OK, so this is going to be the thread where we take suggestions on how we want these new boards to look. If you have any suggestions, anything you have seen done on other boards that you want done here, etc this will be the place for it.
I won't say we will use all or any suggestions, but they do help when plotting things out. Some things we are already thinking about doing includes getting some new smilies, shifting things around a bit, looks like r13 and Vito got the colors fixed last night or this morning.
If you don't want to post them here, you can hit me up with an email as well.
- Lower treshold for "hot topics". A hot topic should only be a topic that is considered "hot" by the stnadards of the board, currently 90% of the threads are "hot".
- "Devisiting" threads with new posts. You know, the old boards didn't use a cookie but altrered the address enough so your browser would no longer consider the link visited.
- Adding the option to disable the automatic scroll to first unread post. That's annoying, especially since the system and I tend to disagree on the subject of which post was the last unread.
- My old post count
Not colour wise, but it does do some nice things. I think the best feature is giving points to posts in certain forums, which can be exchanged for forum name effects.
It is something which the guys that run it have written, I think, so may be impossible to implement here.
also mentioned was making posts with new replies default back to unread.
otherwise some new buttons and stuff will help make it feel like home again
oh and can you turn off the 'jump to last post' thing when clicking on a thread? that's a bit annoying when its a new thread with 7 responses and it takes you to the last post when it's your first time viewing...
i see i was beaten to the punch
The scrolling to the latest post, I am trying to find out where to turn that off currently. Bloody annoying....
I thought I tweaked the Hot Topic thing to stop that last night, guess I will have to look at it again.
keep em coming! =]
the font size for the secondary and tertiary text elements could be taken down a couple of sizes. right now everything is the same size and i think is contributing to that 'crammed together' feel people seem to have. that is to say, there is currently no visual hierarchy for text. if the main text is 12pt then i would got 10pt and 8pt for the secondary and tertiary, respectivly.
ugh.. im starting to use my graphic design vocabulary.. it is time for snemmy to sleep...
For some reason I think that the screen looks cluttered even though there are not too many options and things.
I would lose the "Post extras" options below every post.
I don't see the need for these options.
What I think would be very nice is to disable the signature option or restrict it to text (with links etc.) only with a maximum of 2 lines.
To spice up the looks maybe you can hold a competition for new forum graphics like a banner and all the options like reply, quote, quick reply, previous, next etc.
A contest for board graphics is soon to come.
Your state of knowingness has been raised 2 full levels!
remove post extras like someone said.
turn off the damn preview of posts thingy. PLEASE!!
ikraan: signatures are already restricted to text only, and 150 characters.
Marine: ah yes, I see what you mean, that is pretty wasteful. We'll see what we can do about that.
hahaha Shampoobanana IL...HAHAHAHA.
- BoBo
As for the animated avatar...
There have been people that have wanted them for a looong time now (hell if I know why...) so, since you can now host and update them on your own and the size limit is set to 80x80, I am going to let them go until I get some "official" rules written up. Trust me, I can't stand animated avatars, but I am doing my damnedest to please as many people as possible.
i miss it
that thing of being able to see who is browsing at any time is kind of freaky, is it possible to send them an instant message type thing so as it pops up in their page login status bar that someone has sent them a personal message? not that i think it would be necessarily a great idea, but interesting to know how it would work.
Not having to add a subject line
not having to preview personal messages, add subject lines to them, basically more ability to not get the post right first time
Whatever only small suggestions as just been enjoying the being able to brows them again, thanks for the efffort all those that put it in.
Have to set my homepage to polycount.net soon
Damn almost forgot jolene Blalocks inner thigh.
as far as the animated avatar issue, i'm okay with them in the case of, say, conor's, which is svelte and subdued. the obnoxious shit like ankalar's and especially anything like arshlevon's has to go immediately. dunno how this translates to policy, but what about saying that for you to have an animated avatar it must be wholly your own artwork? anything to get rid of the 'funnay image from teh intarweb' tendency. just a thought.
Some boards prevent this buy making a comment row that extend beyond the right margin, seperate from the other comments, making other comments on the same page, readable without having to use the horizontal scrollbar.
this issue maybe already be taken care of.
i like the abilityto control your avatar, that is definately goood. I mentioned this elsewhere, but what if there was a contest for default avatars? where everyone could submit n avatars, and out of all the submissions, 20 or so would be in as default/preset ones.
This 'quick reply' thing is fucking sweet!
I just noticed the 'Thread Views' column. That should go, it seems like another useless thing.
