I have no clue whats going on but all of the sudden my UV view does not longer equal my viewport view (this worked fine an hour ago)
I only have ONE set of UV's
Yes, its the correct image in my texture node
yes, i'm using the UV's as a coordinate
No, my mapping is not altered
No dubbele verts
No flipped normals.
I have honestly no clue what I could be doing wrong..
I don't want to custom-unwrap again cus I already prepped so many maps in illustrator based on this uv unwrap.

For next time, it really helps to indicate the software and the version number, preferably in the subject line. That helps pull in people who might know the software, and a potential solution.
More on that: https://polycount.com/discussion/63361/information-about-polycount-new-member-introductions/p1#use