He WANTED to wear shorts the whole time but I managed to make him wear actual pants at restaurants and at the club. Plus Shims GF and I took him to a shop to buy some new clothes, wooo wooo ! I'm jealous of his new jacket now.
oh man, i really loved it. i almost cried when we had to leave.
Pior was just cool. Very gentle and funny like hell guy.
Ben was cliche american, yet funnny. I liked his "insider" stories the best. Joking around and stuff like that. I really liked him (almost huged hi, but well, uhm)
Phil was cool too. Though he always argued with ben about the bad situation in america and stuff like that It was very intersting disccusion
Well and I: Lost the digital camera from my mom, lost a red jacket from my girlfriend but drank enough beer (strike)..
I relly like it and i hope i can meet up again with pior, ben and phil again.
yes that is true, but I´m happy to announce that we all agreed on the fact that the USA owns and invented everything. water, earth, europe the whole lot
hehehe....I think when poop spent his time with peppi frankie and myself (correct me if im wrong guys) but I don't think a disscussion about the US vs world even came up...
Also as you asked shimmer,any of you guys intending on going to the Prague Massive Black workshop?? I know Ben is intending and he mentioned you maybe Pior but I think that might well be the next time we can get a nice big european polycount meet going...already looking forward to September!!
First batch of pictures up, This only coveres the london leg, as I need to go to work, but I'll do the rest tonight for sure (SORRY PIOR I WILL I PROMISE)
cant look at those photos, they make me cry. It was such a awesome weekend.
I hope we can get a meet an greet organized soon (with additional polycounters + familiy)
And yeah, professional cleaners would be fine
Sounds like it was a good meet-up
Yes, we do have photoevidence
Awesome pics! Looks like fun was had by all!
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010360.JPG (my ugly mush,though check out the style,safari jacket and polycount Tshirt in Central London,great pairing!!)
[/ QUOTE ]
holy seeing double. That *IS* his twin.
oh man, i really loved it. i almost cried when we had to leave.
Pior was just cool. Very gentle and funny like hell guy.
Ben was cliche american, yet funnny. I liked his "insider" stories the best. Joking around and stuff like that. I really liked him (almost huged hi, but well, uhm)
Phil was cool too. Though he always argued with ben about the bad situation in america and stuff like that
Well and I: Lost the digital camera from my mom, lost a red jacket from my girlfriend but drank enough beer (strike)..
I relly like it and i hope i can meet up again with pior, ben and phil again.
Also as you asked shimmer,any of you guys intending on going to the Prague Massive Black workshop?? I know Ben is intending and he mentioned you maybe Pior but I think that might well be the next time we can get a nice big european polycount meet going...already looking forward to September!!
I definately should have followed poopster and pior to strasbourg
spent some great time with them in paris, really cool guys
I personnaly won't be able to attend the euro mbw on september because of graduation time and all. AND I HATE THIS IDEA (both of them actually)
Besides that...
I think this is what really happened at that pub. Ben is having way too much fun with his new special friend.
[/ QUOTE ]
...wow, and it already got bumped off the boards.. busy day for 4chan!
It was so much fun meeting every one of you. I really will hold this time dear in my memories for the rest of my life. Great friends you all are.
Pior is such a cool guy for looking after you and the others while you were all there! Maybe someday I'll have to visit too
Looks like a jolly bon time was had by all. Im so glad you finally made it to the moon Poop.
I hope we can get a meet an greet organized soon (with additional polycounters + familiy)
"I love how that looks. So now I alternate between the ever present shorts year round look, and the well dressed business professional."
*cough* btw there is Games Convention in germany, in august... *cough* anyone?
[/ QUOTE ]
If you pass by holland on your way to germany *cough*