Asherr, I hate you, I really do. I forgot all about it being opend a day earlier in Belgium, Uraguay(sp?), and France.
Oh well, at least I don't live in Japan, it opens sometime in July there.
*SW Fanboy rambling, skip if you wish*
God, I really cannot wait to see it. I know there are many nay-sayers out there that say it will suck, because they think the first 2 episodes sucked as well. But I liked them. Actaully, I didn't mind Episode 1, I just thought it was annoying (With young Anakin, the Gungans, and those fucking metacholrians!). But I really enjoyed episode 2. Christ I can't wait for this movie, only 2 more days for me. Then I'll be seeing it on thursday, then friday, and I have it planned, that on Prom night, my Girlfriend and I are skipping that foolish dance to go see Star Wars and afterwords get some chinese and go back to my house. People think me to be a total nerd/loser for doing this, but I know I'll enjoy it more anyway, haha.
*Yawn* 3:50am here and I just got back from a drive up and down to Belgium to see Ep3 which started at midnight.
Damn, it rocked! My expectations were very high and I wasn't disapointed. I spoiled myself to death the last months with the novel, comic, videogame and more but there were plenty new and cool things in it.
Definetely the SW movie with the most action. There are very few slow parts in it and the ones tht are slower don't last long. It's a 2+ hour adrenaline ride!
I wish it was a bit longer since some scenes deserved more attention. Other than that kick ass. To me this one comes in a very close second place after The Empire Strikes Back.
I saw it in a digital theater and that rocked. Never seen a movie on such a big screen which was so sharp. The sound was also crazy loud which added to the experience.
"Definetely the SW movie with the most action. There are very few slow parts in it and the ones tht are slower don't last long. It's a 2+ hour adrenaline ride! "
Action, smaction. The story dammit! The story! Where the characters dimensional?
Some dialogue Ryno and I thought the acting wasn't as bad as the previous 2.
To me Ian McDiarmid and Ewan McGregor were very good, Hayden Christensen wasn't bad at all and pretty convincing. I didn't like Natalie Portman's performance at all. But then again she's hot so that makes it bearable
"rearrrange the word Sith and you will know what is coming down the pipe with this one" quote from today's vancouver sun in the review of episode 3. bad acting, bad lines and too many special effects apparently
I was just thinking though: Isn't it sad to think that with the number of older movies being remade, we may live to see remakes of the older Star Wars movies?
Saw it last night, went in with no expectations and completely unspoilt. I didn't know anything about the film other than the obvious details. I was quite impressed with it all, Lucas has come through finally. Sure there is still some bad dialogue and acting, but the majority of the film was executed really well. There are some very, very dark moments, it was darker than I expected. Watching this, I cannot think that the same guy made TPM!
Ya know, the story of the first 3 movies was not much of a story, it was just a pretty basic story with great special effects. The dialogue sucked in those movies too, but they had Harrison Ford making the wise cracks.
I was kinda let down by the last two movies, but I still watched and watch them anyway. There is no way in the world after going to the movies and watching these films since 1976 that I would let a bad review keep me from seeing it.
I'm just not all that anxious to fight the crowds. I'm more than happy to wait a week or so
Just saw a press showing....
Mixed feeling on this one folks. The first 3/4 of the movie was pretty much the same as previous two... Lot's of big battle scenes and impressive cgi... The dialog is poor IMO, and Skywalker is still a whiny brat.
...but then we reach the last 1/4 of the movie, and IMO the film got alot better. I guess it all starts with the dark moments mentioned earlier. I liked the ending, but I definitely think there was too much movie here to cover in just 2 hours. I mean, just look at how quickly Anakin joins the darkside once he's given the final choice...He's like "OK! masta!". You'd think he'd take a raincheck and consider it a bit more.
i liked it, can't really add anything that hasn't been said except the seperist droids shouldn't have talked at all and the Emperor needs to stop laughing so god damn much.
Just saw it tonight as well. It definately had lots of great moments and ties to the old trilogy... but it also hit the fan with a big load of "WTF" at times. ie: Too much droid comedy and humanesque dilouge from the battledroids in the beginning.
I knew lucas couldnt abandon the cheeze factor completely.
Well its the best movie out of the 3 new ones for me. cool.
Well it's 3:25 here in Pheonix. I just got home from the 12:15 showing of Ep3.......I liked it.......I liked it a lot..........But I have gripes. My biggest is the pacing seemed to disjointed and this movie could have used another 30-40 min. There are some minor storytelling issues but I'm not gonna turn this into a spoiler thread.
