Hey guys!
I'm just wondering what the best method of modeling eyes are for low-poly models. As far as I know, the two most common ones involve making the eye a sphere like you would for a high-poly model, and the other is having the iris and pupil float over the eye like in HL2 and UT2K3. Making the complete eyeball seems to be the most logical approach, but when I try it, I always have the issue of it clipping through the mesh around the eye unless I make it with a lot of polygons which I think is inefficient.
(I used to go by Bumpy Quasar until the forum went down
just gonna say HL2's eye's are capped geometry and a shader draws the eyes
I've built all my eyes using spheres because that way I can use skeletal animation on them. I don't use the pupil sliding method because I think it's an ugly solution, although efficient.
If it's purely portfolio work, and you're screengrabbing from the viewport, then hemishperes won't be a problem at all.
At this resolution, you still need to push the eyes further back into the head than they would be in real life to prevent clipping. The more polys you use, the closer you can float the eye to the socket. Although the eyes are further back, you won't notice in game.