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Fever Induced Rant



  • Artmachine64
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    Artmachine64 polycounter lvl 18
    Post deleted by Artmachine64
  • GoK
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    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    xxx just for you ror! wink.gif

  • mrrogers
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    i'll tell you whats really hot:

    those little mini-episodes on CN. theyre freakin crazy.

    and i thought bohemian meant something else, like a devolved/degenerate unsophisticated type effect.

    and hey, if you post it instead of taking it out on a real person, at least all you'll get is a snappy quote taken from one of your statements wink.gif
  • Artmachine64
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    Artmachine64 polycounter lvl 18
    I think its fine of you like big names and like to be part of the largest target audience. You will never be alone in such a a popular slice of the pie. Lots of work and money that go into focus groups and studies to determine what the next hottest thing will be and all the marketing all that entails but some of us are pretty much over that stuff and hope for something better and tighter than the industry standard. Intelligent, better crafted from the inside out.

    I like mainstream stuff that is born out of quality and passion. I like Sisley brand mainstream italian clothing, I like some popular musicians. I dislike the mainstream that is born out of the safety a company has in being commercial and proffitable. It makes the product superficially appealing, but weak and boring at the core to me. Many famous mainstream things that we intelectualoid bohemians hate are regurgitations of bits and pieces of prior successes, repackaged and recycled in an accessible affordable way. Kinda like the new starwars. The toys and videogames are sold before the movie is even out! Maybe to assure some sales from prescreening expectations. Anyway, i think if something is truly good, I wont reject it out of spite for the popularity of it. If i reject something, its because I aspire for something finer.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    The only thing is I think your confusing counter culture with equaling intellectual wannabes..

    Actually maybe thats what sometimes makes the pseudo intellectual. I always heard it was knowledge without the wisdom to understand. But maybe it also it the idea of not liking "X" because everyone else does?

    Anyhow Ror, believe it or not, I find myself in your shoes alot of the time. Whats worse is I can usually find someone who say, likes RC Car Racing, but has no interest in another area like Comic Books, or Opera.

    Tis life.
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    i like what i like and if no-one else likes it, i don't give a crap, that's them not me.

    tits rule
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I need to just be less sensitive about this type of thing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No shit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was going to quote that bit myself, but will just second Adam. I think Ben's a few hair extensions away from going Mr. Sensitive Ponytail Man on us laugh.gif
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    I have a big problem with popular culture, it seems every game i play , and every film i watch i dislike for some reason or another, am i getting old?
    Are my standards too high ... mind you , when it comes to music , i like pretty much everything from Dvorak to Britney.
    I think it comes down to training in the areas, i know alot about filmography , so when i watch a movie i know whats gona happen from the type of shots that were chosen in the few shots leading to an event. I guess on the face of it i look like a pseudo-intellectual but really i just have odd taists.
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    hey poop

    I could understand you if while you are listening to your music, playing your games or watching your movies theese people come along and start bothering you and slowly increasing the intensity of their bragging.
    If they don´t (and I guess thats what happens most of the time) and you are just randomly engageing in a conversation with "them" just stop talking to the, turn around, giggel and be sure that you at least stay true to yourself and be sure that they will die someday to, just like you.
    Who cares, they not offending you, they just have this picture of what they don´t want to be and if you fit into it, they home in for the kill and let out all the anger because they find it quite disturbing that others can have fun with things that dont really have a meaning are sterotype or not complex because someone told them its like that.

    We are all going to die anyway
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    i just don't like thick music, books, films, TV or games : stuff made by thick people for thick people.

    And i don't need to, there's plenty of other more diverting stuff in the world. Loads of it in fact.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    My names Jackablade and I'm a pretentious, elitist music snob. Its bound so tightly into my personality that I have crises on conscience when choosing what to listen to on the communal Itunes at work. I look down on others mainstream tastes while downloading tracks which frequently stretch the term music rather significantly. Its something thats been reinforced in my life since I started high school with alternative rock, then discovered IDM electronic music in uni. I can't go back now. I'm never going to be able to enjoy what gets played on the radio or on the musci video programs. I'm doomed forever to a Winamp playlist of glitch, noise and icelandic ambient rock.

    I suppose things could be worse. I could be a Brittany Spears fan.
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    hey poop

    I could understand you if while you are listening to your music, playing your games or watching your movies theese people come along and start bothering you and slowly increasing the intensity of their bragging.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow... that says it all.
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    Excuse my not perfect english (so even if you do agree I probably missunderstood you by taking it as an offence wink.gif) ... let me rephrase

    I personally (hence, I could understand you) would start complaining about such people if they would come along fa. while I am listening to my music (lets say at work), and start having a go at me why I am listening to such crap and don´t give up, forcing their opinions down my throught.(and that does happen) That would bother me, not in a normal coversation. "hey I like britney" - "I hate britney, the music is crap, popmusic bits wind anyway blabla..." - "Good for you m8"

    If do agree then I didnt need to write this post anyway but hey, I´ve been working 16 hours a day the last week so please excuse missunderstandings or stupidley put phrases from my part.

