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World of Warcraft - European release.

polycounter lvl 18
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JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
WoW has been released here on Friday. I bought a collectors edition because you'll get a great (concept)art book of World of Warcraft with it. Very cool. Anyway, at this moment it's Monday 0:45 am. This is the first time that I do something else on my pc then this game.

I've never played online rpg's but I'm hooked on this thing for sure.
I just wanted to warn all you guys who haven't bought it. It kills your productivity and social life.

Well and for the people who have bought it, I'm on:
Server: Al'Akir
Nick: JelmerBoskma
Race: Night Elves
Class: Rogue
Location atm: Tekdrassil.

Europeans can't connect on US server (yet). So make sure you guys post your WoW nick's here!

/me alt-tabs back into the game \o/


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I played the beta but decided not to buy it purely for the reason you stated - it sucks up all your time.
    3 of my flatmates have it, but I dunno what server they're on.
    They bought it 20 minutes after it was released, we went to a 24-hour Tesco Extra and bought 7 of the 11 copies that they had in stock.
    Haven't been able to find a place where you can get the collector's edition - I wanna know if they're selling the art book separately, since that's all I really want...
  • jdevin
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    jdevin polycounter lvl 18
    The art book rocks! My roommate got the collector's edition and I got to use the 10 day free pass so I wouldn't spend all my time playing like he is. I know a couple people who failed some college courses cause they never stopped playing. I found out my video card freaks out in the bigger cities and either explodes all the geometry or doesn't draw it at all. Fun stuff when you are in thunderbluff and the bridges don't show up.
  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I wanna know if they're selling the art book separately, since that's all I really want...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ebay is your friend. I've seen a few copies on it already. Btw I noticed that some freaky people are selling WoW gold for real US $!. And not 1 loonatic, but about 50 offers of that kind, creepy smile.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I've seen people selling level 60 characters for about $500 on Ebay, and people are actually buying them... it's crazy.
    I'll keep an eye out for the art book separately, I really want it! smile.gif
  • Megaphobema
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    Megaphobema polycounter lvl 18
    I love WOW! Man, how I miss playing it all the time....
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    WOW is definitly a bad idea if your in Collage... I have a mid term take home exam and a 10 page paper to write, +plus a art portfolio thats due in a few months for illustration classes to do....
  • Bort
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    Bort polycounter lvl 18
    Server: Aszune
    Nick: GrislyDin
    Race: Night Elves
    Class: Druid
    Location atm: Elwynn Foest geting easy exp.

    mmm, crack.

    Some helpful links, sure some american players can give us some more.

    http://ui.worldofwar.net/ - lots of helpful ui mods
    http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi - 42
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Some helpful links, sure some american players can give us some more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    wowvault.ign.com has a nifty talent calculator utility for helping you get your template set before you have the points to spend.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    get fishing up to around 140, get cooking up to 85

    find a recipe in that drops in the barrens called "savory deviate delight" fish for deviate fish in the barrens forgotten pools, stagnant oasis, and lushwatter. cook the fish. and auction them off, i have sold them in the alliance AH for 6 gold per stack (takes about 30 min to a hour to fish that much) the hardest part is geting the recipe, horde can find it in auction house, but its rare on alliance side. i would advise hanging out in the barrens and spamming general chat asking for it, i bought it iff some guy there who had just found it for 20 sil.. tho it is not uncomon nowdays for people to want a gold or more for it.

    now what this fish does .. is when you eat it it has a series of random side effects,, 2 of the effects are a shapeshift into a Pirate or a ninja for an hour.. and people like this, cause it is fun
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor


    not sure if yall can see the N.A. servers, probably not. lvl 50 NE rogue here! booyah.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Lulu, lvl 16 orcish huntress on Crushridge.

    BTW Mojo why you have to cook it? I fished one up and ate it raw and it turned me small and i lost strength and agility laugh.gif
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    toom only cooking do you get the pirate / ninja effects, which is what ppl pay mad cash for, i usualy fish up 3 or 4 stacks 60-80 fish, cook them, then place them in the AH seperated in stacks of 4, with a buyout priced at 85-90 sil per stack. (this is in the horde AH in ironforge i would double or tripple the price) then i take and pop a couple of the fish untill i get the pirate or ninja morph, then stand outside the AH dancing and preaching the awesomeness of the fish

    only put like 5 stacks up at a time, and put more up when those sell, people buy quicker when they think theres a limited ammount. also i made a second char to use when i eat the fish to promote.. surveys say people are more drawn to your advertising when you are a cute FEMALE pirate or ninja. i have a female Orc name Knockers that i use to advertise, i also gave her a 17lb catfish to hold in her hand when she sells the fish
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    My characters on Dalaran are Sathaa, 36 troll rogue, and Svartbart, 38 alcoholic midget Silk Panties of the Bear-wearing warrior. Say "hi"!

    I didn't know that about the Deviate fish recipe, Mojo. I'm gonna have to track that down again (I've had it ... but sold it smile.gif) and get my fishing up. Cool!
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    Server: Aegwynn
    Nick: Neolith
    Race: Night Elves
    Class: Druid
    Location atm: Darkshore
  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    im not gona buy this game for 2 reasons , 1: its pay to play (i dissagree with that) and 2: blizzard allready owes me 3 years of my like due to a diablo2 LOD addiction. wow really does sound good tho smile.gif
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    WoW keeps whispering 'Buy Me... Play Me...' but i must resist its seductive allure of Night Elves, Dwarves with guns and Gnomes riding mechanical ostriches.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    The Warcraft universe is soooo boring, make a World of Starcraft and I am in tongue.gif
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