***Fanboy Rant***
Through out the entire prequel series the separatist droids have been nothing more than a huge fucking let down. They have never ever felt like a threat. They are more like a bumbling army that that makes you laugh with it's superior comedic timing. Roger...roger.
I'd also like to note that PSP's were in the house hardcore!! it seemed as if every other person had a psp and were either watching movies or playing games, I saw one poor schumuck wit a GBA though and not one DS.
I saw it last night. I'm no critic, and I pretty much like everything. I LOVED IT! The only disapointment for me was that I was under the impression that the last frame of Clone Wars (y'all need to see Clone Wars....the whole thing, not just the DVD) would be the first frame of Ep3....but it was more like a ten minute gap, I suppose. Not really a big deal at all. And yeah, it did get pretty dark towrads the last hour, but I don't think that's what made the movie enjoyable for me.....I like lightsabres, and I got to see them trhoughout the entire movie.
Just got back from theater. It's a great movie to watch, beatiful CGI. But the way it connects II and IV, seems rushed and is acted out very fast. It starts very nice, and slowly you start to understand why Anakin turned to the Dark Side. But then Lucas hits the hyperspeed button on his director's chair and the movie has its end even before you could blink. That's all I'm going to say about it, you should go see it youself
i was kinda disappointed we only saw 4 jedi fall to order 66
i was kinda disappointed chewie wasn't in it more.
i was glad ki-adi-mundi and kit fisto didn't die like complete punks. although i was disappointed aayla secura did as did saesee tiin and agen kolar.
i'm SO glad the mon mothma scene w/bail and padme got dropped. it preserves the story of the thrawn trilogy of novels. (seeing as E2 and E3 ruin the story of the jedi academy novels...)
Bad acting , very rushed story , cheesy palapatine to sidieous plot... disappointed but I loved the visually totally amazing in that dept hats off to ILM !
its sure to sell a lot of toys.. terrible movie. tho it is the best of the three prequels, i serioulsy think the movie would have been better done with practical effects, all the cg wankery completely killed the movie like dooko doing flips over the banister.. so fucking cheesy and bad looking. it was more entertaining than sitting around the house tho,
actualy I watched the original 3 the other day and they are not actualy great movies, most of what is great about them is how far ahead of their time they were, and how they wormed into our hearts when we were little kids. these new movies are just money making trash
actualy I watched the original 3 the other day and they are not actualy great movies, most of what is great about them is how far ahead of their time they were, and how they wormed into our hearts when we were little kids. these new movies are just money making trash
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm glad to hear somebody say it Mojo. I love the first 3 movies, but in reality they aren't much different than the money making trash ones, they just were made at a different time.
I really loved when anakin was pissed off and sliding down the hill into the hot stuff then got burned. I thought the acting there was pretty good and powerful. That scene right there was the pg-13 rating I can bet. However, it was soo nessesary to show us why anakin got so physically messed up. I really felt sorry for his character. .. I didnt like franken vader breaking from his bindings and shouting "Noooooooooooo" that was gayblade.
no duke, you misunderstand, or i misstated, there is a LOT of diference , the originals were some of the first seriously made sci fi movies, and while on a relativly low budget had special effects that still loot pretty good today, the new movies are made with unlimited budget, and look or feel no better than any other movie made nowdays. theres nothing to them that makes them more than average. in fact if the original movies had never been made. and these were the first exposure we had had to the starwars universe, i don't think anyone would care, it would be just another big budget special effects masturbation, much like. van hellsing, that people would watch, and then forget about almost instantly
*first, thanks to III_Demon for hooking me up at the last minute for a midnight showing in Hollywood. I had a blast!
I felt the movie did a great job in tying the old and new movies together. I can now seamlesly watch all 6 without scratching my head. THANK GOD Jar Jar only had a few cameo shots and NO dialoge. After seeing the Clone Wars cartoons I really expected Gen. Grevious to be much more of a bad-ass instead of this coughing sickly boss guy who was easily dispatched by Obi-Wan. Aside from some of the things already mentioned (cheesy bot talk, etc) I wish there was more of the Wookie story and at least a scene of Yoda escaping to Dagoba (sp?). The dark parts were ok for me but Im having second thoughts of taking my son to the movie due to the Jedi youth killings and burning Anikan scenes, but I havent made up my mind just yet.
Overall, great movie and if you like light saber battles.. this one's for you.
got there about 40 minutes before it began at the midnight showing here. there were already at least 200 people in line. which GINORMOUS for this little town, especially since all the college kids went home for summer last week. luckily everyone was able to make it into the theater. and the projectionist/owner guy waited until everyone was in the theater before starting. there were probably 10 children in all, everyone else was around 17-25.
really liked it. definately the best of the prequels.
some super cheesy lines coming from Padme. Lucas seems to have lost his (meager) ability to write romance since Han/Leia. "Your breaking my heart." no Padme, your turning my stomach.
