i do.
a LOT.
everything i've had shipped to me through them in the past few years has been delayed by up to a week, and usually beaten up a bit too.
and the last time i shipped something through them ( a printer, scanner, and computer to my grandmother in North Dakota), it arrived with the glass shattered in the scanner, the printer destroyed, and the computer shaken apart.
What really drives me nuts is that most people on Ebay just love to use them.
I'm even less convinced of their quality of shipping considering the crap that goes on at the local distribution center where my friend works (handling of packages and whatnot).
*breathes* ok.. end rant.. for now

i do.
They're always here one day, maybe even two, ahead of schedule. In fact, I've only had one problem with them sending my Newegg order to the wrong place. But they fixed the error and still got the package delivered to me on time. and their online tracking system is always up to date. I hesitate buying from Amazon because it takes forever to arrive via UPS.
why don't you use fedex?
Just had to get it off your chest, did you?
(FedEx bought Kinko's).
Just seems logical to me.
amazon...thumbs up!
us mail...thumbs up!
ups...thumbs down!
ups went to shit after they used the gangsters/teamsters to unionize. FACT!
FedEx somehow manages to only come by when somebody isn't at home and I have to drive 30min to their office and wait in a tiny waiting area with 4 other people while the one person working the office takes 20-30min searching for the package. I know it isn't FedEx as a whole, just the office in my area.
Guess I shouldn't have been cheap and gone with US Postal ><;