    ... I´m going back to maya
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    bwahahahahahahaha! interesting....especially when one of your hobbies include "Women"
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'm with ya Poop - I liked Battlefield Earth as well wink.gif
    I suppose I'm one of the lucky few who can completely zone out on a movie, and enjoy it regardless. I also DID like Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions (I'm sure that'll stir something up :P) . As far as music tastes go, I listen to a few main stream bands. Most notably are Rob Zombie, Linkin Park, Lenny Kravitz and Paul Oakenfold. Some bands get worse when they go big-time (*ahem Stone Temple Pilots, *cough Pearl Jam), but a lot remain just as good.
    In the end it's your decision, I choose to ignore what anyone else thinks wink.gif
  • Artmachine64
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    Artmachine64 polycounter lvl 18
    oh i miss Maya. Shes a harsh mistress but i do love her.

    If youre doing your thing and people bombard you out of the blue about the things you find joy in, i would agree, but when youre the first to talk smack about how lame people are for liking what they like every day, and you engage in heated debates about why people are wrong thinking like they do, you cant expect them to be gentle about the things you light candles to. Youre an alright guy, poop, but you can dish more than you can take. I say that with no absolutely no animosity.
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    i'm sick of elitist fucks, who cares if people like britney spears and summer blockbuster eye candy movies, who the fuck are you to look down upon them? i can't stand pop music, but i dont belittle the people that listen to it, if someone lites up a cigarette next to you don't whine like a bitch step away a few feet and you'll be just fine, i cant stand diesel truck exhaust, but that doesnt mean it shouldn't exist or people don't have the right to drive them, so i roll up my fucking window, all better! this is all on 3 hours of sleep by the way...but i figured why the hell not join in the fun! take responsibilty for your actions, if you fucked up/fix it, and admit to it, dont blame society for YOUR problems and don't try to change the world....CHANGE YOURSELF, you'll be happier and others will follow.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I often take a dislike to "mainstream" music, not because it is "bad" music (ie. the artists are often talented, with catchy songs) ... the thing that annoys me is if I have to turn on a radio or TV, and every time I do, it's a 90% chance the same song will be played.
    It's that kind of overplay that can make even the best stuff seem incredibly dull and boring in a short time - therefore I decided not to listen to radio or TV, simply take recommendations of music from my friends or websites, check it out, and if I like it, I'll keep it, if not, I'll ignore it.
    If every radio station in the UK suddenly started playing my favourite "alternative" track by a band nobody's ever heard of, chances are I'd start hating them too, sheerly because of the unneccesary repetition, not because it was bad music!

    I like what I like, I don't let others decide for me what to or not to like, whether they be mainstream junkies or elitist assholes. I don't think the stuff I watch/listen to is "better" than the stuff they do, it's just the stuff I like, and I'm happy for it to stay that way.

    That said, I'm sure there are people out there who like weird far-from-mainstream things purely for the stand-out factor - "I listen to this band nobody else has ever heard of!" - maybe not because they even like it that much.

    I like a lot of stuff that everybody else likes! On the other hand, I also like a lot of stuff that nobody else seems to like! And I don't care either way smile.gif
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    This whole Thread is like that movie "Airheads", when Brendon Frasier (he's a hard rocker in the movie) Is exposed to his adoring butt rock fans as an ex-nerd. Then some dude in the crowd shouts "I used to play D&D!" everyone cheers, then some rough biker dude says " I was editor of the school news paper!" everyone applauds. Then some dude stands up and says " I masturbate! Constantly!" and they all boo him and the guys around him start beating him.

    All things in moderation I say. The more the merrier and whatnot. It's all relative.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    bwahahahahahahaha! interesting....especially when one of your hobbies include "Women"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah. what's your point? I like women. My girlfriend just happens to be one. She's a smart, independent, hard working one too. And she looks great without spending hours each day painting her face. That's rare.

    [ QUOTE ]
    if someone lites up a cigarette next to you don't whine like a bitch. step away a few feet and you'll be just fine,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    how about you step away several feet. why should I go out of my way for someone who's slowing destroying their internal organs, while throwing their stench on anyone that comes near. it was their choice to start, and it's their responsibility to keep it to themselves. if that's their purpose in life, then they are below me.

    my stance is against those who smoke where non-smokers have to pass. you can't step away from that. but those butt suckers can stand somewhere else (designated for them) and enjoy themselves.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    AstroZombie said it all in one sentence. It's not just his opinion, it is verifiable truth.