Expendable: JarJar had ONE line. "excuse-ah me" when he bumped into someone
I loved it to. Some weird parts (padme blahing about the baby(s) ) but
Obi was cool
Palpentine was very impressive, totally brought this evil feeling across (allthough sometimes he sounded like he had a small speaking problem with that heavy mask )
Grevious ... I found him really cool allthough such a lame fight with Obi
Ani ... convinced me this time, very cool
and finally
the god
the man himself
Respect to ILM for giving this more original starwars look. Animation was very convincing and that battle with sidious ... WOOOOOOW, that was really cool.
Overall, a very nice "ending" to the Starwars saga, amazing artwork, lots of action ... yeah O_o thats it for me. *g*
I saw it yesterday,however unlike my friends I hadent seen episode 2 so for the first 20mins or so I was abit huh?..but after that it all came together.
I places I thought it was very cheesy,I hated the bit when the Emporer went upto anikin and said "you are now called......Darth vader",thats ultimate cheese for me.
also personally I would have just called anakin "vader" at that point...I just didn't feel darth vader suited him while he was still in one piece (or 2 pieces if you class his arm )
I also think they could have done more with the lightsaber fight between obi-wan and the robot guy,I felt he lost his 4 sabers far to quickly and easyily.
I also thoguht the beginning was cheesy with the star ships fighting,and when those robots starting taking apart obi-wans ship the way anakin lines his craft up to perfection and slides up the wing of obi-wans craft to get rid of them....I was thinking to my self "right soemthing for me to try next time im flying a boeing 747 then".
the bit that made me chuckle was when R2D2 stunned that bot with his little taser gun in the hand and the bot prosessed to kick him and all you heard was this "ouch...*Clunk*"....was comedy.
I also gotta agree,however well the CG was done I prefer how the older films looked when they were not reliant on CG and special effects but acturally involved some kind of acting in order to get the point across.
My most memorable image of the entire film is the bit when yodas face fills the screen after fighting the emporer in the senate.
Yeah, I have to admit, I was really expecting a better fight from Grevious. The earlier scenes with him were understandable because he was still choking from his encounter with Mace Windu. After repairing himself, though, I thought he shoulda whooped Obi. If Dooku trained Grevious, then Dooku > Grevious, and the begining of the movie (and the end of the Ep2) Dooku > Obi. At the very least, Grevious shoulda gave Obi a hell of a fight.
i've always hated when people (usually piss-annoying journalists in the godawful gossip magazines i'm forced to read when my girlfriend leaves them carelessly around the house) blather on about "hype" and wheel out the same old chich
People keep underrating Obi-Wan. Yeah, he didn't win against Dooku, but he has a win against Darth Maul and he has a win against Darth Vader. What other Jedi has two wins against Sith lords? The fact that Dooku trained Greivous doesn't mean he's automatically a superstar badass - Dooku trained him in lightsaber technique, but not the Force.
I think the old fashioned movie effects of the original trilogy is what makes it so enjoyable. These new CG special effects take away some of the magic that made the original series timeless. Too much time spent making a realistic CG character, less time spent on story. Spoiled are we. Blinded by eye candy we have been. I'll go see it eventually.
the best bits were obi-wan flattening those bodyguards and then casually beheading the survivor, yoda standing on that clonetroopers chest with his lightsabre in him and yoda knocking out the red guards. got a BIG laugh in my cinema...
well, that was pretty good. 39 times better than the last one, although i think it was still sorely missing the dumb, mindless, inherently "star warsy" charm of the Phantom Menace ...
mercifully free of C3PO, although i think giving him the final line of the series in the exact same set as the first scene of the first film was a fine move
all in all, it did well in tying up the series with a reasonable emotional kick, which is what you need really
although, the non-green-screen cinematographer should be taken out into the street and viciously kicked. If you're insistent on filming characters in front of a brightly-lit picture window, there are other ways and means of making your actors stand out from the murk ...
Wow! Easily the most polished and pretty turd I've seen yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll second, third, fourth and fifth that.
Good premise, awful dialogue, rushed scenes, poor direction, great eye candy. I say poor direction because there are scenes that could have been done worlds better, and many parts of the movies are misleading when compared to the cartoon tie-ins and the original trilogy.
