So this is my last year in HS. I didnt want to attend graduation(just dont care for the event/dont want to be there) so I havent paid for it yet. Now my family members are asking me about graduation and whatnot. By now my mom knows that I havent paid for it and she is sad/pissed about this. I seriously hope that they're still taking in people's senior dues.
i feel like such a selfish POS

I am posting solely for the fact it took 30 seconds to load this page and I must get something about of my efforts.
Even if you don't feel like it now, go. When you grow up you can always look back on it, versus if you don't go, you might wish you had one day. It seems insignificant, but it's a fun event. Or it was for me anyway.
but if it means a lot to your folks, you could just play along for their benefit. its only a couple of hours and you might get some free food/alcohol. (take a carrier bag)
Even if you don't feel like it now, go. When you grow up you can always look back on it, versus if you don't go, you might wish you had one day.
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Or the latter. I was forced to go. 2 hours I wont get back.
Let me explain something about guilt. I went on a trip to England with my father even though I didn't want to, because of the guilt I would get. So I had an absolutely boring/horrible time, and the inlaws could tell. The trip was not fun. So in hindsight, I should have told my father as such instead of this crap about parents/respect (really gult trips). He would have had a better time, as I would have at home.
Im not really feeling that well mentally today, so I appreciate your childish jabs withheld for a day or two?
Deathtrip: it's the last graduation you'll ever attend until your children do the same. think about it. do whatever you can to attend. graduation is the only part of high school i care to remember.
On a side note: you have to pay to attend graduation? that's bullshit. and why haven't your parents been notified so they can pay? the school should collect enough money throughout the year to fund it themselves really.
Were you see graduation as celebration, I see it differently. I believe the original poster of this thread at some level sees graduating at the same level I did.
I guess you're one of the people who doesn't try new things because you're sure you won't like it? Who knows how many opportunities you may have missed...
If it sucks, you're only out a few hours. If it's good then you're NOT out the experiece. Like MoP said its a one chance thing. If for some reason later down the road you decide you wanted to go (when you didn't) I guess you could go buy a cap and parade around in your backyard and have your neighbors think your nuts. (It's ok they will think that anyway).
I felt the same way and I went, I ended up liking it. I did skip the parrent sponsored senior party/cruise around lake washington, because well being trapped on a boat with a bunch of people I wasn't really fond of, wasn't my idea of fun. Besides no booze what where we going to do? But for the ceremony itself I'm glad I went. I got my picture taken so I can prove to my future kids that someone somewhere was dumb enough to think I learned something in my 12 years in the puplic education system.
Your parents invest decades in your development and you can't humour them with a freaking visit to england to attend a funeral? Oxy, there is a difference between having your own opinion and going against the grain. I do not have the maturity, wisedom, years or grace to be as delicate and patience as MoP so instead I give an honest shut the fuck up and eat your salad.
Perhaps I was giving an example from my experience.
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Here's an example from my experience. Like I said, I graduated high school, and the graduation is really the only moment I care to remember. My family was supportive, and proud. Because of that one moment, proving I can finish what I start, they have been there for me when I need them or atleast a voice of encouragement.
I have a younger brother. He decided he didn't care for graduation. In fact, he didn't care to finish high school just because he didn't WANT to. I told him it was important to me if he did, he didn't care. He'd rather f*** his trashy girlfriend and do drugs. Some time later, my grandfather passed away (almost a year ago now). He thought the world of me for helping the future of the family stay on the right track. Everyone says I look just like him. I didn't want to attend the funeral because I would rather have remember our last moment together while he was alive, but I NEEDED to attend for my family. My brother decided he didn't WANT to attend the funeral, so he stayed home and did drugs with his friends.
Deathtrip realizes he shouldn't be so selfish, where as my brother is an irresponsible shithead. He's beginning to see his mistakes, and needs all the help he can get with his miserable life. My family would like to help him. But now, they just don't WANT to.
I didn't say you were wrong. Just saying life is what you make of it. As you age, you realize the importance of family. Point being, you've got nothing better to do, and it would mean a lot to someone other than yourself.
And MoP is a very nice guy. He's deleted a couple of my posts in the past. Good moderator!
Poop you met me once. Did I offend? Not that I am aware of.
Cmon, back in high school unless I am mistaken and you were a bunch of jocks or popular, you were the nerd/geeks ostracized.
