One dream of mine was to be able to play as one of my characters ive made up for Roleplay, or comics.. So i chose my two favorite characters from Role Play and Comics, and i thought it would be raelly awesome If Somebody would take the time and effort to bring them to life in the unreal engine! This isnt just a request for the Crewmen, but rather anybody that woulld like to take a shot at 'em.. So heres my characters...
Age- 16
Uniqe Features-46" hips (( i knopw, really huge for a girl that small >.> )) Jet black hair that reaches her knees, gothic, eeire blue eyes, nearly flat chested, little nose, pale skin..
Casual AoniceUnreal Armor Aonice
Hight: 6'4"
Age: 17
Uniqe Features: Brown MJOLNIR Mark VI Helmet, Gloves, and Shoes, Super Anerexic Lankiness, brown Halo 2 t-shirt with the
VICIOUS713 logo on each sholdier, and really big on his back, blue jeans, more orange, hispanic toned skin, and dark brown hair kind bunching up out the back of the helmet.
Hmm, i dont really have any helpfull ones up, you can already imagine him.. lol.. Ill post a link to what i've got anyways, and post up a good one later when i get it drawn...
Anywho, those are the two im gonna let you choose from, taht is if anybody is even willing to make 'em, if you are, THANKS ALOT!!

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and how would you pronounce that? anus?
If you're serious about this kinda stuff, sometimes you just gotta knuckle down and learn some new skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have good bowhunting and modeling skills, ya know.