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WIP: Covenant Elite

polycounter lvl 18
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DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
You all might remember AgentJ's Covenant Elite model he made about a year or more ago, that i helped inspire him to make (At the time, my modeling was far below "n00b" =OP)

I've always liked the Covenant Elite, and since then its safe to say my modeling has more than improved. After buying, beating, and loving Halo 2, ive been inspired to make the Covenant Elite. It's taken me about 2-3 days, and im very pleased with it.


Not only did i make the armor version, but i made the base model as well wink.gif

I think he looks pretty scronny without armor XOD

The polycount is 2634 WITH the armor

Also heres a shot of just the armor
and the polycount of just the armor is 1148

I really want to perfect him

thankx n00bstories for the host


  • r13
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    r13 founder
    looks decent, can you post some orthos of him and some with the edges turned on so we can see the faces.

    also i wouldnt worry too much about the polycount... 2.6k is really fairly average and could go so far as doubling it to really help punch some details smile.gif unless of course you are aiming at a specific level for your own purposes.
  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    What do you mean by Orthos? But the edges i sure can do, here you go with wireframe

    Yea i do want to keep it low detail because i want it to be a game character...im considering getting zbrush so i can make a normal map out of it too, but ive never used it
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    Ortho = "Orthographic", meaning the straight on "front, side, and back" of the character. You should also publish shots of the MEsh Showing, so that we can check his Polygon Density, as wellas how well you distributed the geometry over the model to aid in lighting, as well as animation.
    My only crit,is he'sa bit round, and not as buffed as he was in the Intro Cinematics fo Halo2. (And he had Optimus Prime's voice.) He also seems a bit more "rounded" than the character was originally. Proportions should be checked with the various limb, and limb segment lengths so that he seems a bit more Balanced. You could actually go up around 3000 Polgons to add detail, these days. Hope this helps.

  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    ok then here you go...hope this helps

    I agree with him being round...i noticed it when i made the arms because the armor didnt come out quite right...but i think it looks fine how it is now...but im not sure how to get rid of the roundedness
  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    come on...any kind of crits or comments are welcome...even a nice good job or crappy job would do laugh.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    good job tongue.gif

    looks like a covenant. might want to tweak the hips a bit... especially noticeable on the nekkid model is his rather barbie-dollesque legs... they look stuck on, especially with his wasp-waist.

    certainly hope you're going to normal-map this guy.
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Lookin pretty nice, but I think you could get more shape out of that poly count, looks like he has a few odd edge loops around the hips, and theres a few spots where the edge loops seem a tad too straight, like the back area, but maybe thats just me...

    Why aren't the feet flat on the ground?
  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurus: Ah, i cant believe i didnt see the hip problem myself. I only used this concept to make this guy

    For some reason i saw the hips differently then how they actually are, how stupid of me =OP Thankx for that, ill work on that later this work (stupid school/work)

    Rage: Yea your probly right on that. I havent really tried to look over the model yet and optimize it, ill do that whenever i have time this week.
    As for the back, i basically just went from memory, but from what i remember the back wasnt very detailed, but then again that wasnt very imaginative of me even so. Ill work on that.
    The reason the feet arent flat is because i was modeling the legs at an angle, and i didnt want to rotate his feet and screw it up for animation, but that is because i didnt think of actually rotating the whole leg >_<. As you can see from that reference, i was modeling it to the that, and when i got to the legs, i saw how the legs were animated from that reference, and just modeled it accordingly. Thankx!
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