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Better Uv Snapshot tool than Maya?

polycounter lvl 7
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Kligan polycounter lvl 7
Is there a better tool to create UV snapshots than what's in Maya? I would appreciate recommendations.

I'm tired of constantly closing holes by hand in Photoshop so that I can then use magic wand selection to create masks.

I know I can use "anti-alias" toggle in Maya, but that's another can of worms that gives different issues.

Another thing that's annoying me is how it sometimes creates jaggies on the edges of UVs like these:


  • Eric Chadwick
    There used to be a plugin for 3ds Max that would output UVs as vectors to a PSD file, to load in Photoshop. That was pretty nice, having vectors instead of pixels. Can't find it though, except this other experimental script: https://polycount.com/discussion/comment/920919/#Comment_920919
  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    I cobbled together some bits and bobs into a stand alone win32 tool

    it works on a wavefront obj file (the DrOS of file formats but pretty ubiquitous), it will handle quads, though not polys, (in the export) but will still render them as tri's.  It expects the UV's to be in a 0-1 range. You can drop drag the obj file onto either image box or open from the menu and save either image from the menu (bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif and png) or from right click context menu. anyway enjoy or not ;) It was a fun one to write :)
    if I get time I'll add a config file so don't have to use my defaults :) Not wanting to teach my grandmother to suck eggs but the color swatches work with a double click :D

    ps. helps if i attach the file
    ps. also any other formats it should support (the images ones are set in stone gdi+ and all that jazz :) )
  • Kligan
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    Kligan polycounter lvl 7
    Klunk said:
    I cobbled together some bits and bobs into a stand alone win32 tool

    Sweet! Cheers!
  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    added a preferences file and a very rudimentary save as targa
  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    added save as psd.....
    i've added the save as psd c++ code I used for anyone interested..... it's perhaps, in it's most trivial form, not that "scary" :/, It's not been checked to see if it compiles (i normally use a wrapper class for the 'c' file io functions and I've had a evening of food, wine, brandy and whiskey) but it's pretty straightforward :)... I know gdi+ is pretty old hat but I like it, it should be pretty easy to port to any graphic base.
    mostly based on the visualbasic code found here, If i'm anything it's lazy ;)

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