I can't take it anymore. You know who you are. Boy, you are many, and many of you are VERY bright people. Heck, I know I slip up on occasion when I've had a few wee drams of Scotch too many and my spelling and punctuation go to shite. But bloody hell, I can't take this anymore.
Your = possessive. Example: 'I want to lick YOUR ( belongs to other ) lollipop'
You're = abbreviation of YOU ARE. Example: 'YOU'RE A TWAT!'
Oxy, Daveking, Grind, Pak, Tubboy and so many many more, please figure it out once and for all. Guilty as charged!
'nuff posting for me tonight. Bit hammered incase anyone hadnt noticed.
...Bit hammered incase anyone hadnt noticed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now I understand where your Benny Hill rant comes from
people confusing "you're" with "your" seems to have also mixed up "U R" (you are) with "yr" (your ... as coined by Sonic Youth way back before the web even existed, so it's rock'n'roll). Hence "ur", one of the most evil, hateful, disease-racked terms ever to be shat over an LCD screen.
Oh, and "i could care less" makes NO sense either. COULDN'T, for fucks sake, COULDN'T.
And yeah, what Daz said
Oh, and "i could care less" makes NO sense either. COULDN'T, for fucks sake, COULDN'T.
[/ QUOTE ]
I made that mistake a few years ago, back in high school. I forget what we were talking about, but I said to my friend:
"I could care less"
"You mean 'I couldn't care less'?"
"If you could care less, that means you at least care somewhat."
"Oh yeah... but 'I couldn't care less' just doesn't sound right for some reason."
Ever since, I always make sure to say "couldn't care less," but it still sounds a bit off.
Thanks! ;-)
Next I'm going to go mental on to/too.
It is. It means that we have to translate your lazy bastardisation into real English so that we can understand it. So less effort on your part means more on ours.
And I still remember that someone works with people who are "FANAMINAL".
Their, there, and they're.
Its and it's.
Then and than.
Weather and whether.
"Alot" and "a lot."
Course and coarse.
And many, many more!
English is difficult. Cut these people some slack.
Or beat them with a blunt ojbect untill they learn THEIR (or is it there? they're? - fuck me! I'm becoming stupid, too!) lesson.
it's spell "necessary", "beautiful", "definitely".
"Abliviate" is not a word, it's spelled "obliviate".
'should of', 'would of', 'could of' are all WRONG. it is "should have", "would have", "could have". (this one is for III_Demon
their - possessive "The neighbors dog dug a hole under their fence."
there - indicating a place. "Set the bag over there."
they're - contraction of 'they' and 'are' "They're going to the concert."
its - possessive "The dog wagged its tail."
it's - a contraction of 'it' and 'is' "It's cold out today."
then - when something happened "First the man took off his hat, then his sunglasses."
than - compares or contrasts "HalfLife 2 runs better than Doom3."
weather - the conditions outside (rain, snow, sun...) "The weather outside today is sunny."
whether - an alternative "I don't care whether or not Paris Hilton's phone got hacked, quit giving her attention! She is not hot either."
know - to have knowledge of "Now you know and knowing is half the battle. G.I. Joe!"
no - a negative "No, we will not stop pointing out your ignorant grammar."
two - a number, it comes after one "That hooker charges two dollars."
to - a direction, or state of being "I went to the mountain to find myself."
too - in addition, more than enough "There are too many polygons in the face of your model."
u, ur, ne1, any1, wot, or any other forms of net-speak should be illegal as they dumb down the people who have a competent grasp of the language they speak.
if you don't know how to spell a word get a freaking dictionary! this is the bloody Information Age. you have the entire collected knowledge of human existence at your finger tips. an occasional mistake is excusable, consistant misuse is not
You. Have. No. Excuse.
And Daz, I'm from cornwall and "wheres it to" is called d-i-a-l-e-c-t, the whole english language is based on quirks and oddities so get off your horse.
ho ho ho
asking for correct spelling and punctuation on the web is retarded and pointless.
[/ QUOTE ]
Care to elaborate?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's all about presentation - if you were talking to some people and they kept on mumbling words, making you have to concentrate really hard to work out what they were saying, you'd probably get a bit annoyed. It's exactly the same thing on the 'net - I don't like to have to translate every other word back into legibility.
It generally doesn't make a good impression if you go round saying "plz crit my portfoilo of 3d work, ive done alot and want an indsutry job now"...
There's too much apathy these days!
George Bernard Shaw
I take it you already know
of tough and bough and cough and dough.
Others may stumble, but not you,
On hiccough, thorough, laugh and through.
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,
To learn of less familiar traps.
Beware of heard, a dreadful word
That looks like beard and sounds like bird.
And dead-it's said like bed, not bead.
For goodness sake, don't call it deed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat.
They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.
A moth is not a moth in mother,
Nor both in bother, broth in brother,
And here is not a match for there,
Nor dear and fear for pear and bear.
And then there's dose and rose and lose
Just look them up--and goose and choose.
And cork and work and card and ward.
And font and front and word and sword.
And do and go, then thwart and cart.
Come, come I've hardly made a start.
