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WIP it.. WIP it good.. (dun dun dun dun dun da da)

polycounter lvl 18
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Vorge polycounter lvl 18
This is a character I am working on for my demo reel. Going for my first fully painted texture, been working the butt off, but curious what people think about it, and also looking for ways to make my painting tighter. Anything would be helpfull and appreciated.







  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Hey there buddy, its looking good. I think the flesh part is the most successful. you might be taking the dark parts too dark, maybe some underlight would help a bit. Anyway, its looking good man, keep us updated.
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    I swear that looks like a Cenobite from hellraiser
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18

    Reminds me of the bug thing in "the suffering". Cool stuff so far. I think the detail in the little teeth is getting lost from a medium distance. Without any antialiasing on and running in realtime they would get more blurred and not so scary anymore. Perhaps make them a bit bigger. Also I think bleeding gums would make the mouth more interesting, though I know you are still working on it. I'm keen to see it finished smile.gif
  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
    Good point about the teeth, might want to add some bigger ones in there. If you want your portfolio to stand out even more, this would be an excellent candidate for normal mapping.
  • Vorge
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    Vorge polycounter lvl 18
    Hey alls. Alright, underlighting I will work on that one. And this character was inspired a whole lot by the Cenobites from Hellraiser, a mix of Voldo from Soul Callibur as well.. I dont have the concept art scanned or I would post it.

    As for bleeding gums, yea I was planning on doing that smile.gif

    Thanks for the crits, and I'll keep you all posted.

    As far as normal mapping, yuck.. I don't like the way it looks =/ I have been normal mapping a bunch of zombies for my production team and Im totally normal mapped out. Anyone else think it's a fad? =/

  • Michael Knubben
    It's a bit of a fad yes, but it's not "here to stay" either, is it?
    i mean, once polygon budgets go up, normal maps will be used much more subtle, instead of the way it's being done now...
    it'll be used mostly as a way to create the illusion of skinfolds at the eyes, or scars, and such things.
    Also, the texture looks pretty good, although i agree with whoever said it was a bit too dark in places (especially on the chest)
    The flesh looks pretty good, but it looks a bit fake, because of the red tone to the darker bits (try adding a bit of green to that, or blue, but not too much... and definately make it less saturated)
    The legs are a bit odd as well, but i can't excactly tell you why that is...
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