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Actually, I was somewhere in the middle in high school. I had friends on both "sides" (if we're taking jock/nerd as extremes) and got along well with pretty much everyone. So yeah, you are mistaken.
Oxy, you've gotta realise that acceptance works both ways. It's very hard to get on with someone who picks an argument with EVERYONE. Seriously, in every thread I've seen you post in, you pounce on every single reply and tear it to pieces, even if they're agreeing with you. Your thought processes often seem to run in circles and wind up making no sense and confusing everyone. No doubt you would say otherwise, but I'm sure many others would agree with me here. You need to understand that you cannot make people "accept" you just because you tell them to. If you don't make an effort to be accepted, you will find it very difficult.
I predict that currently you're gonna be thinking "Oh, so now they want me to CONFORM to their ideals, but I'm an individual with my own opinions and thoughts!" ... realise that you can do this without appearing to be an arrogant ass. Just because people think differently to you doesn't mean that they are wrong.
Anyway, this has derailed too far. ElysiumGX gives good advice from a knowledgeable standpoint. Make the most of opportunities, don't pass them up - also don't be afraid to make personal sacrifices to help others out or make others happier. After all, you never know what the future holds, and you don't want to be burning bridges you might need later on.
I think there's some good advice for life there...
It's very hard to get on with someone who picks an argument with EVERYONE. Seriously, in every thread I've seen you post in, you pounce on every single reply and tear it to pieces, even if they're agreeing with you.
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To clarify, this is exactly what my post was referring to. I don't object at all to oXY posting here or his having different opinions from the rest, but it's almost a running joke at this point - in any given thread, imagine the most contrary or the most antisocial reply possible and I swear it seems like oXY will write exactly that reply. It just seems to me an unnecessarily hard way to go through life, slamming your head through brick walls when you could simply walk around them.
To address the original topic, someone really clever once said "I do not regret the things I've done, I regret the things I didn't do." Looking back over my life, the majority of my regrets are also things I didn't do. Despite not knowing him personally, something I admire about Poop is that he appears to be living life to the fullest - he's not going to look back on his youth and regret having missed out on things he was too <whatever> to do at that time. If you go and it sucks, you regret two hours; if you skip it and it's great, you regret it the rest of your life.
You don't have to feel selfish. If it's past some deadline, make special arrangements for payment and go to your graduation. You may not be glad you did, but the people who want you to, will be.
9 times out of 10, those decisions that we make will not be the ones our parents would make, thats how life works, we get older, we get out of touch and it can become harder to understand those younger than us.
Your parents love you though, and I expect they have had other times before this where they have had to just trust that you knew what you were doing because they sure didnt.
All that stuff being expressed here about 'it could be wonderful' is completly true. It could also be as awful as you fear and its your choice whether to follow your instincts or whether to trust in others.
The bottom line for me is that the society endorsed or popular waymarkers that most people go through and hold on to as key moments in life, are not required. We are each free to affix importance wherever we personally find it or seek it or remember it.
I avoided the Prom at my school. It was a new thing and purely instituted in a hopelessly infatuated with american culture sort of deal imo. It was going to be nothing other than a popularity contest for the usual haircut crew to vaccously self congratulate themselves for their ability to have rich parents, comfortable lives and a slick hairstyle.
As I saw it, it was just going to be the same pack of wankers hanging out that I wanted nothing to do with normally. So I didnt go and I've never thought about that again until this thread as I have felt not one iota of loss.
All those jerks are the ones that stuck around in my hometown, got married early, split up byt the time they were 25 and started chasing 16 yr olds whilst in search of their perceived lost youth and 'best days of their life' inbetween earning a living by working at daddies insurance firm or what not.
I bear in mind, my view is not the world.
The other side of the coin I am sure, is, that the prom was one of the most fabulous nights some people there ever had and they cherish the memory of night when all their friends were together and celebrating the ascension into the big wild world... or something.
Its all depends on your personal perspective. Perspective is something that is very intimate and it cannot really be understood or explained to others in a way they can comprehend beyond polite empathy.
So 'Do as though wilt shall be the whole of the law'
Certainly, this has always been my take on things, whats important to me, is important to me.
If it's past some deadline, make special arrangements for payment and go to your graduation. You may not be glad you did, but the people who want you to, will be.
