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Dawn of War Moddeller Needed

polycounter lvl 18
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AdamBomb polycounter lvl 18
Hi. I'm creating a mod for the RTS game Dawn of war based on the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game. The mod I'm creating adds in the heroes and villains from the 40K universe as I'm an avid tabletop player and would like to see them ingame. I have done most of the coding for the Space Marines and am now finishing them off before I start on the Eldar, Chaos and Orks.

What I need is a moddeller who is prepared to create about 30 models in total. This sounds like an arduous task and I'm sure it is as 3Ds Max scares me just from looking at all the buttons...

If you would like to help me on my endevour then a knowladge of the 40K universe would help but is definately not essential.

For more information the website is here.

You can also contact me at: adam_eley88@hotmail.com

Thanks for your time.

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