Allowing the <font color="yellow">font color</font> <font color="blue">t</font><font color="green">o</font> <font color="orange">b</font> <font color="red">e</font> <font color="purple">c</font> <font color="#666666">h</font><font color="pink">a</font><font color="blue">n</font><font color="yellow">e</font><font color="black">d</font> through the edit/post menu is a little iffy... can you specify which colors people can and can't use?
Oh yeah, Frank The Avenger would like to be able to have spaces in his name, and be able to use is long ass name. Silly frank.
Is it possible to import the old emoticons (except that bear type one
[/ QUOTE ]
Done by our own sorely missed "SchwimmelPuckel"
or are you talking about even older ones?
Oh, an these smilies tim?
or we can do it later, when the gamespy server opens up again, and they still exist.
i got all the post icons in... i believe, if i missed one poke me with a stick. i'll do some of the other ones slowly as that takes a bit more effort.
the instant "graemlins" things are still the old graphics
Lose the topic rating.
Lose the topic views.
Missing polycount emoticons
The message dividers suck pretty badly. Posts aren't easily visually distinguised, and it seems like they take up way too much space.
Lose the "subject" for each post. LAME!
I wish the quick reply text area was a few lines longer.
The "Post Extras" section could be moved to the post header or something to save space, or removed altogether.
Wide images still mess up the page and force you to scroll over to read the replys. I've seen it handled better on other boards before (just tha post is stretched I think).
Quick reply is rad.
It seems a lot faster than before.
Birthdays are kind of cool.
Who's online is weird, but I like it!
Avatars. Easy to set up, but could be lame if people use stupid ones.
I might be nice to have a spell checker. Especially for lazy people.
Oh man it's good to have the ol'd green station back, I was going through withdrawls!
Add in all of these icons: http://boards.polycount.net/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=428&an=0&page=0#428
Add shortcuts for the polyblobs. And 'Instant Graemlins'.
Get rid of the yellow icons. They are evil.
Change my title to 'Strangest'.
Spaces in usernames! I've never seen a board that doesn't allow spaces. My spaces are a part of me.
Similarly, the sixteen character limit for display names makes me sad.
But I'm glad we have boards again.
Frank the Avenger
Frank the Avenger
me too.
i'm not really interested in my forum permissions for example. the whole "extra information" box isnt really neccessary imo
the old smilies and icons would be cool.
generally just keep it CLEAN and SIMPLE. everything thats obsolete should be invisible
What's the point in having large reply and quickly reply buttons in each post? Having a single reply button at the top and bottom would help clean things up a bit. And with the reply page that opens up, it was really nice on the old board how it had a window were you could scroll through and see the entire thread that you're posting to, but right now if you hit reply it just shows the post you're replying to. The quick reply is nice as you can still see the whole thread, but it doesn't have all the options like the reply does, like the smilies for example.
Why is header sometimes blue and sometimes green? The blue is especially annoying since it doesn't help to separate the posts. Having the header alway being green or alternate the colors of the posts like the old board would help to separate the posts.
Turn on HTML. HTML is our friend.
Is it just me or does this new board seem a lot more crammed? Maybe it's just overflowing with a lot of useless junk or unneeded info, but it definitly feels smaller and more cluttered.
It's great to see everyone again.
A lot of the extra stuff we are going to get rid of; mainly things that don't really contribute like the post extras and junk like that.
I am also trying to figure out how to disable the jump to newest post as soon as possible. Mainly because it is driving me INSANE.
One thing that will not be turned back on is HTML. It's a security hole I am not going to open since these boards are being hosted on another server (not GSI) as a favor to us.
The board width being change by large pictures, I will try to fix, but I really don't want to jack with the formatting of the boards as much as possible. The best solution would be to get people to post smaller images and link out to larger ones, or see if I can get the lvlshot hack back in.
As I said at the beginning, r13 and I hope to get a lot of stuff done this weekend. So, just hang in there and keep posting suggestions. Most of these are really helpful.
Is it possible to import the old emoticons (except that bear type one
[/ QUOTE ]
Done by our own sorely missed "SchwimmelPuckel"
or are you talking about even older ones?
[/ QUOTE ]
Dukester yes those are the one i meant, for some reason due to strange danish characters and my horrifically bad copy and pasting technique
Spaces in usernames! I've never seen a board that doesn't allow spaces. My spaces are a part of me.
Similarly, the sixteen character limit for display names makes me sad.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed ! I'm missing two spaces and a period, which would bring the length of my name to 17 characters.
The board width being change by large pictures, I will try to fix, but I really don't want to jack with the formatting of the boards as much as possible. The best solution would be to get people to post smaller images and link out to larger ones, or see if I can get the lvlshot hack back in.
[/ QUOTE ]
i would expect a board FULL of digital artists would know how to create and use THUMBNAILS. but i guess that has been proven wrong many times in the desktop threads.