On that note, it was still great to watch because of the impressive visuals and that alone is worth paying for (and that's all I went for really).
and you better be packed/awake by the time me, kahlan and lisa get there today
Can't wait!
Oh well, at least I don't live in Japan, it opens sometime in July there.
*SW Fanboy rambling, skip if you wish*
God, I really cannot wait to see it. I know there are many nay-sayers out there that say it will suck, because they think the first 2 episodes sucked as well. But I liked them. Actaully, I didn't mind Episode 1, I just thought it was annoying (With young Anakin, the Gungans, and those fucking metacholrians!). But I really enjoyed episode 2. Christ I can't wait for this movie, only 2 more days for me. Then I'll be seeing it on thursday, then friday, and I have it planned, that on Prom night, my Girlfriend and I are skipping that foolish dance to go see Star Wars and afterwords get some chinese and go back to my house. People think me to be a total nerd/loser for doing this, but I know I'll enjoy it more anyway, haha.
Damn, it rocked! My expectations were very high and I wasn't disapointed. I spoiled myself to death the last months with the novel, comic, videogame and more but there were plenty new and cool things in it.
Definetely the SW movie with the most action. There are very few slow parts in it and the ones tht are slower don't last long. It's a 2+ hour adrenaline ride!
I wish it was a bit longer since some scenes deserved more attention. Other than that kick ass. To me this one comes in a very close second place after The Empire Strikes Back.
I saw it in a digital theater and that rocked. Never seen a movie on such a big screen which was so sharp. The sound was also crazy loud which added to the experience.
Action, smaction. The story dammit! The story! Where the characters dimensional?
How about DIALOGUE?
I know it's a stretch after the first two but...
To me Ian McDiarmid and Ewan McGregor were very good, Hayden Christensen wasn't bad at all and pretty convincing. I didn't like Natalie Portman's performance at all. But then again she's hot so that makes it bearable
I was just thinking though: Isn't it sad to think that with the number of older movies being remade, we may live to see remakes of the older Star Wars movies?
I was kinda let down by the last two movies, but I still watched and watch them anyway. There is no way in the world after going to the movies and watching these films since 1976 that I would let a bad review keep me from seeing it.
I'm just not all that anxious to fight the crowds. I'm more than happy to wait a week or so
Mixed feeling on this one folks. The first 3/4 of the movie was pretty much the same as previous two... Lot's of big battle scenes and impressive cgi... The dialog is poor IMO, and Skywalker is still a whiny brat.
...but then we reach the last 1/4 of the movie, and IMO the film got alot better. I guess it all starts with the dark moments mentioned earlier. I liked the ending, but I definitely think there was too much movie here to cover in just 2 hours. I mean, just look at how quickly Anakin joins the darkside once he's given the final choice...He's like "OK! masta!". You'd think he'd take a raincheck and consider it a bit more.
I suppose I'll wander along on the weekend, if only because I'll be out of the pop-cultural loop if I don't.
I knew lucas couldnt abandon the cheeze factor completely.
Well its the best movie out of the 3 new ones for me. cool.
***Fanboy Rant***
Through out the entire prequel series the separatist droids have been nothing more than a huge fucking let down. They have never ever felt like a threat. They are more like a bumbling army that that makes you laugh with it's superior comedic timing. Roger...roger.
I'd also like to note that PSP's were in the house hardcore!! it seemed as if every other person had a psp and were either watching movies or playing games, I saw one poor schumuck wit a GBA though and not one DS.
obi-wan is proper bad ass.
i was kinda disappointed we only saw 4 jedi fall to order 66
i was kinda disappointed chewie wasn't in it more.
i was glad ki-adi-mundi and kit fisto didn't die like complete punks. although i was disappointed aayla secura did as did saesee tiin and agen kolar.
i'm SO glad the mon mothma scene w/bail and padme got dropped. it preserves the story of the thrawn trilogy of novels. (seeing as E2 and E3 ruin the story of the jedi academy novels...)
'how uncivilised!' hehehe...
actualy I watched the original 3 the other day and they are not actualy great movies, most of what is great about them is how far ahead of their time they were, and how they wormed into our hearts when we were little kids. these new movies are just money making trash
actualy I watched the original 3 the other day and they are not actualy great movies, most of what is great about them is how far ahead of their time they were, and how they wormed into our hearts when we were little kids. these new movies are just money making trash
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm glad to hear somebody say it Mojo. I love the first 3 movies, but in reality they aren't much different than the money making trash ones, they just were made at a different time.
