Well, on Saturday I had to travel to Indianapolis on a business trip. Since my girlfriend had nothing better to do she came along with me. We were supposed to head back up home to Michigan on Monday. Well, she was 38 weeks pregnant at the time and on Sunday night at 12:30am her water broke in our hotel room. We had the front desk call 911 and they took her to the hospital with the best birthing unit in Indy. Her labor went fairly quick. At 2pm I had to head back to our hotel to pack up the booth I had set-up there. As soon as I get there and start packing I get a call from her nurse telling me she's fully dilated +2 and ready to push. So I packed as quickly as I could and rushed back to the hospital. Got there around 3 and she started pushing and Jade Isabella Miller was born at 3:39pm on Monday.

No pics yet. It's not my baby, she was 3 months pregnant when we met. Her actual father wants nothing to do with her so I'll pretty much be her father.
There were a few complications with her birth. She had the cord wrapped tightly around her neck and she had ingested a lot of fluid and blood. I didn't get to cut her cord since they had to immediately cut it to get it off her neck. She was taken to the NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit I believe it stands for) and she was put on oxygen, had a tube inserted from her mouth to her stomach to drain the fluid, and was put on an IV of a glucose solution to feed her. As of today she was off all those and feeding normally. So she's recovering very well and should be coming home on Friday. My gf and her mother are still down in Indy.
Well, I had to come back up to Michigan today because I was driving one of the company vehicles and I had to get everything back to the office. Plus I have a lot of work to do. I left at about 1pm and it's about a 4 hour drive. At about 4 the power steering went out and I noticed the van was severely overheating. I immediately pulled over and looked under the hood. I don't know much about cars but the one belt in the engine had broken. It controlled the power steering, the coolant flow, and the alternator and who knows what else. I called my boss and he sent one of my co-workers that knows how to work on cars. Well I was stuck there in the middle of nowhere in Indiana. Nothing but farmland around me and the nearest town 10-15 miles away. Luckily I had 2 laptops and my cell phone with me. I called up a lot of my friends while waiting and played a lot of spider solitaire. Finally my co-worker arives at around 7pm. Yeah, I was stuck there for fucking 3 hours. It got really cold in that van once the sun started to go down. He takes a look at the engine and sees the tightening pulley is broken so he can't just replace the belt. So I had to load up all my personal stuff and the shit I need for work tomorrow in his car. He poured some coolant into the engine and I managed to get the van to the next town and we left it at a gas station. I finally got home at 9:15pm.
So that's my week so far.

My gf just called me a little while ago and her and the baby are doing good. The hospital already released my gf so she has to stay in a hotel with her mother down there. The baby's doing really well and she should be released by Friday. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna' go pass out now.
congrats/good luck/all the best
Seriously though, congrats on pulling through everything and the fact it all worked out!