Others have made many a post drunk, and this is about as close as I come. I have a fever of 102 and I came home early from work and have been trying to sleep it off.
I'm tired of being surrounded by "bohemian/pseudo-intellectuals" that think they can rag on what I like because they determine it's too "mainstream". I accuse them back of altering their own likes and dislikes based on the opposite of what's hip and hot at the moment. They won't *let* themselves enjoy something if it has enjoyed commercial success. The more success, the more they hate it. The more obscure and original, despite any merrit it may or may not contain, the more they convince themselves they like it. It's pretty obvious if you just look for it. They enjoy reveling in their "fringe" outlook, they are the "rebels" of society, and they are obviously cool because they like what only a select few like, that the public at large could *never* understand the way they can. Just like what you like, and make no appologies. I like Kelly Clarkson, I like Linkin Park, I like the two new Star Wars movies, just as much, if not more than the original three. I like Sushi, I like the brand Quicksilver (a division of Levi's), and I like big titted game characters with stilhetto heels, when they are done right. I like the big space boot sci fi space marine character, and I like the egyption theme a lot of games like to include for cool factor. I liked Battlefield Earth. I enjoyed Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.
I sometimes laugh at friends.
Get well soon!
don't let le poseurs get you down poopeh. they hurt themselves by not allowing themselves enjoy some things that they might otherwise embrace.
(the egyptian themed stuff does need to go, though
I listen to Christina Aguilera, Green Day, Jet, Beyonce and Madonna on a regular basis. But only because I have a large collection of mashup MP3s. Madonna sounds great with the Sex Pistols, really!
Ben, take Tylenol and Motrin on a 3 hour rotation so your brain doesn't bake. We need that brain!
I also enjoy the new Stereophonics single.
And giant robots and ninjas are cool.
my coment had nothign to do do with the mans fame and popularity, it had to do with dull games
i also like Linkin Park(most kick ass concert i will probably ever see), love SW Ep 1 and 2 and FF:Spirits Within, and i like Metallica's Load and Reload albums(yes sidwell i have no taste!), and i regularly listen to JPop and Black Metal back to back.. buwahahhahah! im crazy like that!!
I liked Battlefield Earth.
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I was with you right up until that part
I can't help but think they ripped off Lacuna Coil and put a whole ton of money behind it in marketing.
Circular logic folks!
EDIT: I don't know where that post came from Mojo, about Peter M.. but I'm with yah on it. Fable was a dissappointment. The last couple of his games I've played have disappointed. I like the guy for what he's doing for our community - multiple studios, etc., but the quality of fun in his games lately has been piss-poor.
I enjoyed Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.
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Well that is definitly NOT mainstream
Concerning your rant, well I understand where you are coming from (e.g. the idea behind this rant), but most the time (at least where I live) the people who belive their views are smart and outside the normal, but in reality arn't really that uncommon or a result of their own thoughts, are far worse than those you are describing. (duh I hate those pseudo intellectuals : "I am not anti-american; I am anti Bush, because bla bla bla"... don't get me wrong though, I am against most what Bush stands for too, but at least I try to get a picture of both sides and stuff like that).
exactly what i was saying cheers for summing it up im not the clearest of posters!
your a pretty smart guy and i am not trying to attack nor throw you in a catagory because i dont think you really fit into one. i just wish you could see things that way, noone really fits into a sterotype. i love all kinds of mainstream stuff like 50 cent and the simpsons and i never goto coffeeshops or hipster punk/emo bars.. but you throw me into that catagory and anyone else who has a point of view that may be different. but i never call you sheep or drone of modern civilation, i just take your comments in stride and maybe throw in some type of comback but its all in fun and not personal attacks on your philosophy of life. it seems me and tracy have taken simalar paths in life and hung around the same types of people so our tastes in music and movies are simialar, but i know he isnt just likeing things becasue they are not popular the guy owns the damn pokemon movie. i think you should lighten up a bit down a bottol of nyquill and wake up in better mood.. we are not teaming up on you. find people that like what you like and talk about how cool it is, dont find things people dont like and then insult them for it cause its not how you believe. there is no one right or wrong way when it comes to things like movies and art so you shouldnt feel insulted when someone thinks differently... and final fanstasy way sucked
Man, you do have a fever.
