Hello guys! I'm looking for some advice about my folds topology, what should I change? Is it good enough? Cause I really don't understand how PERFECT topology (for game dev)

supposed to look like ( even tho I've watched a lot of references and tutorials
You could shift some of the "loops" of the upper arm towards the shoulder (but still retain enough to allow for internal/external rotation of the humerus).
The topology on the inside of the elbow could follow the folds even more so they can be skinned accordingly. Some people prefer a more regular distribution, ignoring the folds, but you seem to have enough polies available to follow the folds more closely. That said, this should be able to be skinned well enough, maybe looking a bit strange in places.
The outside of the elbow could use some more geometry.
Generally, you could model the fabric even more with the skinning/animation and other poses in mind. You seem to have done this to some extent, but e.g. the backside of the elbow could have even less bunching up (so it looks less strange when the arm is bent). Basically, you'll have to find a compromise leaning in either direction, there, unless you blend between normal maps. In the latter case, you probably want a more regular topology.