A dreadful language? Man alive,
I'd mastered it when I was five!
I don't mind it if English isn't your first language,
[/ QUOTE ]
Well in the special case of 'you are' and 'your' it is more likely that a native speaker does it because of lazyness, than a non native, I think. (because they learned english with more grammar than native speakers).
But actually I think it isn't really worth to talk about... it is (in most cases) clear what the writer ment.
BTW: @KeyserSoze: Do you play TrueCombat:Elite? I think I recently saw you on a server (my nick is "Jules").
To the others: it's a great mod for the free game EnemyTerritory, try it
...Grind...and so many many more, please figure it out once and for all. Guilty as charged!
[/ QUOTE ]
Guilty. I know the difference, it's just a matter of how fast I'm typing. Sometimes I type completely unrelated words all together. I normally look back and edit every post I make.
YOUR ALL IDIOT'S! Their, I said it. Its done.
Damn u kids and your ghetto blasters with snoopy snoop snoop, mak'n ya think gang banger taulk is kewl.
[Edit]Note the sarcasm and irony....I already know I can't speal shit[/Edit]
- BoBo
Those phonetic replacements are really annoying but especially ones like "U" get on my nerves. At least I read "their" and "there" in the same way but as a German I read "U" as oo. Makes me think "Whoa, is this guy some kinda monkey or why's he talking like a caveman"?
asking for correct spelling and punctuation on the web is retarded and pointless.
[/ QUOTE ]
Care to elaborate?
[/ QUOTE ]
Misspelling and poor grammar on the internet are an inexorable force of nature. You might as well go outside and yell at the ocean to stop making waves.
I don't think it's pointless though, it's great for releasing stress.
I am one with the spelling nazis. Sure, I mispell things once in a while (my weakness is doubling up consonants) but when it's these common everyday-- nay, every-hour, every-minute words, then you're just being lazy.
For those who claim it is pointless to argue about net-grammar. That is true, since the majority of people will just virtually flip you off and call you a moron. That doesn't mean that it's a non-issue though. Your text is all I see of you, make sure it's something you're proud of. Surely you wouldn't go hang out with your friends dressed as a gradeschooler or a hobo, would you?
Rockstar, too funny!
And Daz, I'm from cornwall
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah so, that explains it! Yeah, I went to Art college in Cornwall. I know all about the 'd-i-a-l-e-c-t' thanks. I still think it's lazy and retarded.
Quirks and oddities of the English language as far as I see them are things like the fact there are so many multiple uses of the same word that are ( whilst perhaps spelt differently ) pronounced the same. Incorrect usage of the language is NOT a quirk or oddity! I'm not on a high horse here. If you read my initial post I freely admitted to fucking up spelling on occasion, but the 'your' and 'you're' thing. No way, enough is enough. I see it at work all day and I see it on this board and it drives me crazy. It's not rocket science. As people have pointed out, I'm sure as hell not going to look at work for review If it's written in hardcore intramaweb speak.
I think you all need to rewrite the dictionary!
And next time, read before you post. It saves a lot of hassle. Like me having to "clarify" myself here to protect against your mindless argumentative state of being. Read and digest, think, and THEN post. Don't just post something because you feel bored. That sort of thing leads to irritation on all sides.
On a side note: I'm not a native speaker of the English language, but I'm not a dyslexic.
The effort is what matters - it shows you care about what you want to say.
BTW: Ever noticed that the words "piece" and "weird" are commonly misspelled as "peice" and "wierd"?
By Taylor Mali
In case you hadn't noticed,
it has somehow become uncool
to sound like you know what you're talking about?
Or believe strongly in what you're saying?
Invisible question marks and parenthetical (you know?)'s
have been attaching themselves to the ends of our sentences?
Even when those sentences aren't, like, questions? You know?
Declarative sentences - so-called
because they used to, like, DECLARE things to be true
as opposed to other things which were, like, not -
have been infected by a totally hip
and tragically cool interrogative tone? You know?
Like, don't think I'm uncool just because I've noticed this;
this is just like the word on the street, you know?
It's like what I've heard?
I have nothing personally invested in my own opinions, okay?
I'm just inviting you to join me in my uncertainty?
What has happened to our conviction?
Where are the limbs out on which we once walked?
Have they been, like, chopped down
with the rest of the rain forest?
Or do we have, like, nothing to say?
Has society become so, like, totally . . .
I mean absolutely . . . You know?
That we've just gotten to the point where it's just, like . . .
And so actually our disarticulation . . . ness
is just a clever sort of . . . thing
to disguise the fact that we've become
the most aggressively inarticulate generation
to come along since . . .
you know, a long, long time ago!
I entreat you, I implore you, I exhort you,
I challenge you: To speak with conviction.
To say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks
the determination with which you believe it.
Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker,
it is not enough these days to simply QUESTION AUTHORITY.
You have to speak with it, too.
Yea, I'm tired of people who abliterate the English language as well
[/ QUOTE ]
It saddens me to think that everyone missed my [kinda subtle] jab at Tu ... errrr ... what's-its'-name....