gameplay which is vastly different from other projects out there.
    And in the details on the website. And in the design doc, which I show to interested parties only. And in our working test server...and on and on and on.

    10 pieces of music, 50 weapons, different GUI designs for each of the races, a gm interface for changing players stats and inventories real-time, dynamic lighting, and much more has already been accomplished. Quite soon we will be having a media release (within a month - just waiting on a site redesign).

    I am a forecast analyst by day and have recently contracted with a professional fundraiser to raise the capital necessary to make this a commercial project, but we still need to produce a "proof of concept."

    I guess all you guys want to do is flame. Sigh. We'll see if you treat other posts as you have this one.

    Anyone who actually wants to model, texture, or animate...feel free to email me at anorris1@charter.net

    Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
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