  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    poop and i like a lot of the same things....
    hold me.. I'm scared shocked.gif
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    tits are good.

    reading is bad
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Poop and Vassago.

    Scientology calls to you.;)

    (Foehammer-Sometimes the problem is that sometimes society/world is wrong. Hiding from it by changing your own views to be accepted in it isn't neccarily always the best answer. The question remains. Did you really change? Or did you make a mask to fit in? )
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    heh my life is simple. I like everything!

    Well except sushi. You can keep your damn sushi! Give me a nice steak (cooked to perfection) any day.

    - BoBo
  • GoK
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    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    if that's their purpose in life, then they are below me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your a pretentious little man arnt you!

  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    yes sir. luckily many of my friends have stopped smoking because of me. I'm persistent as well. in the end it's a pointless battle of who's right and who's wrong with this thread. funny how i always pictured the smokers to be the elitist. that's the steriotype isn't it?

    oh, and I thought Battlefield Earth was "ok". I'm sure the book was better tho. cool.gif
  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    I actually read the book when I was a teenager. I didn't know anything about Hubbard and all the rest of that crap at the time. The book was long, 900 pages or so. It's mostly fluff, hubbard is a hack at best, the story tends to drag along. The movie sums up about most of it, so 900 pages in 2 hours. The science is very light to nonexistent. eg. if the Syclos (sp?) 'breathe gas' get exposed to radiation -it explodes. Kinda dumb if you think about it. It's not a totally bad book but it is not a good one ether. Certainly not something you would want to make into a movie. There is nothing in it that suggests the religions he made up. There is only one reason that this film got made.
    Also the movie sucked ass. Come on, they add harrier jump jets that can't go more than 3~6 hours with out being serviced but after 8,000,000 or so hours they work fine? Even Hubbard had the sense to have the humans use the weapons of the invaders.

    If something sucks it sucks and that's that. No amount of time or cajoling is going to make it better.
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    Elysium, what are you talking about.

    "it was their choice to start, and it's their responsibility to keep it to themselves. if that's their purpose in life, then they are below me"

    What the hell are you trying to say.
    How can you class smoking/selfdestruction a purpose in life and how can your purpose in life be over that of another.
    Well I guess if you class smoking a purpose in life your purpose in life can´t be much higher above that wich makes your purpose in life below mine.

    Oh when we are allready at it, I think your quite right that nonsmokers shouldnt step aside. The smokers should stand somewhere that is designated for them.
    oh oh, and lets put away people that choose to fart while they are walking by. oh yes, and jawning, why the hell should I look in your mouth. I´m to lazy to look away, WHY SHOULD I MOVE MY LINE OF SIGHT AWAY SO THAT I DON`T NEED TO SEE YOUR MOUTH, or just keep it to yourself.

    Even better, ... lets build camps where that bunch of butt suckers can enjoy themselves. ("Erholungslager")

    TOLERANCE. Thats what you need my friend. Your not the center of the universe who defines what is good or not. We all have to live together and we would all like to live our way but that won´t always fully work.
    Have you forgotten that you have a brain and a voice that enables you to communicate. If someone wants to light a cig near you, TALK TO HIM, ask him if he could maybe not light it directly next to you. Most people are willing to communicate. If not, SHOW A BIT OF TOLERANCE, either defend your 4 square meters of pavement (or whatever you are standing on) like a real "above" persone does, or just laugh and move on. Relax

    Hell, I would like someone that could really convince me ( in a probably very long discussion) to stop smokeing, but I know that you won´t be one of them.

    oh and no, its not steriotype to make a broad definition of a group of individuals that you don´t even know based on one addictive habbit.
  • cep
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    cep polycounter lvl 18
    You know, it's polite to walk into another room before you fart, so what are you on about?
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    sarcasme and overdrawing
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    i find that every smoker I meet wishes they could stop, but treat them rudely for smoking and they will defend themselves. so much for will power. so much for ranting. i do communicate. and I do tolerate many things and show polite manners IN REAL LIFE. i enjoy expressing my opinions freely online. i think you're just a little stressed out at the moment. have a cigarette.

    I've always wanted to try sushi.
    with that, I respectfully bow out.
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    You look at the things like a tankcommander.

    "but treat them rudley for smokeing and they will defend themselves" ... yeah thats real life communication.
    So much to willpower for you. Not only do really you have a very singelsided radical way of looking at things, you don´t even stand up for them in reallife. Going by your scale that should make you one of the "lowest" person that literally everybody from "above" can look down on.
    Why don´t you give it a try.

    With that, I respectfully let the curtains fall.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    if people want to smoke let them smoke. they're going to die anyway.
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