Big titties never go out of style.
you can say in your oppinion 12 and 3 are better than 4 and 5 but how can you judge 6 as its not been released yet?
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Well some people refer to the old ones as 4,5,6 because that is how the books and the chronological order is. But back on topic: I hate Starwars
I hereby taint this thread with my deathtouch.
Star Wars 1,2,3 is better then 4,5,6?
Man, you do have a fever.
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Big titties never go out of style.
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-Amen. Unless you're a fashion model. What the hell's up with that? Why is it that the majority of men prefer Playboy measurements to Vogue measurements, yet women seek the opposite? I watched 'America's Next Top Model' last week and in the FIRST ROUND they kicked out the hottest one, in the opinion of myself and my wife, mind you. Because she weighed ten pounds more than the others. As a result, she was the only one with a chest! Stupid TV!
Hey, Poop, I've known quite a few people who've embraced the worldview you're railing against. The funny thing is, they're just another stupid clique. They all dress the same, just like the jocks do, just like the preppies do, just like the geeks do. I recall when Nirvana hit the big time, wearing crappy thrift store clothes (as all the hipsters in Olympia, myself included, did at the time) and the next thing you know the 'grunge look' is the IN thing, and the Gap is selling barfy flannels.
The good news is, most of us outgrow it eventually. I think it's just a holdover from High School. I don't know anyone my age any more who still gives a damn about what's hot or what's not. They just like what they like.
I liked Battlefield Earth.
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I was with you right up until that part
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I KNEW the second I posted that, someone would say exactly what you said. Hahahahha.
Tracy and Arsh, I know why you think this comment was directed against you guys, but it was more just my thoughts I've been having since School. Art Students are the worst about this type of thing. I just finally decided to type out what I thought. I blame the FEVER!!
I told Doc_Rob the other day that the office wasn't the same when you weren't around Arsh, you are the best! *hugs*
Lol at MrRogers post. Good stuff brought up in this thread by all. I'm sure the vast majority of people lie somewhere in between the two extremes, but I've just experienced too much of the whole "rebel" thing since I'm (supposedly) on the other end, so I wanted to speak up about it.
I try to be aware of what other people like and that opinions differ, I don't think my opinion is always right, but I have problems sometimes calming down when someones view is brought up forcefully in my face (as I'm sure most people do). I'm always more than willing to listen to a rational discussion and take part without going overboard on the other person.
2. Informal. A person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional upset.
hmmm just a thought guys!
I liked Battlefield Earth.
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I was with you right up until that part
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I KNEW the second I posted that, someone would say exactly what you said. Hahahahha.
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Well you were wrong it was 29 minutes after!
When in fact, they are all slaves to the structured and established cool anti-mainstream culture. They're a bunch of bohemian sheep if you ask me.
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whom are!? and good thing no one is asking you ! what about the cool anti-anti-mainstreme mindset YOU are in! its a fact that no one is right here people can have thier own oppinions about things who are you to say they are "bohemian sheep" !! your being an ignorant sheep just by saying that!
"Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, a.
2. Of or pertaining to a social gypsy or ``Bohemian'' (see Bohemian, n., 3); vagabond; unconventional; free and easy. [Modern] [1913 Webster]"
So HOW exactly can some one be a sheep and a bohemian at the same time !!?? bohemian sheep is an oxymoron!
I've got a thick accent and I've lived most of my career in different countries from my native one, the hell with being misunderstood!
Personally speaking, I actually despair that more people don't share my POV or tastes, I don't get any kind of buzz from being different, I get a buzz from feeling connected to others around me instead of feeling alienated!
The other day at work I discovered our new sound guy Mike Larson is a fucking monster movie nut with a collection of 2700 DVD's and I was able to rattle off obscure movies I loved and thought funny and he knew wtf I was talking about.
When I suggested he loan me a couple of obscure movies and he half retreated to a safe entrenched position where he explained that a lot of the time he would loan people these 'classic name' films and people would just be trying to impress him and instead, the films would simply sit around in their apartments for months unwatched.
