My orc model is on hold for a bit while I do some work, but I thought I'd post this model I did recently and see what you guys thought. Modeled in Max, textured and animated in Maya. Crits welcome.
If you want to see a walk cycle and some viewport screengrabs, go here:
Aellessa Character Page
In a way it looks like a cross between a Max Payne model with a Zelda-wind walker model. Well, it doesn't really, but I do get that kind of mixed-style vibe.
And I like the model itself too...especially the midrif-guard thing.
The bright colors were meant to be that way. It was a style I was going for, but apparently not pulling off. I think MacD had a good point about two different styles going on, even though I tried to keep everything kind of bright and simple. I'll try to pick a definite style and push it more so that it's not confusing.
Thanks for the crits so far.
Most people there head moves a slight bit when they walk. Couldn't tell if it did or not.
The hips could use to role a little. The side of the hip that the wait is off should go down a little when the leg raises.