P.S. I suspect I'll like this newest one
I really loved when anakin was pissed off and sliding down the hill into the hot stuff then got burned. I thought the acting there was pretty good and powerful. That scene right there was the pg-13 rating I can bet. However, it was soo nessesary to show us why anakin got so physically messed up. I really felt sorry for his character. .. I didnt like franken vader breaking from his bindings and shouting "Noooooooooooo" that was gayblade.
I felt the movie did a great job in tying the old and new movies together. I can now seamlesly watch all 6 without scratching my head. THANK GOD Jar Jar only had a few cameo shots and NO dialoge. After seeing the Clone Wars cartoons I really expected Gen. Grevious to be much more of a bad-ass instead of this coughing sickly boss guy who was easily dispatched by Obi-Wan. Aside from some of the things already mentioned (cheesy bot talk, etc) I wish there was more of the Wookie story and at least a scene of Yoda escaping to Dagoba (sp?). The dark parts were ok for me but Im having second thoughts of taking my son to the movie due to the Jedi youth killings and burning Anikan scenes, but I havent made up my mind just yet.
Overall, great movie and if you like light saber battles.. this one's for you.
really liked it. definately the best of the prequels.
some super cheesy lines coming from Padme. Lucas seems to have lost his (meager) ability to write romance since Han/Leia. "Your breaking my heart." no Padme, your turning my stomach.
Expendable: JarJar had ONE line. "excuse-ah me" when he bumped into someone
I loved it to. Some weird parts (padme blahing about the baby(s) ) but
Obi was cool
Palpentine was very impressive, totally brought this evil feeling across (allthough sometimes he sounded like he had a small speaking problem with that heavy mask
Grevious ... I found him really cool allthough such a lame fight with Obi
and finally
the god
the man himself
Respect to ILM for giving this more original starwars look. Animation was very convincing and that battle with sidious ... WOOOOOOW, that was really cool.
Overall, a very nice "ending" to the Starwars saga, amazing artwork, lots of action ... yeah O_o
Now go, GO young Jedi's ... WATCH THE MOVIE
May the force be with you
I saw it yesterday,however unlike my friends I hadent seen episode 2 so for the first 20mins or so I was abit huh?..but after that it all came together.
I places I thought it was very cheesy,I hated the bit when the Emporer went upto anikin and said "you are now called......Darth vader",thats ultimate cheese for me.
also personally I would have just called anakin "vader" at that point...I just didn't feel darth vader suited him while he was still in one piece (or 2 pieces if you class his arm
I also think they could have done more with the lightsaber fight between obi-wan and the robot guy,I felt he lost his 4 sabers far to quickly and easyily.
I also thoguht the beginning was cheesy with the star ships fighting,and when those robots starting taking apart obi-wans ship the way anakin lines his craft up to perfection and slides up the wing of obi-wans craft to get rid of them....I was thinking to my self "right soemthing for me to try next time im flying a boeing 747 then".
the bit that made me chuckle was when R2D2 stunned that bot with his little taser gun in the hand and the bot prosessed to kick him and all you heard was this "ouch...*Clunk*"....was comedy.
I also gotta agree,however well the CG was done I prefer how the older films looked when they were not reliant on CG and special effects but acturally involved some kind of acting in order to get the point across.
My most memorable image of the entire film is the bit when yodas face fills the screen after fighting the emporer in the senate.
Yeah, I have to admit, I was really expecting a better fight from Grevious. The earlier scenes with him were understandable because he was still choking from his encounter with Mace Windu. After repairing himself, though, I thought he shoulda whooped Obi. If Dooku trained Grevious, then Dooku > Grevious, and the begining of the movie (and the end of the Ep2) Dooku > Obi. At the very least, Grevious shoulda gave Obi a hell of a fight.
i've always hated when people (usually piss-annoying journalists in the godawful gossip magazines i'm forced to read when my girlfriend leaves them carelessly around the house) blather on about "hype" and wheel out the same old chich
mercifully free of C3PO, although i think giving him the final line of the series in the exact same set as the first scene of the first film was a fine move
all in all, it did well in tying up the series with a reasonable emotional kick, which is what you need really
although, the non-green-screen cinematographer should be taken out into the street and viciously kicked. If you're insistent on filming characters in front of a brightly-lit picture window, there are other ways and means of making your actors stand out from the murk ...
Wow! Easily the most polished and pretty turd I've seen yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll second, third, fourth and fifth that.
Good premise, awful dialogue, rushed scenes, poor direction, great eye candy. I say poor direction because there are scenes that could have been done worlds better, and many parts of the movies are misleading when compared to the cartoon tie-ins and the original trilogy.
On that note, it was still great to watch because of the impressive visuals and that alone is worth paying for (and that's all I went for really).