Okay, so I'm getting really into game cinematics these days and would like to gather as many high quality examples as I can for inspiration and reference. And I'm talking about the pre-rendered, high res movies like we see from Blur, Blizzard and Square, not in-game movies that use the game engine.
So I have two questions:
1) What do you consider the top of the line cinematics in terms of visual quality and/or storytelling? The main ones that come immediately to mind are the Diablo, Warcraft, and Final Fantasy series.
2) Does anyone have, or know how I can get, all the cinematics from some of the games that have really good ones? For example, you can extract all the cut scenes from the D2VIDEO.MPQ file in Diablo 2. Any other PC games that have extractable movies?
I image that would be much harder with console only games, but if anyone knows a way I'd love to hear about it.

oh and another thing, you can check out gametrailers.com for some good quality cinematic trailers for games
Oh, and the intro to Onimusha 3 by Robot was pretty damn cool.
Download the demo if you want a look at it in higher res.
collectors dvd pack of diablo, starcraft and warcraft cinematics.
You could also try digging out the websites of the folks that are the best in the bizz when it comes to cinematics. Blizzard, Blur studios, Robot etc.
Also, here are some nominations for best game cinematics:
I'm aware of the Blizzard DVD collection, it might be worth looking into. I wish Square and Oddworld would do the same. I believe the movies from Abes Oddysey were strung together and entered for an Oscar the year it came out. Don't remember it actually got in.
And I've got the Warhammer and WOW sneek peak movies. Great stuff. Thanks for all the suggestions. If you guys come across any more worth checking out, let me know.
For anyone that's interested, I found some of the Final Fantasy FMV's online: http://bluelaguna.net/pages/selectfmv.php
I just wish I knew what order they originally played in.
-Also the intro to Onimusha 3 RAWKS, done by a contract company by the name of "Robot".
-I agree with Gmanx, the 2d/3d animations in the PS game Ghost in the Shell were great, better than the movies imho (because it actually looked like shirow had drawn them)
-Be sure to check out the work done by Blur Studios, they're a contract company for CG sequences in games (you'd easily recognize their work, they've done A LOT of games), verrrry impressive work