Hey guys, I’m about to finish this piece for my portfolio, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. I’ve been working on it for quite a while, and I feel like I’m losing the ability to judge it objectively.

i'll add main reference that i've used for this artwork, but want to notice, that there was no goal to mimic it 1 to 1

Also, the render was made in marmoset using the ray tracing.
What do you think it's better for me to do? Optimise it properly? Show it in a real-time environment? Or maybe just make a suitable real-time lighting in marmoset and add it aswell, as a real-time demo of this piece?
If so, the player in a game level will never get very close to it, so if you're trying to demonstrate knowledge of game dev art constraints, then think about texel density for a level and how many pixels this part of the ceiling would get.
Or you could just show it as a standalone example of modeling ability, and describe briefly what your workflow was for it.
I don't know how you've done that, but your guess about the ceiling parts is absolutely right. Actually, it was created during an art challenge, so I was just aiming to make the best possible piece from a visual perspective. I've heard in some interviews that it's possible to adjust or teach someone the technical aspects, but it's much harder to make a person into a true artist with an artistic eye and so on.
That said, I got your point, and thank you for your valuable tips. I will definitely be more concerned about the purpose of my future work. I’ll aim not only to make it look good but also to ensure it has a real use case.