I thought ' YES, I know exactly what you mean and it feels great to meet someone else that despairs at the overlay image conscious tits that most people betray themselves as being, unable to simply say they are uninterested in the classics and find Jerry Bruckenheimers story's mentally challenging'!!!
I guess I'm trying to say that being on the opposite side of whatever side you are on does not necessitate our being posers. Granted, there are people wearing masks so much that they have forgotten their real face, in all walks of life.
But its worth bearing in mind there are many of us here who are the counterculture through genuine alienation borne out of always having simply gone their own way due to most of the people they knew, not really being the sort of people that inspired imitation!
I've noticed as I've gotten older that songs I thought sucked and bands I thought sucked, (when I was a teenager} are somehow okay now and I like hearing them
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The opposite it sadly true, too...
Nowadays I almost feel ashamed for some of the music I liked when I was younger
Now wannabe surfers wear Quicksilver.
So I'm like those elitist snobs you were talking about earlier......MY BEACH, MY SURF, MY CHICKS....GO HOME, GO HOME!!.....maybe real estate prices will go down.
I don't give a shit what name is on my jeans as long as they fit and keep me warm when my AC goes out. I drink water instead of Pepsi (soft drinks)...because water has more water in it. And the body needs lots of water. I can be young, and have more fun...while drinking water. Call me crazy. I turned off the television years ago. I know it's odd, but the whole idea of "buy this, buy this, buy this", just doesn't entertain me. I don't smoke because I enjoy having lungs...so don't fucking smoke around me you arrogant weakminded self-destructive puppets. edit: this comment is directed towards those who feel they can smoke wherever they want without consideration towards others.
I don't like large fake tittied women because it's ugly and unnatural. It's a complete waste of artistic talent to include the images within games. It's marketing. It's boring. And everyone falls for it. It confuses children as to what is normal. It causes poor self-image among women and young girls. It degrades their role in society, and draws unwanted attention to a natural female human trait. Breasts are not sex objects. They provide Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity to newborns. To display them as sexual for the sake of profit is perverted and damaging towards society. Woman should have the freedom live in a world where their natural bodies aren't exploited and exaggerated. They should have the same freedom as men to display their bodies without the fear of breaking laws, and drawing unwanted sexual attention. To imprison them from that is sick and disrespectful.
Movies are a form of expression. If the movie tells me that merchandise, marketing, and following the latest trends is more important than the freedom of artistic expression, imaginative storytelling, and creativity...then I care nothing for it. Worship the almighty dollar.
Oh, and I find that generic UT2k4 characters with meaningless egyptian and mayan style decoration pasted on them who fight on fictional planets simply for the sake of being cool...very boring. But that's just my taste.
I am who I am, and not because of what I purchase, watch, wear, listen to, believe in. I try my best to keep it that way. And that makes me happy.
my rant over.
I like tits.
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pfft philistine!
My more discriminating palette prefers ass!
I like tits.
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pfft philistine!
My more discriminating palette prefers ass!
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I bet you do !
My wife has taught me tolerance. She loves Jerry Bruckenheimer films, her favourite film is Dirty Dancing, a guilty pleasure for her true, but she's the one that made me buy The day after tomorrow and I cuddle in with her and watch that because thats 'her thing' and when I put on 'Little Cesear' she remarks when looking at the cover 'oh, its black and white, you wonted mind if I fall asleep during it will you?'
Does she need to be wrong for me to be right?
I don't think so, no more than I need to be wrong for her to be right.
Tolerance is a fine ideal, it's not something any of us can live will fulltime, but in manageable doses its a great thing right?
When I spoke up in defense of the counterculture, I wasn't damning the mainstream for not agreeing with me and I don't think anyone else should be so quick to judge either because in 10 years time, everyone on this board is going to be a different person.
As near as I can tell, thats how time works, its better to just enjoy what you do without ranting that others should be like you, its natural enough to despair now and then if you can't relate to people, but just ranting at individuality is missing the point no?
This isn't aimed at any one person, I'd just prefer to express a POV that perhaps most of us could agree on rather than arguing over something as impossible and pointless as which colour of the rainbow is the best one!
I need to just be less sensitive about this type of thing.
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No shit.