Does anyone know of any good referances or guides on how to paint realistic faces/bodies in Adobe Photocshop? Not for skinning but just for artwork. thanks.
There are some pretty good tutorials here including some from Craig Mullins, Jason Manley, and Glen Fabry. Not neccesarily 100% photoshop related, but the knowledge is transferable I think. Software is just a tool anyway.
Yeah, she's awesome. If you ever look at the forums, you might notice "pstraub" posts there... he's in the book too... I also recognised several names from or other forums in the "invited artist" gallery in the book... very cool.
Thanks for the tutorials links, too, I've bookmarked that site now, handy stuff.
James Ball
She rocks, and has some really good mini-tutorials.
Thanks for the tutorials links, too, I've bookmarked that site now, handy stuff.