I got my time off approved and my plane tickets bought. I will be in London to chill with Peppi, Frankie and Firestarter from the 9th of April till the 13th, and then I am going to Paris to chill with mr Pior. I'm super psyched as this will be my first proper visit to Europe. Any polycounters in the area need to meet up with me and buy me good european food. 8-)
I bet we could arrange a nice small German polycounters meeting
I bet we could arrange a nice small German polycounters meeting
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That'd be awesome!
Look, kids! Big Ben! Parliament!
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Damn - I was going to say that, too!
What a coincidence! I'll be in Paris from the 11th until the 16th. You and Pior wanna meet up on the 12th or so?
Attack of the Bens!! Viva le POLYCOUNT!!!
Oooh!! You're also talking about a Germany meeting... I'll be in Germany the week before that, in a place called Bamburg, I think. I have no idea where that is, but if anyone's close to that I might be able to make a meeting.
If you don´t, see you in London (... counting the coins in my pocket)
No seriously, somewhere in northwestern Germany would be probably the best, most of us seem to live in that area (hmm what about Qubism?), and the Dutch could maybe come also.
Bamburg/Bamberg is somewhere in Bavaria though if I recall correctly (not sure)....
Anyways if poop isn't comming to Germany than there is no point in meeting, since we can't "kick his ass" collectivly
P.S.: We should all buy the "Poop is showing his new avatar t-shirt"-t-shirt for the meeting
very nice little town. used to live nearby.
cologne would probably be a suitable place for a pc-meeting in north-western germany. easy to reach via train, car, airplane, ship or whatever from most parts of western germany, netherlands, france or belgium.
obviously, i am a little subjective on this
Have fun poopie and Kattie.
Lets not forget how poop aquired his plane ticket. By being a winner on the "Pig in the Poke" game show!
w00t! This is gonna be fun! I'll take a ton of pictures.
Glad to hear everything is a go on this. Have a blast and take lots of pics!
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I don't think he will have time with all the man sex and all. And if he does find the time to take some shots, would you really want to see them?
I hope you have a great time Poopy!
- BoBo
So there I was in my room doing some doodling when my mobby rings,I pick it up and see who's calling,it says "Frankie" I accept the call and say "hello"(in my normal kind of very nervous voice as ive never spoken to him before) and on the end of the phone its one of my best mates...I was erm taken by surprise...he says "hi John,im in london,you know im on Frankie's phone?,you know what that means don't you?" I really didn't know what to say so i said "that means poop is in the general vicinity".....after that he passes he phone back to frankie by which time I really have no idea what to say to the guy,and was just like "erm hey man"...generally sounding like abit of a idiot...story of my life
Oh well,tomorrow its my turn to meet ben and Frankie.
Though to be honest i shoulda exspeceted it,it was a Conceptart.org meet they were at but I didn't think my mate would go becuase he has been suffering from the flu and last night when I saw him looked like shit,but clearly he feels better...the bastard!!.
From the small amount of stuff i heard down the phone sounds like they are all having a damn good time!!!.
Nice, tall and loud experience so far
his cube is right next to mine...
but seriously.. hope your having a good time ben pants.. austrailia is awesome!!! we can swap travel stories when we get back..
I mean, it's more than one oclock in the morning, the whole house s almost asleep... And Poop is using his world famous battery-powered eraser that makes this oh so sweet drilling noise
So Basically, we're having a great time. Had some fun with Vahl at the Louvres today... AND WE EVEN MET SHADOKAT! This was totally unplanned, the hairy guy just passed by and said "hey, are you ben from polycount?"
Awesome time so far
Speaking of which heres some pics taken on my cam on Monday Night with Poop,Frankie and peppi...oh and Poop was only "tipsy" throughout hehe
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010354.JPG (not quite sure what Poop is trying to do to poor old peppi here)
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010355.jpg (Clearly frankie is feeling a hand moving up his leg from under the table.)
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010356.JPG (Poop almost wearing a light in pizza hut)
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010357.JPG (Peppi trying to pour his lager while Poop and Frankie pose)
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010358.JPG (this picture cracks me up..)
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010360.JPG (my ugly mush,though check out the style,safari jacket and polycount Tshirt in Central London,great pairing!!)
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010365.jpg (the best picture of the evening in my opinion taken by Frankie of Peppi and Poop clearly looking worse for wear).
ill make a webpage on my site for them when I next update.
Enjoy!! (and this is jsut a taster im sure theres more to come!)
What I wanna know is is da Poopsta still wearing the signature surgically attached shorts in the brisk April London climate!? Gimme a below the waist shot! Oh yeah baby.
is da Poopsta still wearing the signature surgically attached shorts in the brisk April London climate!? Gimme a below the waist shot! Oh yeah baby.
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That's awesome Daz. The few times I've been around him I've never seen him wear pants. Great pics, can't wait for the next Poop-spotting news.
http://www.hedgeart.com/scrapbook/P1010360.JPG (my ugly mush,though check out the style,safari jacket and polycount Tshirt in Central London,great pairing!!)
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Had to say bye to Phil, Shim and his girlfriend too, we had huge great times these last few days. Including an mini openair claysculpting workshop at the parc, sketchbookswaps, asian action movie+pizzafun, camera loosing, electric erasing and all that... I'll let Poop and the others elaborate
And my flat is a mess now.
Pictures to come!!