(Flythrough of a futuristic, videogamey metropolis, painted in bright reds and blues, with lots of superhighways and ramps that involve no traffic and seem to go nowhere. You'd set a skateboarding game here. Bold monster-movie text flies in:)
(Begin montage of psycho murder-heroes. With each codename, we get a shot of that hero in a Wolverine-flyin'-at-ya pose. The heroes are heavy metal vampires, with teased hair, slavering fangs and tight leather pants)
(cut to group shot of murder-heroes standing around looking rock 'n' roll)
(cut to normal-looking guy, presumably the actual protagonist but not part of the Evil Squad, dressed in brown, drab civilian clothes, addressing a towering Ming the Merciless-type supervillain.)
(quietly, soberly) "I am the Elemental of Evil."
(A malevolent blue energy courses from Ming's eyes and mouth as he seems to stretch and grow in irritation)
(our hero's head becomes that of a gigantic demonic snapping turtle and instantly bites down on Ming's face, cutting short the spectacle of growing and glowing. Ming struggles for a moment, making tiny meeping noises, while our hero's jaws strain. Finally they smash through cranium and bite Ming's skull in half. His body and the bits of head still attached to it slump to the ground and gently convulse. Our hero's head changes back to human. He chews thoughtfully.)
"What happened?"
"It's all about the evil, kids."
and not in a good way...
I once had a dream where Ryan Phillipe and I were in a cover band. We tried to make a box car racer out of a giant black forest cake.
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you too?!
i took a nap at about the same time today and i had a dream that mostly revolved around flirting with, conversing with and perhaps giving a massage to a beautiful girl. maybe even some tickling involved, it was all quite fluffy. there was the beginning of some sort of minorly threatening subplot involving some generic toughs, but i woke up before that resolved. tried to stay asleep to keep the story going with the girl but to no avail
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i've had similar dreams and i've woken up depressed that i was alone and there was no beautiful girl in my arms.
For example I had quite an intense dream not long ago when I suddenly fell down a cliff...it wa slike "falling falling...saying my prays...falling....o shit,this is it"....suddenly I awoke,looked around the room and after soem thought as to wether I was acturally dead or not I went back to sleep.
I also have a reaccuring dream that im at my grans farmhouse (in the middle of nowhere) late at night which is said to be haunted anyway...however its a classic stormy night and I see soemthing in the distance outline of a person...terns out he's like battle axe killer and spends the rest of the time trying to kill us.....(think the halloween movies)....this scares me to hell cos a) its a reaccuring dream b)its at my nans farmhouse which freaks me out anyway.
Anyone else have reaccuring dreams? (that doesn't involve making hot love to women
I sometimes wake myself up in a blind fit of panic,its really quite scary.
For example I had quite an intense dream not long ago when I suddenly fell down a cliff...it wa slike "falling falling...saying my prays...falling....o shit,this is it"....suddenly I awoke,looked around the room and after soem thought as to wether I was acturally dead or not I went back to sleep.
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The sensation of falling, panic, anxiety; these are symptoms of sleep paralysis.
Basically, when you enter REM sleep your brain releases some chemical (or something) to paralyze your body, so you don't flop around in reaction to your dreams. Sometimes people wake up when still in this state of paralysis, and it causes all sorts of trippy hallucinations. A few common experiences that occur just before you fall asleep or just after you wake up, are: hearing voices (you can't understand what they're saying), a sensation of falling, a feeling that some unseen presence is watching you, feeling something heavy on your chest, seeing a dark figure standing at your side, or being paralyzed. These experiences are usually accompanied with a strong sense of panic and anxiety. I've experienced pretty much all of these (waking up completely paralyzed was pretty scary the first time).
It's fairly common; most people experience it at least once or twice in their life, and some people experience it regularly (it's a symptom associated with narcolepsy, so if it happens quite a bit, you might want to look into that). It's most common for people in their late teens.
Oh right. There was also this dream.
A friend and I were talking about Robocop's car. Like, I said it would have wheels made of rolled up kids and would have to constantly be powered by eyeballs. So, Robocop would be chasing after criminals, but he would be half sticking out of the car window so he could be reaching around and popping eyeballs into the gas hole all the time. Robocop would then go complain to his chief that he would be able to arrest bad guys better if he had a car he didn't always have to be gassin' up. The reason I said Robocop would have a car like that is because in the movies, they treat brutal violence so casually. So really, an eyeball powered car with wheels made of kids wouldn't be shocking at all in that universe.
The sensation of falling, panic, anxiety; these are symptoms of sleep paralysis.
Basically, when you enter REM sleep your brain releases some chemical (or something) to paralyze your body, so you don't flop around in reaction to your dreams. Sometimes people wake up when still in this state of paralysis, and it causes all sorts of trippy hallucinations. A few common experiences that occur just before you fall asleep or just after you wake up, are: hearing voices (you can't understand what they're saying), a sensation of falling, a feeling that some unseen presence is watching you, feeling something heavy on your chest, seeing a dark figure standing at your side, or being paralyzed. These experiences are usually accompanied with a strong sense of panic and anxiety. I've experienced pretty much all of these (waking up completely paralyzed was pretty scary the first time).
