I got wind of a job the other day but I didn't have anything more then a personal art dump to show off my work. I was able to get an extension until the following Monday to submit something for review which gave me three days to assemble something professional. Well I got cracking and with the help of a friend who really knows how to code I was able to put this together. The main intents behind the site was a ridiculously fast loading time, and a look that was cleaner and more professionally oriented then my personal site. This was the result:
NeonLeon: I though about descriptions but I didn't have much time to prep the site and honestly the more I go on about my work the more of an idiot I sound. Plus I tend to get too wordy.
Rage: I graduated back in April 2003 along with the last group who really seemed to view the school as a place to hang out as much as learn. I really hope some of you guys just get together in the animation labs and just draw these days.
As for what I actually produced while there you can find my final project in the library, just ask Karen about the comic book "Demi-Gods For Life".
Notman: Hmm, I'll think about that. Maybe bolding them all. Still the problem exists where you thought they were deceptions of skills. I'm not really sure how to counter that.