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Anggg's art thread

polycounter lvl 18
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Anggg polycounter lvl 18
I'm new to this forum, obviously =)! And i just wanted to kick it off with a lil art.. Hope you guys will give me some crits!!! man senior year is so tiring! i barely have time to draw >_<

I know that this picture is wrong.. i think i over did the ribcage part of the body..:
as for the last one.. there are alot of major issues to work out. but it was just a uniform test..
C&C please? =)


  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    /me rolls round in the shining light coming from your pics.

    I dont know enough to give good crits so ill just do an encouragement dance for u laugh.gif
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    FF8 pics were my favorites. Zell is the man!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Woooo that's looking rad!

    Facialuniform as a *slight* Mike Wieringo feel which is neat! My fav so far is 43f5790b tho. Great volume handling you have here. I really like your style man!

    Can we expect some model/texture work anytime soon? I'm really impatient to see what you'll came up with.

    Congrats, and welcome on polycount!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    That illustration of Smeksi is awesome. Good job man and welcome to Polycount.
  • Anggg
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    Anggg polycounter lvl 18
    Mr Smo: Hehe, you just giving me a boost of self esteem is enough. thanks smo *hugs*
    aesir: Naw! Seifer PWNS zell laugh.gif
    pior: Thanks, I would do some 3-d.. but.. haha *scratches head* i dont know how to use it.. maybe i could learn it.. after i get a new computer? >_< Thanks for comment though
    AdamBrome: Hehe.. it's smeksi for a reason wink.gif jk
    quick update.. im tryin to get the feel for cars, or vehicles.. the space ship REAL sucks.. im just tryin to render with markers and chalk.. it's rather hard.. specially on canson paper.. you have to make it REAL contrasty.
    Thanks for viewin! C&C welcome
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    The vehicles seem really skinny and high. Perhaps lowering them and making them wider will help with the overall look and feel of your alread-good design.
  • Anggg
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    Anggg polycounter lvl 18
    Hehe.. thanks Adam for the crit.. i think im in a slump for vehicles.. thanks for the crit!! I WILL WORK HARD!!! *determined*

    anyways, merry x-mas to you all.. i finished my pilot seiries.. now i gotta work on the uniforms..
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    C&C you ask?
    i wish i could be more help, heh. you seem to be doing very well with whatever you have been doing.
    i would just like to aid your confidence. i feel you are at a high skill level for a highschool student and should be proud of your abilities - creating art is a difficult trade that requires time and it feels that there is no ceiling to any artist's potential in the craft. i always look forward to watch us grow as artists. from what i see, you have a good understanding of many fundementals of art and because you display a grasp of these concepts all you have is time. i rarely see this in younger artists - your profile states you were in highschool. i've just turned 24, but 5 or so years can hold a lot of growth and is something you should look forward to.
    my advice is to listen, watch, and learn with patience. there is no speed limits, so go as fast or as slow as you want.
  • Anggg
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    Anggg polycounter lvl 18
    killingpeople: Thanks, your words are really encouragin.. seriously.. thank you !!!! I love what you said about no speed limits.. i find that really true.. i just wanted to reply back.. because.. i dont know!!! thank you killing =D
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