It's fairly common; most people experience it at least once or twice in their life, and some people experience it regularly (it's a symptom associated with narcolepsy, so if it happens quite a bit, you might want to look into that). It's most common for people in their late teens.
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I get that quite abit, no seeing shadow people but a heavy weight on my chest and unable to move. Happens atleast once a month. It happened with the melting glasses dream today. I took afew seconds to collect myself then I was fine.
The scariest part is that I appeared totally awake like eyes open talking in full sentences . Then I kind of snapped out of it when she slapped me . I can't convey how scary it is to know that you can lose control like that ...like almost how you think someone would feel when you see a movie about a guy who becomes a werewolf and he kills a bunch of people but does not remember a thing except maybe like a faint dream . That is kinda what that was like because when I snapped out of it I did not remember anything and I could not figure out why she slapped me . Then the next day it kind of came back to me because I rememberd having a nightmare about being attacked .
It fell to the ground far below and lay there in the short grass. I quickly rushed down the tree in horror, and tried to move its limbs. Feeling guilty for hurting it, and also that the coworker had told me to leave it alone. It kinda meowed and looked dazed. As I turned it over and inspected its head, I found it had hit a rock or something and its skull was cracked. In fact there was a little blood and some material on its chin.
I cuddled it in my arms crying, and rushed to find the nearest animal hospital. What was worse upon further inspection it looked like the skull was slighlty cracked open and you could see its brain inside. The cat kinda struggled in my arms but otherwise it seemed to act groggy like a baby.
I finally managed to find a Animal store with a emergency hospital in it, and was rushing towards it telling my friend to let the coworker know, and that I would pay all costs.
The dream kinda faded for a second, and when it came back the veternarian was explaining to me that they would have to do brain surgery, and the cats chances where slim. I do remember telling him to go ahead as this cat had already shown a strong will power to live with its initial fall.
I woke up at this point from the heat in the room.
I always have dreams about being a kung-fu master like Bruce Lee . I usually fight gang members or other bad people . It's wierd when ever I have a bad dream it always involves something happening and then towards the end a Tornado always comes and sucks me up into it ..I hate freaking tornados ! Ohh and Spider Dreams are the worse ! Waking up after you have a spider dream and then turning on the lights and checking the covers cause you know you feel spiders on you ...ehhh * die spiders die *
Hey, I'm not making this up...I day dreamed that.
I have other dreams too, like preying mantis's screaming 'help me, help me'....or bulls gording me in the nuts as I'm trapped in a alley....or T-rex roaming the neighborhood peeping in windows....I had these dreams long before Doraisic Park....or flying in the air but i'm swimming not flapping my arms.
My dreams seem to be more Freudian then based on real life events.
Frank the Avenger
Recurring dreams? Oh, yeah. Loads of 'em. Of course there are the "nude in public" ones, where I dream I'm wearing just what I wore when I went to bed and am in a public place, having to sneak home. From what I read in an earlier dream thread that seems to be common.
Another recurring theme (my dreams rarely repeat, they vary, mixing elements of each other and keeping similar topics) are elevators, tall buildings and insane staircases (all three at once, of course). The stairs are usually so long with the steps so tiny that I'm afraid to use them. Sometimes they don't even reach the next floor but end a few metres early. The buildings are huge and menacing, sometimes growing vertically, sometimes horizontally. Some aren't that large but still insane. I always have to get from one point in these houses to another, usually multiple points (like rooms where lessons are held or store aisles where relatives are waiting) and almost all routes run through certain, dangerous choke points (like an elevator or a staircase). The elevators are usually tiny, accellerate to insane speeds and are insecure because they either lack a few walls or even floor parts or because they are constructed in an instable way. Recurring buildings are the parking house (well, the two of them) with its instable elevators and the huge, slippery staircase near the exit, the "relative's house" that's derived of a house we used to live in when I was in elementary school and doesn't have any huge staircases or evil elevators, just stairs (wooden, neat looking) that end a metre or so before the top floor and the train station that seems to be a twisted version of the train station I had to use on my school route. It has fast escalators to the tracks which I hate to use, alternatively there are tiny stairs that lead you through many rooms and some very small passages to the tracks (I prefer to use the latter but they're so long I don't want to go from the hall to the tracks too often). Some versions have the building underground, in its Prague incarnation it even had elevators (but only from the city to the hall, not to the tracks).
then I quite often have these dreams where when I'm awake there's times when I just can't be arsed to cook and I end up going to sleep hungry thinking sleeping will delay till morning, anyhow I dream that I am holding a knife and fork chomping on a nice, juicy, succulent roast chicken, by this time I'm actually chomping away which after a while I s'pose wakes me up, where I realise my arms are vertically posed and still hungry...ah well