Rick.. I know this has been asked in the past.. but what program you using for the cool docking on your desktop.. (all those cool icons at the bottom) ? I think ive been to one or two sites to get something similar.. but there was an extreme lack or instructions and/or support to set it up..
(Okay so I hate reading directions.. LOL)
Kub.. can you email me the mac desktop you have there.. something very cool about it..
my City of Heros character (Little Ar, can you guess her idol? ) after she finally made lvl 14 or 15 and got the Flight power. took her on a grand tour of the entire city. this is inside of Portal Corps. was a hard road just for some sight seeing
and my Mac desktop. woot to mac users!! we are growing!
image by Kirt, Cgtalk Daily Sketch 268
Here we go. Dock is Yz, icons powered by AveDesk 1.2, calender is Rainlender with an aero skin, visual style is Longhorn Alternative (Dark).
embed a DOS prompt into your desktop
*goes searching*
I like a nice clean desktop. Icy!
A concept artist at work had his desktop set to a pic of David Hasslehoff in speedos that was recursively zooming out his crotch as an animated gif.
NEw one is up...
Mac (on TV)
power to the Mac users. =D
[edit] werid, I just realized ObjectDock didn't show up in my PC screen shot. Huh. Oh well.
(Okay so I hate reading directions.. LOL)
Kub.. can you email me the mac desktop you have there.. something very cool about it..
my City of Heros character (Little Ar, can you guess her idol?
and my Mac desktop. woot to mac users!! we are growing!