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If it turns out that its too late(i really hope it isnt) then my mother will go to the principal to see if it can be worked out. Graduation is on June 28th I think, so I think thats plenty of time to put in an order for another gown, i mean, it cant take long to slap one of those shitty gowns together.
Rorshach, I like i said, I personally dont care about the event but I now do want to go for my family members who are looking foward to it.
it is a fucking SICK microcosm.
kids who get worked into a furver about highschool graduation are probably losers. the fact that you've attained this level of education almost means nothing in this day and age.. it's certainly not going to help you get a decent job. you'll probably have to do something else after highschool if you want to do something interesting with your life.
highschool sucked. when i was done with it, my life improved tenfold..
it's my personal opinion that highschool graduation means nothing. if anything it's an indication that you're saying goodbye to a sick, savage, unkind system.
if you've got some good friends that are going, however, you might as well go just for the fun. i dont see it as a big deal at all, but it's certainly an excuise to party with some of your friends
one more thing-- i think that how harsh things are depends on where you went to school. the highschool i went to was relitively mellow, but i still view it as sick for lots of reasons. the truith is, man, i doubt it'd be a terrible experience unless you alow it to be. if you go there just to chill out and hang out with friends, then it'll be fun.. also, please understand that this idea of who's popular and cool will soon change completely. the people who are in those positions in highschool are now at their life's peak. they will soon be the guys that are at the club every god damn day trying to re-create the glory days. they'll work as peppy waiters at earls or they'll be working at burger king. the fact that you have a brain and probably some depth of character sets you above the rest of the crowd, IF you don't start claiming that you're a victim..
but deathtrip, it is up to you to go or not, and if you do go on your parrents behalf, don't make it because of guilt, make it because you want them to be happy.
i don't like you much ox
still, graduation is so damn painless, i'd been forced to do things I hated worse by my parents that they didn't even care about. going to graduation was a plus because they wanted me to and it probably ensured that I got my new car stereo
everyone has to endure shit they don't want to endure growing up. it builds character! lol! that which does not kill you makes you stronger!
*Pisses on John's fire.*
Many places require a high school education or GED to continue with schooling. I've witnessed many individuals drop out of school with plans to get their GED instead, and they take their sweet ass time doing it. They could have gotten the diploma sooner, but they're slackers. And it's years before they attend a college course, if at all. Usually because they're too busy working.
This thread has brought out some that have had rough experiences in high school.
I can count on one hand the amount of persons that I've seen from HS on one hand.
(<- loves living in the big smoke
HS seems like a big thing but realy it's just a phase of many that you will pass through. You'll be a a different person in a different place with a different head. Wait a few year and repeat.
Plus, under normal circumstances, it's no big feat to graduate from high school. From my experience, anyways.
Elysium, was Mojo he a slacker to then given your description? For he seems to disprove your stereotype.
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I don't recall using the terms "all", or "everyone" in that statement. You think Mojo can't speak for himself on these forums? What are you trying to prove? If you're trying to manipulate people to be angry with me, you should know I can handle that task myself. My opinion is, if you graduated high school: congratulations, I hope you do well. If you don't: good luck, I hope you have a plan. The thread starter IS graduating, but was feeling bad about possibly not attending the ceremony. That discussion is over, so back off.
I'm a complete slacker and I have a master's degree.
[/ QUOTE ] No your not Verm. As it was I did have "slacker" in quotations. Meaning how little value I give to the label.
You realize your responses only further the birds of a feather? Lets cut to the chase people. Stop it. Accept me as I am and realize that I view things differently than yourselves. I am more easily offended, and I do wear my heart on my shoulder. Cmon, back in high school unless I am mistaken and you were a bunch of jocks or popular, you were the nerd/geeks ostracized. So what do you do now? Is this your revenge? To pick at the oddball and judge him? Do you realize how closed minded this makes you and repeats High School all over again? Don't you want to be better than that?
Poop you met me once. Did I offend? Not that I am aware of.
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That's a pretty shitty argument. Everyone in school knew I was a nerd, and almost everyone loved me because I was who I was. You said earlier you lost 2 hours of your life. What, may I ask, is so important that you did in those 2 wasted hours?
I understand how you feel man, go to graduation, you'll be happy you did. Even by some crazy chance you don't enjoy it while you're there, you'll be glad after that you went.
by the way, prom is teh pwn
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so are you and pedro getting all serious now